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(2017) TITLE UNKNOWN. thesis, Medicine.

Aa, D.C. van der (2021) Is there a role for surgery in patients with few or absent symptoms of stage IV colorectal cancer with unresectable metastases? thesis, Medicine.

Aa, P.J.P. van der (2021) The influence of tobacco use and alcohol consumption at time of diagnosis on recurrence and survival in patients treated for OSCC with curative intent. thesis, Medicine.

Aalders, W.S. (2016) Het effect van neurolyse bij ramus infrapatellaris neuropathie. thesis, Medicine.

Aalders, W.S. (2015) Het effect van neurolyse bij ramus infrapatellaris neuropathie. thesis, Medicine.

Aapkes, S.E (Sophie Elise) (2016) A dose dependent relationship between periodontitis and hypercoagulability: the Periodontitis Increases Risk of AcuteThrombotic Events (PIRATE) study : (An unplanned interim analysis). thesis, Medicine.

Aarts, B. (Brigit) (2015) Early post-transplantation hypophosphatemia and the risk of graft failure and cardiovascular mortality after kidney transplantation. thesis, Medicine.

Aartsen, V.E. (Vivian) (2017) Intra-articular injections of Orthokine reduce symptoms of painand disability in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis. thesis, Medicine.

Abdulrahman, H. (2016) Bone health in Zellweger spectrum disorders. thesis, Medicine.

Abu Al Makarem, M. (Mojah) (2017) Long-term clinical outcomes after reconstructive surgery in adults born with bladder exstrophy. thesis, Medicine.

Ackerman, R.G.S. (2017) Choice of Tibial Hardware affects Complications after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. thesis, Medicine.

Adema, M. (Marco) (2014) Validiteit en betrouwbaarheid van de Nederlandstalige versie van de International Hip Outcome Tool (iHOT-12NL). thesis, Medicine.

Afolabi, Adenike (2020) Treatment of patients with an incomplete evacuation after the initial treatment of abortion. Damnum occultatum. thesis, Medicine.

Afra, M. (Mona) (2018) NT-proBNP rises after living kidney donation: Implications for living kidney donor outcomes. thesis, Medicine.

Agterhuis, R. (Rolf) (2012) Gebruik van Fendrix® bij non-responders voor hepatitis B vaccinatie. thesis, Medicine.

Ahrens, P.R. (Philipp Robin) (2014) Can a minimally invasive HVAD implantation become the new gold standard in advanced heart failure treatment? thesis, Medicine.

Aken, E.S.M. van (2018) Risk of anterior circulation ischemic cerebrovascular events after curative (chemo)radiotherapy for head and neck cancer is associated with carotid artery radiation dose. thesis, Medicine.

Al, Ali (2013) The role of FDG PET-CT in the preoperative work up of colorectal liver metastases. thesis, Medicine.

Al Ali, L. (2015) Stratificatie van STEMI patiënten op basis van biomarkers. thesis, Medicine.

Al Khawtani, R.H.M. (Rayan) (2018) LDH levels and FDG-PET/CT metrics differentiate between mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. thesis, Medicine.

Al Nasser, M. (Maryem) (2013) Multiple approaches to image cell death. Study in an in vitro model of cisplatin-sensitive human testicular carcinoma. thesis, Medicine.

Al Tahaa, H.A.S. (2017) The Value of PDGFRA Immunohistochemistry (positive PDGFRA expression with dot-like pattern) and Histomorphology (epithelioid phenotype) for the Detection of PDGFRA Mutations in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs). thesis, Medicine.

Al-Saidi, A.M.A. (2016) A prospective cohort study on acute radiation-induced toxicity in the head and neck region : Development of normal tissue complication probability models. thesis, Medicine.

Al-Sarayfi, Diana (2022) Impact of intrathecal methotrexate prophylaxis on central nervous system relapse: a population-based study among patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Alagla, N. (2017) Effect of Selective Versus Non-selective α-Blockers on the Hemodynamic Stability in Patients with a Pheochromocytoma. thesis, Medicine.

Albek, J. (2012) Effecten van mindfulness training op kwaliteit van leven en het psychisch klachtenniveau van hulpverleners in de gezondheidszorg en onderliggend verklaringsmechanisme. thesis, Medicine.

