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Faculty of Medical Sciences

De mate van lichamelijke activiteit vergeleken tussen vrouwen behandeld voor borstkanker en een controlegroep.

Kley, J.P.H. van der (2014) De mate van lichamelijke activiteit vergeleken tussen vrouwen behandeld voor borstkanker en een controlegroep. thesis, Medicine.

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Introduction. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Due to an increased incidence and increased survival after breast cancer, the number of women with breast cancer in the history increased in recent decades in the Netherlands. They have an increased risk of acute, chronic and late effects of the disease and/or prior therapies. Physical activity after the diagnosis of breast cancer is in both the short- and long-term associated with improved health, reduced risk of recurrence and lower mortality. In this study, the level of physical activity among women with a history of breast cancer is measured and compared to women without a history of cancer. Materials and methods. First, a literature study on the level of physical activity after breast cancer was conducted. Subsequently, a cross-sectional study was conducted in which using the SQUASH-questionnaire, the percentage of women has been calculated that meets the Dutch standard for healthy exercise (Nederlandse Norm Gezond Bewegen (NNGB)). This is compared between women treated for breast cancer at least 5 years ago (patients) and an at the age and general practice matched control group of women without a history of cancer (controls). The same comparison was made between patients treated with chemotherapy and patients treated with radiotherapy. Also, the relationship between meeting the NNGB by patients and the variables age, smoking, alcohol consumption and Body Mass Index (BMI) was measured. Results. In the literature, a minority of about 20 to 45% of patients appear to meet the recommended standard for physical activity. The study results vary widely on a difference with the controls. In the long term, there seems to be no significant relationship between the level of physical activity and chemo- or radiotherapy. There is strong evidence for a negative relationship between both the age and the Body Mass Index and the level of physical activity of patients. In the cross-sectional study 67.6% of both patients (N = 37) and matched controls (N = 37) meet the NNGB. So there is no difference between the two groups (p-value: 1.00). Of the mutually matched patients treated with chemotherapy (N = 24) and radiotherapy (N = 24) 70.8% and 62.5% meet the NNGB respectively. This difference is not significant (p-value: 0.54). There appears to be no significant relationship between meeting the NNGB by patients (N = 48) and the variables age, smoking, alcohol consumption and BMI. Discussion and conclusion. A relatively large proportion of women with breast cancer in the history does not seem to meet the recommended level of physical activity. The study results vary widely on a difference with the controls. The level of physical activity in the long term does not appear to differ significantly after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In the short term, the study results vary widely. To reach a higher level of physical activity among women with breast cancer in history, they might be encouraged by health care professionals to be sufficiently physically active and to maintain this on the long-term. Possibly there should be payed more attention with this to women with an advanced age and/or a higher Body Mass Index.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Supervisor name: Berendsen, mw. dr. A.J.
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 11:03
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2020 11:03

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