Albers, I.S. (2014) Incidentie en prevalentie van tendinopathie van de onderste extremiteit onder de algemene bevolking. thesis, Medicine.

Albers, Maarit (2023) Optimaliseren van de RE-SAMPLE inclusie: ontbrekende gegevens in het EPD. thesis, Medicine.

Albert, Swenne (2024) Endoscopic Assessment in Preoperative Staging of Early Stage Colon Cancer is as Accurate as Conventional Radiological Evaluation: A Retrospective Analysis of Endoscopic Versus Radiological Assessment. thesis, Medicine.

Alberts, L. (Leonie) (2015) Changes in pulmonary function after stereotactic body radiotherapy and after surgery for stage I and II non-small-cell lung cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Albuainain, F. (Fatima) (2019) X-linked Hypophosphatemia in Children : A descriptive study in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Aldurayhim, Abbas (2020) Semen quality and semen cryopreservation in patients with testicular cancer at a tertiary academic center in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Alfares, B.A. (Bader) (2019) Portal vein anastomotic stenosis after liver transplantation in pediatrics: evaluation of the standard of care in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Alhelali, J. (Jehan) (2019) Transfer for acute stroke patients from primary to comprehensive stroke centers does not delay treatment or influence clinical outcome. thesis, Medicine.

Alhulaili, Zahraa Mahdi (2020) Risk factors and predictive scores of pancreatic fistula and other postoperative complications following pancreatoduodenectomy: A systematic review. thesis, Medicine.


Alizadeh Agdam, M.(Mehran) (2016) The advantages of high-frame-rate videos in fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. thesis, Medicine.

Alkema, A. (Anne) (2013) Therapeutisch paardrijden als interventie bij kinderen met cerebrale parese. Een pilot studie naar de inhoud en effecten van Horseback Riding Therapy. thesis, Medicine.

Alkhalaf, Zahraa (2020) Does knowledge as measured by the Dutch Radiology Progress Test increase productivity during radiology residency? thesis, Medicine.

Alkhmees, Mohammed (2020) 1 The clinical value of C-reactive protein test in children at different health care settings. thesis, Medicine.

Allersma, Ties E. (2024) Recurrences in Oropharyngeal Cancer and the role of Salvage Surgery: A single center experience of 572 patients over a 11-year period. thesis, Medicine.

Alma, H.J. (2014) Investigating the Minimal Clinically Important Difference of Health Status Instruments for Patients with COPD in Pulmonary Rehabilitation. thesis, Medicine.

Almatrood, R. (Rajaie) (2019) The Effect of Kynurenine Pathway on cognitive Function. thesis, Medicine.

Almotawa, A. (Abdullah) (2018) Childhood physical or sexual abuse and its long-term cognitive implications. thesis, Medicine.

Alnuwaysir, R. (Ridha) (2021) Beyond the cardiorenal anaemia syndrome: A comprehensive analysis of the additive burden of iron deficiency in heart failure patients. thesis, Medicine.

Alotaibi, Norah (2020) Diagnostic errors in clinical FDG-PET/CT scans: lessons learned. thesis, Medicine.

Alsabaan, N. (Najod) (2018) The effect of smoking on cardiac structure and function. thesis, Medicine.

Alsada, Z. (Zainab) (2019) Plasma PD-L1 is a suitable Diagnostic and Treatment Response Marker in Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. thesis, Medicine.

Alsagoor, Y. (Yasir) (2017) Validation of proteins found by proteomics to distinguish between germinal centers derived and activated B-cell type Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. thesis, Medicine.

Alsayyar, Manal (0202) Using a novel questionnaire-based approach to detect agerelated macular degeneration in Lifelines, a large-scale population-based cohort. thesis, Medicine.

Altena, Nynke (2020) Prevalentie, kenmerken en uitkomsten van voorkombare verwijzingen van ouderen naar de SEH: een observationele studie. thesis, Medicine.

Altink, L. (Liesbeth) (2012) Neuroendocriene tumoren: zeer hetrogeen! : Serummarker versus weefselmarker en de rol van digitale meting van de Ki-67 index. thesis, Medicine.

Amelink, M. (Merel) (2015) Neurocognitive Functioning in Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome and Associations with Prodromal Symptoms. thesis, Medicine.

Amerongen, C.A. van (Cynthia) (2017) Intra-Oral Condylectomy; evaluating Outcomes and Mandibular Function in Patients with Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia. thesis, Medicine.

Amerongen, T. van (Tessa) (2021) Long-term oncologic and functional outcomes of primary transoral surgery versus primary radiotherapy for early-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma A Retrospective Study of a Dutch Single Institution Cohort. thesis, Medicine.

Ampomah, I. (Isabella) (2017) Rehabilitation of Fine Motor Control in Musician’s Dystonia: Three Days Motor Training With Transcranial Direct CurrentStimulation. thesis, Medicine.

Anakotta, A.M. (2017) Nieuwe modellen voor het vooorspellen van bijwerkingen na radiotherapie in het hoofdhalsgebied. thesis, Medicine.

Ananias, Elisabeth F.M. (2012) Stoppen met cholesterol verlagende medicatie bij ouderen met diabetes mellitus type II: een cohort onderzoek naar de aard, omvang en gevolgen. thesis, Medicine.

Anderson, J. (Josephine) (2016) Investigating the potential relevance of SSADH-mediated GABA catabolism outside the CNS for metabolic disease. thesis, Medicine.

Andriessen, D.J.R.S. (2016) Evaluatie poortwachtersrol van de huisarts in de huidkankerzorg : een retrospectieve dwarsdoorsnede studie. thesis, Medicine.

Angelino, M.J. (2022) PDE3A and DDR2 might illuminate a path towards tumor-targeted imaging in gastro-intestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). thesis, Medicine.

Angremont, G. d' (Guido) (2014) Op zoek naar de effecten van sigarettenrook op de integriteit en permeabiliteit van darmepitheel. thesis, Medicine.

Anneveldt, K. (Kimberley) (2017) Multiparametrische MRI-sequenties geven inzicht in de morfologische karaktereigenschappen van myomen. thesis, Medicine.

Anrooij, Bjorn van (2012) CD30, mast cell load and the clinical presentation of mastocytosis. thesis, Medicine.

Ansari, Kiana (2012) Renal acid handling after donor nephrectomy. thesis, Medicine.

Ansems, S. (Sophie) (2017) The Natural History of Patent Ductus Arteriosus and the Effects of late Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure in Preterm Infants with severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. thesis, Medicine.

Ansing, G. (Gerdi) (2019) FKBP5 risk gene does not alter peripartum-associated changes in hypothalamic gene expression. thesis, Medicine.

Ante, M. (Marius) (2015) Long-term results after thoracic endovascular aortic repair in patients with thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. thesis, Medicine.


Apeldoorn, S. (2013) Duration of untreated psychosis: predictors and clinical consequences. thesis, Medicine.

Arar, Claude Edel (2022) Preparing for a new two-tier strategy in Newborn Screening for Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Follow-up biochemical confirmation of abnormal first-tier Next-Generation Sequencing results. thesis, Medicine.

Arjaans, S. (Sanne) (2014) The value of the combined ‘Clinical Worsening’ endpoint in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension. thesis, Medicine.

Arkel, J.J. (2017) Is de barthelindex bij IC-ontslag voorspellend voor functionele zelfstandigheid op de middellange termijn? thesis, Medicine.

Arling, J.H. (2018) Overschrijden van de 15 minuten norm wordt niet geassocieerd met een toename in de verstoring van de vitale functies van de patiënt. thesis, Medicine.

Arnold, J.F.H. (Jarinke) (2012) Pro-enkefaline A en de relatie met mortaliteit en kwaliteit van leven bij patiënten met type 2 diabetes mellitus. thesis, Medicine.

Arvidsson Kvissberg, M.E. (Matilda) (2016) Identification of severely malnourished children at high risk for death:. thesis, Medicine.

Atema, Kris (2022) Prediction model of clinical outcome after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with incorporated blood-based biomarkers. thesis, Medicine.

Atmosoerodjo, S. (Sawal) (2015) Being fit for surgery : Master Thesis - relation between preoperative fitness and perioperative outcome; feasibility and interim analysis. thesis, Medicine.

Atsma, Tjerk Jan (2020) Antagonistic regulation of PRC1.1 stability by the TRIM27/USP7 axis allows for molecular targeting of the leukemic epigenome. thesis, Medicine.

Aukema, T.W. (2020) Effects of STB™ wounddressing on nasal wound healing after radiofrequency coblation treatment of the inferior turbinates. A single center, single blind, randomized controlled trial. thesis, Medicine.

Austie, F.M.C. (2020) ZWOLSE SUGARBABIES Gebruik van orale glucose oplossing zorgt voor een grote reductie van intraveneuze glucosetoedieningen in het kader van neonatale hypoglycemie. thesis, Medicine.

Avest, M. ter (Milou) (2017) Metabolic syndrome after liver transplantation : Differences in the occurrence of metabolic syndrome between patients treated with a calcineurin inhibitor and patients treated with an mTOR inhibitor after liver transplantation. thesis, Medicine.

Azad, A. P. (2020) Physical Condition and Clinical Parameters in Adults with Moderate to Severe Asthma: A Cross-Sectional Study. thesis, Medicine.

BEIJERBACHT, PJOTR HIJMEN DIEDERIK (2024) The Impact of Lifestyle Factors on the Course of Depression: A Focus on Adults using SSRIs. thesis, Medicine.

Baardman, F. (Flip) (2014) Examining evidence for osmotically inactive sodium storage in critically ill patients. thesis, Medicine.

Baardman, R. (Rosalie) (2016) Prenatal screening and diagnosis for Down syndrome in the Northern Netherlands :developments and trends for the period 1981-2013. thesis, Medicine.

Baarsma, J.P. (Jan Pieter) (2017) A feasibility study of nasal high flow therapy in patients presenting with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructivepulmonary disease with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure. thesis, Medicine.

Baas, M. (Marjolein) (2014) Histologie van de lever vijf jaar na levertransplantatie bij kinderen, met als belangrijkste immunosuppressieve medicatie Tacrolimus. thesis, Medicine.

Baas, M.G. (2014) Do all patients with gestation diabetes mellitus need to be treated in hospitals? A comparison study between patients treated with and without adjuvant insulin therapy. thesis, Medicine.

Baas, W. (Wineke) (2017) HiSpA-2: De prevalentie van zelf-gerapporteerde klinische kenmerken van spondylartritis (SpA) in patiënten met Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). thesis, Medicine.

Baauw, M. (Marieke) (2012) Tremor in microsurgery : The influence of microsurgical experience and microsurgical training on tremor. thesis, Medicine.

Badawi, A.S. (2020) Dietary intake and gastrointestinal complaints in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: What does the gut say? thesis, Medicine.

Bae, K.E. (Ki Eun) (2020) Sexual functioning among premenopausal women with lichen sclerosus and aspect of communication and motivation for its treatment. A pilot study. thesis, Medicine.

Baekelandt, E.R.F. (Elisabeth) (2017) Barriers and Facilitators for Timely Linkage to HIV Care in Curaçao, and Recommendations for Targeted Public Health Interventions. thesis, Medicine.

Bak, J.C.G (2014) Uterusrupturen in het Medisch Spectrum Twente. Een onderdeel van de URTOL studie. thesis, Medicine.

Bakema, J.A. (2019) Using composite lifestyle phenotypes to gain insight in lifestyle behavior diabetes related parameters : an explorative study. thesis, Medicine.

Bakhsh, F.R. (Faisal) (2018) The Eliciting Dose Curves of Placebo Reactions During Milk and Peanut Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Food Challenges in Children. thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, J. (Joanne) (2017) The predictive value of left ventricular hypertrophy on ECG for cardiovascular outcome in the Thai population. thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, J.A. (2017) Predicting the primary origin of Cancer of Unknown Primary by using mRNA expression profiles and machine Learning. thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, L.I. (Liza) (2018) Heeft BMI invloed op gastro-intestinale klachten bij patiënten met morbide obesitas, voorafgaand aan een bariatrische ingreep? thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, Lotte (L.R.) (2024) The gait pattern of patients after an acetabular fracture - a comparison with healthy subjects. thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, M. (Myrna) (2015) De Invloed van Ashy Dermatose / Lichen Planus Pigmentosus op de Gezondheidsgerelateerde Kwaliteit van Leven. thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, Tjitske (2020) The predictive value of geriatric screening compared to performance status assessment by a clinician on unwanted treatment outcomes in older patients with cancer An observational cohort study. thesis, Medicine.

Bakker, W.J. (Wouter) (2017) Athletes with inguinal disruption benefit from endoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair. thesis, Medicine.

Balder, J.W. (Jan-Willem) (2014) The use of LDL-c lowering drugs in general population and a future for HDL therapy. thesis, Medicine.

Balieva, I. (Irina) (2019) Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy: A 1-Year retrospective review of management during pregnancy and maternal and neonatal outcomes from a tertiary hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. thesis, Medicine.


Balukova, S.M. ( Sonya) (2014) Does CRP Predict Outcome in Bipolar Disorder? thesis, Medicine.

Balvers, K. (Kirsten) (2013) MRI als voorspellende diagnostiek voor angiogenese bij vasculaire malformaties. thesis, Medicine.

Bangma, A. (Amber) (2019) Pharmacogenetic profiling in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. thesis, Medicine.

Banierink, E.G.M. (2016) Factoren die cardiovasculaire complicaties voorspellen bij primaire preventie van patiënten met hypertensie in de huisartsenpraktijk. thesis, Medicine.

Banierink, H. (Hester) (2017) Long-term outcome after pelvic and acetabular fractures : Does age matter? thesis, Medicine.

Banning, L.B.D. (Wiesje) (2017) Frailty changes over time in vascular surgery patients. thesis, Medicine.

Bantan, G. (Ghofran) (2019) The impact of the implementation of the new Dutch national guideline for the prevention and treatment of early-onset neonatal sepsis (EOS) on sepsis recognition and antibiotic reduction: A descriptive,retrospective study. thesis, Medicine.

Banus, M. (Marlieke) (2016) Developing Control Algorithms of a Voluntary Cough for an Artificial Bioengineered Larynx Using Surface Electromyography of Chest Muscles. thesis, Medicine.

Bardi, F. (Francesca) (2017) Prenatal screening for congenital abnormalities: role of the 13 week scan. thesis, Medicine.

Barendrecht, B.W. (2016) De relatie tussen de toename van het perifeer weefsel oedeem door vloeistoftherapie en de afname van de microcirculatoire vaatoppervlakte in intensive care patiënten. thesis, Medicine.

Barendregt, L.D.J. (2012) Influence of media attention on the physical functioning in patients with M-o-M hip resurfacing arthroplasties. thesis, Medicine.

Basahih, Alyazaid (2020) 1 The Prevalence of Abdominal Complaints in Patients with Severe Psychiatric Disorders. thesis, Medicine.

Basazemajja, P.P. (Peter Paul) (2018) No quantification cycle (Cq) differentiates colonization from infection in the diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia using the real-time PCR technique. thesis, Medicine.

Basous, S. (2014) Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in treatment of heart failure: Performance of transvenous leads versus epicardial leads. thesis, Medicine.

Basten Batenburg, M. van (Michiel) (2016) Low-dose antibiotic cement rods in the treatment of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the tibia:an analysis of eighteen consecutive cases. thesis, Medicine.

Bastiaansen, M.A.J. (2017) T cell phenotype in end-stage renal disease patients. thesis, Medicine.

Bavinck, P. (Pavien) (2019) The clinical effect of early urinary catheter replacement among adults with urinary tract infection. thesis, Medicine.

Bax, Sara Marie (2020) Inhibition of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) in Mammary Residual Tumor Cells. thesis, Medicine.

Becherer, B. (Babette) (2016) Prevalence of Psychiatric Comorbidities among Women Undergoing Autologous Breast Reconstruction. thesis, Medicine.

Beck, L. (Lara) (2017) De invloed van zwangerschapscholestase en de behandeling met Ursochol op deverhouding van macrofagen subset M1 en M2 en de TGR5 receptor. thesis, Medicine.

Becker, J. (Jan-Niklas) (2019) Can neck MRI also be used to assess skeletal muscle mass (SMM) in head and neck cancer patients? :Correlation and agreement of SMM in MRI and CT of the neck. thesis, Medicine.

Beckers, M. (Milan) (2012) Diepe hersenstimulatie en (sub)thalamotomie bij tremoren: een retrospectieve vergelijking van de verschillende targets. thesis, Medicine.

Becking, K. (Karlijn) (2013) Inflammatie als marker voor de aanwezigheid en het ontstaan van manische symptomen in patiënten met een unipolaire depressie. thesis, Medicine.

Beekhuis-Heerema, M.T. (2015) Het succes van een fasciotomie bij het inspanningsgebonden compartimentsyndroom en de relatie met een dynamische drukmeting. thesis, Medicine.

Been, D. (2018) Farmacologische interactie tussen dexmedetomidine en remifentanil. thesis, Medicine.

Beeres, M.H (2020) The development of a deep learning computeraided detection system to detect Barrett neoplasia using videos. thesis, Medicine.

Beerstra, T. (Tessa) (2014) Heritability and associations of back pain in adolescents: A twin family case-control study of lifetime prevalence of chronic low back pain and one-month prevalence of thoracolumbar back pain. thesis, Medicine.

Beesems, G. (Geerte) (2016) Changes in the Gut Mycome and Microbiome during Necrotizing Enterocolitis-like Murine Intestinal Injury. thesis, Medicine.

Beijaert, R. (Ronne) (2014) Mind-wandering in relation to meditation. thesis, Medicine.

Beijderwellen, Emma (2020) Evaluation of traditional and non traditional risk factors as predictive values for a positive acetylcholine provocation test in patients with Ischemia and No Obstructive Coronary Artery disease (INOCA) A Retrospective, observational cohort study. thesis, Medicine.

Bekendam, R.H. (2014) Characterization of novel inhibitors of thiol isomerases. thesis, Medicine.

Bekhuis, E. (Ella) (2014) The network structure of depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. thesis, Medicine.

Bekkedam, L. (Lindsey) (2014) De voetzool- en voetgrijpreactie bij zuigelingen met een hoog risico op cerebrale parese. thesis, Medicine.

Bekkum, M. van (2014) Triage van kinderen op de Spoedeisende Hulp: de Pediatric Early Warning Score als triagesysteem? thesis, Medicine.

Beks, R. (Reinier) (2015) Factors Associated with Adverse Events after Distal Biceps Tendon Surgery. thesis, Medicine.

Bel, Ilse (2020) Het verbeteren van astmacontrole bij kinderen met ongecontroleerd astma door middel van directe feedback op inhalatietechniek en therapietrouw. thesis, Medicine.

Beldman, M.M. (2014) An antifouling and biofilm inhibiting PLGA coating for biomaterials using inulin incorporated DNase I and gentamicin. thesis, Medicine.

Belinfante, E. (Esya) (2014) Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetic Pregnancy: 24 hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring vs. Conventional Office Measurement. thesis, Medicine.

Bellaar Spruyt, J.A. (2012) Retrospectieve kwaliteitsanalyse van de radicale cystectomieën bij patiënten met een blaascarcinoom. thesis, Medicine.

Bemmel, P. van (Peter) (2017) Prevalence and identification of central pain features in rheumatology. thesis, Medicine.

Benedictus, M. (Marije) (2014) The influence of work characteristics on work ability in patients after total hip or knee arthroplasty. thesis, Medicine.

Benedictus, R. (2012) Guideline Adherence 'meniscusstraat' : assessment of the adherence to the Dutch guideline for arthroscopy of the knee joint at the 'meniscusstraat' of the University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Bensi, E.A.B. (Elena) (2021) Helicopter based search and rescue operations in the Dutch Caribbean: a retrospective analysis. thesis, Medicine.

Bensink, M. (Milou) (2018) Mild neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy : The relationship between survival of striatal neuronal phenotypes and epileptiform transients in the latent phase after asphyxia in near-term fetal sheep. thesis, Medicine.

Bent, F. van der (Fleur) (2014) Cell type specificity of progesterone action in the normal human breast and in breast cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Bentem, H. van (Han) (2015) Kinetic changes with fatigue and relationship to running related injuries(RRI) in female runners: a pilot study. thesis, Medicine.

Benthem, K.L. van (Karlijn) (2018) The Influence of Maternal Obesity on Macrophage Subsets and Macrophage Angiogenesis Factors in the Human Decidua. thesis, Medicine.

Bentum, R. van (Renée) (2016) The effects of blocking Kv1.3 potassium channels by ShK-186 on dysfunctional regulatory T cells in granulomatosis with polyangiitis in vitro. thesis, Medicine.

Berends, M.A. (2012) Een retrospectieve en gerandomiseerde prospectieve vergelijking van autologe arterioveneuze fistel complicaties tussen de buttonhole- en de rope-ladder/area aanpriktechniek bij hemodialysepatiënten. thesis, Medicine.

Berends, Milou (2024) Multi gene panel analysis has limited additional value compared to transthyretin gene analysis only in patients with suspected cardiac amyloidosis. thesis, Medicine.

Berenschot, D.S. (2013) Ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument voor zorgzwaarte bij patiënten met een totale heupprothese op de afdeling Orthopedie. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, E.H. van den (2013) Position and functioning of the colon stent. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, J.J.G. van den (2016) Pilot study to examine the feasibility and patients opinions of providing patients in an Asthma/COPD service with their own medical records. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, J.P. van den (2013) Near-infrared spectroscopy measured cerebral tissue and thenar muscle oxygen saturation poorly correlate with central venous oxygen saturation during heart surgery. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, L.L. van den (Liseth) (2014) Surgery versus stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in patients with stage I and II non-small-cell lung cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, M. van den (Marthe) (2019) The incidence of venous thromboembolism reported in hospitals in New Zealand and the contribution of lower limb immobilisation to the rate of VTE : An observational cohort study using retrospectively collected data from the Ministry of Health of New Zeal. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, R. van der (Riemke) (2013) ‘De prevalentie van pijn bij kanker en de kwaliteit van de pijnbehandeling bij oncologische patiënten in het Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden’. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, T.V. van den (2019) Chronic dizziness and its associated factors: type-D personality, chronic hyperventilation, depression and anxiety disorder. thesis, Medicine.

Berge, J.H.A. ten (Joris) (2019) De educatieve waarde van het dagelijks generaal rapport. thesis, Medicine.

Berge, M.J.C. van den (2014) Development and psychometric testing of a health-related quality of life instrument for patients undergoing endoscopic endonasal surgery: the Groninger Endocopic Endonasal Surgery Questionnaire. thesis, Medicine.

Bergeijk, K.H. van (2020) Left Atrial Strain as a predictor of clinical outcome after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: a promising approach. thesis, Medicine.

Bergen, R. van (Rik) (2018) The utility of Gram stain for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in the emergency department. thesis, Medicine.

Berger, G. (Gerbrig) (2013) Molecular regulation of normal and leukemic hematopoietic cells by CITED2. thesis, Medicine.

Berghuis, E.J.J.M. (2016) Parkinson’s KinetiGraph: Are motor fluctuations in Parkinson disease correlated with disease duration? thesis, Medicine.

Berghuis, M. (Marieke) (2016) Ashy Dermatose - de histopathologische inter-observer correlatie. thesis, Medicine.

Berghuis, S.A. (2012) Prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and their hydroxylated metabolitesis associated with the quality of motor repertoire in three-month-old infants. thesis, Medicine.

Berghuizen, M.A. (Marlouk) (2013) Vooringenomenheid van kinderartsen bij de beoordeling van dubbelblinde placebogecontroleerde voedselprovocaties:Een gerandomiseerde trial. thesis, Medicine.

Bergsma, A. (Anke) (2021) Oxidative stRess drIver Of male iNfertility: the ORION study. thesis, Medicine.

Bergstra, J. (Jildou) (2016) Evaluatie van diagnostiek en behandeling bij diabetes gravidarum en identificatie van risicogroepen met een verhoogde kans op insulinetherapie. thesis, Medicine.

Berings, B. (Bodil) (2018) The incidence and management of neonatal hypoglycaemia in “healthy” neonates considered at risk. thesis, Medicine.

Berkel, A.E.M. (Annefleur) (2013) Postoperatieve morbiditeit en tumorregressie na neoadjuvante chemoradiatie gevolgd door rectumresectie bij locally advanced rectumcarcinoom. thesis, Medicine.

Berkel, C.M. van (2016) het bouwen en valideren van een opstelling om de contrastgevoeligheid bij hoge lichtniveaus te meten : Een pilotstudy. thesis, Medicine.

Berkel, D.G.M. (2014) Onderzoek naar diagnostiek en beleid bij bijnierincidentalomen, subklinisch hypercortisolisme en adrenocorticale carcinomen. thesis, Medicine.

Berkel, R.J. van (2014) Consequences of Uveitis in Childhood: an Evaluation of Physical Fitness, Physical Activity, Quality of Life and Fatigue. thesis, Medicine.

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This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 22:39:37 2025 CET.