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May 0017
Haren, M. van (Martijn) (0017) A Single Bout of Exercise Improves Visual Motor Learning in Healthy Older Adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Assen, B.J.H. (Barry) (2008) The effects of pressure and fatigue on novice athletes performance and behavior in a basketball free-throw task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Besseler, M. (Malou) (2008) The effects of provision of correct and incorrect routine information on anticipation in artistic gymnastics judging. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Boeke, J. (Just) (2008) The association between fundamental motor skills, physical activity and levels of body fat in regular school- aged children. Is there a mediating effect of physical activity? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bolt, L. (Linda) (2008) The test-retest reliability of physical tests in demented elderly. The F/CS/T-4 scale, the Figure of Eight, the Timed Up & Go and grip strength. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bonke, W. (Wouter) (2008) Session-RPE, duration and load in young elite soccer training: a comparison of ratings by players and coaches. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Borgemeester, R.W.K. (Robbert) (2008) Investigating the Relation between Kinetic Variables and Running Experience: Results of a Pilot Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Borghuis, A.J. (Jan) (2008) Core Muscle Response Times and Balance Performance in Soccer Players and Sedentary Subjects. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dontje, M.L. (Manon) (2008) Hand motor function and cognition in normal aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ezendam, D. (Danielle) (2008) Discovering mechanisms underlying mirror therapy using a mirror box and a novel tool. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lemmink, K.A.P.M. (2008) Objectively measuring on-ball match performance in soccer. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Luning, H. (Helga) (2008) A Randomized Clinical Trial on the Effects of Walking on Gait in Older People with Dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Luttikhuizen, E.C. (2008) Do you enjoy sport? The relation between personal characteristics and sport participation among adolescents. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ottenheijm, S. (Stefan) (2008) Towards a Holistic, Systems-Oriented Perspective on Sports. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Peterson Snoeck, D. (Dominique) (2008) Reliable or not? The test-retest reliability of the Timed Up and Go (TUG), the 6 metre walk test, the Sit to Stand test (STS) and grip strength in older people with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Quinten, S.M. (Sussan) (2008) Pain, cognition, and ADL in Huntington's Disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ruis, H.C. (2008) Motor imagery ability: recovery of moto imagery ability in stroke patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Snijders, J. (2008) Neurodevelopmental outcome after IVF: a comparison between children born after two types of IVF and a control group. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wildekamp, A. (Anne) (2008) Static balance performance in children with developmental coordination disorder, children with reading disabilitities, and children with both developmental coordinationd disorder and reading disabilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Zutphen, L. van (Linda) (2008) The relationship between mastication ability and cognition in older 'people with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Aalbers, T. (2009) The feasibility of a physical intervention to improve working memory in people with Down's syndrome and (a suspicion of) Alzheimer's Disease. A pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Aspeling, W.E.C. (2009) Behavioural change determinants and long term effects of GALM participation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bulle, E.R. (2009) Psychometric evaluation of the Pre-School CAPE for children with and without physical disabilities. Test-retest reliability and construct validity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ettes, M.R. (2009) Monitoring Physiological Stress and Recovery, Psychosocial Stress and Recovery and Physiological Capacity in Elite Dutch Speed Skating. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Grefelman, S.N. (Sharina) (2009) The feasibility of a physical intervention study for the improvement of the rest-activity rhythm in persons with Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Groot, W. de (2009) Gross Motor Skills and Working Memory in 7- to 9-year-old Boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hal, E. van (Esar) (2009) Design of a new type of bar mechanism to improve prosthetic walking in the frontal plane. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hannawi, N. (Nansi) (2009) GALM on the long term. Long term effects (6-9 years) of the Groningen Active Living Model (GALM) on physical fitness outcomes in adults aged 55 years and older. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Heer, U. de (Uulkje) (2009) Early intervention in infants at risk for developmental disorders: Possible carry-over effects to an activity of daily living (ADL). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hendriks, V. (Vincent) (2009) Validation of accelerometry based activity monitoring in the home situation of elderly and Parkinson patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoek, J. van den (Joëlle) (2009) Training of chronic stroke patients in the gait rehabilitation device lopes. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Holtman, G.A. (2009) Validity of the DCDDaily: a Measuring Instrument for Activities of Daily Living for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Huls, K. (Kirsten) (2009) Detecting perturbed steps with an ambulatory method. And a comparison with a laboratory method. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jong, I.G.M. de (Ingrid) (2009) The reliability of the DCDDaily: an instrument for the assessment of Activities of Daily Living for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jorna, C.H. (Casper) (2009) Development of adolescent talented football players: Is self-regulation related to improvement of performance? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kars, H.J.J. (Cojanne) (2009) The effect of soleplate stiffness of an ankle-foot orthosis on the toe-off phase during walking in healthy people. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kloosterman, M. (Marieke) (2009) Influence of gravity compensation on kinematics and muscle activation patterns during reach and retrieval in cervical spinal cord injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lahr, M. (Maarten) (2009) 'Combined clinical and home-based rehabilitation for stroke patients': a pilot study to evaluate which category of stroke patients benefits most from this intervention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meesters, M. (Marije) (2009) The Effect of a Motor Intervention on Ball Skill Performance of Children with Learning Disabilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nieuwenhuis, M. (Maartje) (2009) Discriminating Chronic Heart Failure in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nijboer, A.M.J. (Albertina Maria Jaruska) (2009) Children with Learning Disabilities Participate Less in Sports, and Experience Less Role Modelling and Support in Sports from Their Parents than Typically Developing Children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Norel, J. van (Jan) (2009) Age related differences in the gaze and movement behavior of young soccer players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Otten, K. (Kars) (2009) The Relationship between Cognitive Function and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Institutionalized Older Adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Pannekoek, L. (2009) The validity of the DCDQ-2007 as a screening measure for DCD in adolescents. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ploeger, H.E. (Hilde) (2009) Inflammatory and growth factor responses to continuous and intermittent exercise in youth with Crohn's disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Postma, M. (Marijke) (2009) Physical activity and psychopathology in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Romkema, S. (Sietske) (2009) Influence of Optical Acceleration on Initiation Times in Catching Fly Balls. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schurink, J. (Joyce) (2009) Relationship between motor skill performance and executive functioning in elementary school children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sijtsma, A. (Anna) (2009) The ability of general movements to predict motor function at school age in healthy, term born children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Statema, M. (Monique) (2009) Huntington's disease; Painless or Painful? Pain and Cognition in Huntington 's disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Teunissen, A. (Anoek) (2009) Assessment of voluntary activation, atrophy, fatigability and contralateral associated contractions of the first dorsal interosseous muscle after incomplete cervical spinal cord injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Weerd, G.H. van de (2009) Cognitive capacity in 6- and 7-year-old children with Cerebral Palsy description for subgroups and the relationship with daily activity performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Weg, T. van der (Tetske) (2009) Eccentric Training of the Supraspinatus Tendon in Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: design of a randomized controlled trial. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wittingen, H.P. (2009) Hand-motor function and cognition in aging, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wouters, M. (Marieke) (2009) Health gain in overweighed people with intellectual disability after a 12-week lifestyle intervention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ballering, A. (Anne) (2010) The relation between psychological factors and the incidence of injuries in team handball players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Belt, S.M. van den (Sander) (2010) Somatosensory thresholds in patellar tendinopathy. Using Quantitative Sensory Testing on chronic patellar tendinopathy patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Blikman, L.J.M. (2010) The relation between striatal dopaminergic activity (F-DOPA-PET), UPDRS and movement parameters derived from functional tests in patients with Parkinsonism. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bouma, S.M. (2010) Compound movements reaching and grasping during walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Claassen, A.A.O.M. (2010) Participation in children with cerebral palsy: relationships with factors in early development. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Diephuis, F. (Floortje) (2010) The influence of executive dysfunctioning on performance of ADL in AD patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Doornbos, P. (Peter) (2010) Reliability of the DCDDaily: A new instrument for assessment of daily motor activities in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Draaijer, M. (Maaike) (2010) Determinants of other-efficacy in soccer. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Epema, U. (Uti) (2010) Natural learning processes while learning to use a body-powered voluntary closing prosthesis simulator. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Etman, A. (Astrid) (2010) Detecting age by gender subgroups at high risk of falls injuries when comparing two measures: Falls injury Incidence and FARE (Falls risk by Exposure). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Gjaltema, W.A. (2010) Monitoring the effect of different intervention methods for Stringhalt in horses; an exploratory case study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Govaarts, I. (Ivo) (2010) Passing velocity and passing opportunities of soccer players during a match. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Greeff, J.W. de (2010) Explaining the characteristics for speed skating: Multidimensional performance approach for talented youth speed skaters. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Grob, A. (2010) The efficacy of shoes and ankle foot orthoses ( AFO' s) on gait kinematics and kinetics in children with low lumbar and sacral spina bifida (SB). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Heijmerikx, J (2010) The effects of affordances on the performance of pass kicks in a representative soccer environment. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Heijs, S. (Siegard) (2010) Psychometric properties of the Developmental Coordination Disorder Daily Questionnaire as an instrument for identification of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hermans, J. (Jessica) (2010) Visual dominance, more than proprioception? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hofman, M. (Marianne) (2010) Physical activity in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: validity and reliability of physical activity questionnaires and associations with clinical outcome. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hunen, M.S. van (2010) Associations between Actual and Perceived Motor Competence and physical fitness in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
IJmker, T. (Trienke) (2010) Gait and cognition: The relationship between executive function and gait variability in persons with and without dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jansen, C.K. (2010) The relationship between gross motor skills and academic achievement in 7- to 11-year-old children with learning disorders. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jarman, S. (Shirley) (2010) The relationship between walking speed and stability. Comparing amputees with controls. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jong, M. de (Mark) (2010) Being there faster, every time: The development of Repeated Sprint Ability in talented youth basketball players aged 12-19. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kosse, N.M. (Nienke) (2010) Exergaming: Interactive balance training in healthy community-dwelling older adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kregel, J. (Jeroen) (2010) Diagnostic criteria for Patellar Tendinopathy using Pressure-Pain Threshold algometry and the VISA-P. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meerhoff, G.A. (2010) The discriminant validity of theM-ABC 2's cut-off criteria. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nieuwhof, F. (Freek) (2010) Effects of an eight-week combined aerobic and anaerobic exercise intervention on cognition and physical functioning in institutionalized elderly with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nijboer, K. (Karlijn) (2010) The influence of number of players and pitch size on intensity of training games in team handball. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oudenampsen, C. (Chantal) (2010) The relationship between participation in physical activities during leisure-time and aerobic fitness in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and typically developing children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Overkamp, I. (Ilse) (2010) Comparison between the childhood health assessment questionnaire (CHAQ) and the CHAQ38 with the childhood myositis assessment scale (CMAS) in children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Pijpers, E.J. (2010) Duration and intensity of walking activities and gait training in stroke patients and healthy subjects. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Regterschot, G.R.H. (2010) The acute effects of passive WBS on cognition and physiological parameters in healthy young adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Smits, E.J. (Esther) (2010) Muscle synergies in a rod-pointing task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Spruijt, S. (2010) Muscle synergies in reaching movements after stroke. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Steen, M.C. van der (Maria Christine) (2010) Joint angle variability to control the end-effector in tool use: uncontrolled manifold analysis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Steenvoort, B. (Bente) (2010) On glasses and plates, and the benefits on consumption intake in adults with Intellectual Disabilities and their caregivers. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Strik, E.M. (2010) Neuromotor Task Training for children with Specific Language Impairment with Developmental Coordination Disorder and deaf children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Swaagman, M. (Martijn) (2010) Properties of passing patterns in basketball - application of network analysis on player interactions. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tijs, C. (2010) Influence of stance width and step frequency on gait initiation in healthy young adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Timmerman, J.G. (Josien) (2010) Exercise for 'Behavioral and Psychological symptoms of dementia'. A pilot study to examine the effects of exercise on BPSD and the role of cognition in institutionalized elderly with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tjan, F. (Roy) (2010) The 'Off-Center Effect' in the Association Football Penalty-Kick Different Gaze Strategies in Perceiving the Imperceptible. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vernooij, C. (Carlijn) (2010) Arm and shoulder muscle synergies when learning a simulated stone flaking task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Verwer, J.H. (2010) "Walking with a vision". The feasibility of a physical training program to improve visual memory in seniors with Down's syndrome and suspicion of Alzheimer's disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, C. de (Christian) (2010) The differences on self-regulation, goal orientation and technical skills between young top and sub-top soccer players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Werven, R. van (Rachel) (2010) What information from the peripheral visual field is used during walking through a complex environment? R. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Benjamins, E. (Eric) (2011) Human route selection: Relation between selected environmental variables and route preference. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bielderman, A. (Annemiek) (2011) Participation in strength training programs in older adults with dementia : Strategies to improve motivation and participation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brouwer, A.J. de (Anouk) (2011) The effects of antiphase crew rowing on rowing performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Disseldorp, L.M. (2011) Functional independence in Dutch pediatric patients with burns. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Eijgelaar, P.N. (2011) Differences in head orientation between girls with and girls without idiopathic scoliosis in conditions with sensory conflicts. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Feenstra, M. (2011) Determinants of the willingness of grown ups with congenitalheart disease (GUCH) to participate in a tailor-made, individualized exercise program. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Fiechter, H. (Henrieke) (2011) Interrelations between physiological match characteristics, field tests and laboratory tests in youth elite basketball players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Groot, M. de (Maartje) (2011) The influnece of vertebral fractures and thoracic kyphosis on variability and stability of walking among geriatric patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hengel, E.J. van der (Erik) (2011) Workers and sick-listed people with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain: Physical activity level and pattern, psychosocial and pain-related characteristics, and experiences. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoogwerf, M.P. (2011) Effects on physiological capacity after a 7-week hand cycling training program:Are the improvements local and/or central? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kerkhof, F. (Faes) (2011) Fatigue during Hand Cycling in Men and Women : The role of central & peripheral fatigue in hand cycling: practical training implications. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kluitenberg, B. (Bas) (2011) Comparison of vertical ground reaction force parameters during overground and treadmill running. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mars, M.J. (2011) Efficacy of a balance training program for elderly after a total hip replacement. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meerhoff, L.R.A. (Rens) (2011) Interpersonal coordination in a basketball-related task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meijer, H. (Hester) (2011) Exploring the relation between sleep movement behavior and sleep quality. A pilot study investigating sleep movement behavior in older adults and Parkinson patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Noordam, A.S.W. (2011) The role of embodied cognition in the explanation and treatment of phantom limb pain. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oeveren, B.T. van (2011) Does klapskate hinge position affect acceleration in speed skating? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oppewal, A. (Alyt) (2011) The effect of a short high frequency aerobic and strength exercise program ADL functioning in institutionalized older people with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Papegaaij, S. (2011) Keeping your balance while balancing a cylinder: two control ntechanisnts working together to reach the same goal. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Plaats, J. van der (Jorrit) (2011) Manipulating Spatial and Temporal Task Constraints in Small Sided soccer games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Prins, D.R. (Daniel) (2011) The Relationship Between the Development of Motor Performance and Executive Functioning in Children with Learning Disabilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Roos, I. de (Ilse) (2011) The role of psychological factors in talent development. Towards an integrative model in speed skating. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ruijs, S. (Suzette) (2011) Physical capacity, physical activity, fatigue, and functional capacity in adults with cerebral palsy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schot, I.L.M. (2011) Using virtual reality in patient with an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schottert, B. (Bas) (2011) Differences in soccer-specific skills between elite and sub-elite youth soccer players: a view over nine years. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schreurs, S. (2011) Video-observation protocol to classify actions of occupational and physical therapists during the interventions of the LEARN 2 MOVE 2-3 study: evaluation of the intra observer reliability, inter observer reliability and feasibility. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sijtsma, B.C.T. (2011) Effect of pacing strategy on hand cycle performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Smid, K.A. (2011) Step targets in precision stepping are coded in gaze centered coordinates. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Terpstra, W. (2011) The effect of added inertia to the pelvis during walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Timmermans, E.J. (2011) Emotions in Sports: The Effects of Transference Type and Context on Emotion Elicitation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Urbanus, B. (Bram) (2011) Feasibility and effects of a 12-week exercise program on the rest-activity rhythm of seniors with Down Syndrome and preclinical Alzheimer's Disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vlijm, I. (Irma) (2011) Reliability and relations of step parameters, variability and stability dufing walking in healthy elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, A. de (Astrid) (2011) Predictors of decreased motor imagery ability in stroke patients: a first glance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Weijgers, K.S. (Karin) (2011) Mechanical Efficiency in Cycling in Adults with Cerebral Palsy: Reliability, Training Effects and Factors Affecting ME. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Welman, Y. (Yvet) (2011) Is there a difference between Capacity and Performance in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and Typical Developing children? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Werven, P.M. van (2011) Do elite youth gymnasts distinguish themselves by their personality? Personality traits of elite and non-elite youth gymnasts. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Akkerman, Y. (Yvonne) (2012) Road -crossing behaviour of healthy older drivers and older drivers with Parkinson's disease : Results from an interactive driving simulator study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Aldershof, S.H. (Sabine) (2012) Is variability in training load related to performance increase in elite rowers? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Alingh, R. (Rolinde) (2012) The Added Value of an Exergaming Component in Executing a Balance Task on a Wobble Board for bothYoung Adults and Elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Amersfoort, A. (Anneli) (2012) Juvenile dermatomyositis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Barsingerhorn, A.D. (2012) Measuring action capabilities of volleyball players during service receptions. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bisschop, M.M.M. (2012) Changes in motor control after ACL reconstruction: an observational study, using virtual reality. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Borgesius, E.C. (2012) Gross Mechanical Efficiency of the Arm-leg Cruiser ergometer in healthy male and female subjects. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brandenbarg, D. (Daan) (2012) The size of the spatiotemporal buffer used in feedforward visual control is set in spatial rather than temporal units. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brands, K. (Kim) (2012) Specific requirements for a fall prevention device from the perspective of the caregivers in their care setting. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Buist, F. (Frank) (2012) Specialization in field hockey: comparing early- -and regular specializersin motivation, goal orientation and self-regulation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Campschroer, G. (Gaby) (2012) Internal responsiveness of the Repeated Modified Agility Test and its relationship with agility match performance in elite male volleyball players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dallinga, J.M. (2012) Screening tools that can predict ankle sprain and knee injury in team sports. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dekker, M. (Marlies) (2012) Is there an effect of level of cardiorespiratory fitness on academic achievement and executive functioning in Dutch primary school children? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dijkstra, M. (Michel) (2012) Exploring Empathy and Emotional Contagion in Football. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dollen, M.J. (2012) Connecting Culture and Coping comparing individual and teams from Australia and the Netherlands. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Domburg, R. (Rosa) (2012) The effects of integrated resistance training with cognitive training on executive functions in elderly with mildcognitive impairment or mild dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Douwstra, M.E. (2012) Participation restrictions in former Buruli Ulcer patients in Ghana (West-Africa)and the relation of those restrictions with functional limitations and stigma. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Gilat, M. (Moran) (2012) Modeling Stride Time and Stride Length Variability with a Virtual Reality Paradigm in Parkinson's Disease patients with and without Freezing of Gait. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Heitbrink, M. (Marthe) (2012) Coping and anxiety in gymnastics: a comparison between Australia and the Netherlands. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hollak, N. (2012) Matching physical work load with functional capacity in healthy workers. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoog Antink, T.J. (2012) The influence of physical capacity and wheelchair skill performance on upper-body pain in people aging with a Spinal Cord Injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoogendoorn, I. (2012) Inertial sensor based analysis of stair walking strategies, in young healthy adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoogland, J.F. (2012) Sit-to-stand performance derived from a sensor based approach during a home based exerciseprogram in older adults: a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jacobus meergenaamd van de Zande, J.C. (2012) Influence of different types of feedback on learning to control grip force with a myoelectric prosthesis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kamping, G. (Geanne) (2012) The classification of the ADL tasks of the DCDDaily Test, based upon different aspects of motor control. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Knol, H. (Hester) (2012) The effects of gradual and sudden dynamic perturbations on locomotor adaptation and retention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kooiman, T. (Thea) (2012) The effect of a combined rehabilitation program on balance muscle strength functional performance and behavioral measures in people following total hip arthroplasty. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Korven, D.H.R. van (Diederik) (2012) Post-Scoring Non-Verbal Expressions in World Cup Association Football: Does it Foster Psychological Resilience? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kruchten, R. van (2012) Improving core stability in elite youth basketball players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Laat, B.C.A. de (2012) Influence of various warming-up intensities on the pacing strategy of a 4000 meter cycling time trial performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Leijten, I. (Inge) (2012) Effect of instructions on reducing ground forces and knee valgus moment inrecreational athletes. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Luesken, G.J. (Gijs) (2012) Acute changes in cohesion of a talented youth soccer team: Influence of a single soccer-match on team cohesion. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Maas, F. (2012) An aerobic cycle ergometer program in the rehabilitation of patients with stroke :A pilot implementation study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mantjes, J.A. (2012) The effect of a barrier approach intervention for adults on physical activity levels and on the accuracy of self-reported physical activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meer, D. van der (Dirk) (2012) Has the klapskate hinge position effect(s) on speed skating kinematics? A case study using inertial motion capture in combination with local positioning data. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Moek, M.A. (Marije) (2012) The influence of the different cognitive domains on dual-task cost of gait in cognitively impaired elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Monden, P.G. (2012) Effect of a 7-week low intensity handcycling training program on the physical capacity in able-bodied women : Is low intensity training an appropriate alternative for people who are unable to exercise according to the ACSM guidelines? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Niphuis, E. (2012) Fatigue and physical activity in community-dwelling elderly and in Parkinson patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oldhof, S.B. (Sigrid) (2012) The older, the wider: on-field tactical performance of elite standard youth soccer players in small-sided games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oosterveld, H. (Hannneke) (2012) Motor imagery in stroke patients: what they think they can do and what they actually do. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ouden, M. den (Mirre) (2012) The effect of an intensive cognitive movement strategy programme on gait and transfers in Parkinson's patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Philips, R. (Rik) (2012) The effect of age on the foot model : A cross-sectional observational study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Plaggenmarsch, C. (Corien) (2012) Hand Rim Wheelchair Propulsion: Effect Of Single-Variable Biofeedback On The Mechanical Efficiency And Propulsion Biomechanics In Novice Able-Bodied Participants. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Pot, J.A. (2012) The association between psychological factors and 'physical activity' andhealth-related fitness' of people who have had a SCI for at least 5 years. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Pots, M.M.L. (2012) Predictors of athletic injuries in sports students. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Priems, R.J.H. (2012) Simulating the flow of energy during simple cycling events: an explorative study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Riezebos, R.T.P.M. (2012) Sport participation, physical fitness and motor skills in low and high socioeconomic status children with and without learning disabilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Rop, Gertjan (2012) Perceivers vary in the capacity to benefit from feedback while learning to perceive length using dynamic touch. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sabel, J. (Jonna) (2012) The relationship between physical fitness and executive function in first yearpre-vocational students. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schaaf, N. van der (2012) Serious Gaming for Elderly to train Postural Control: User requirements :Using a User-Centered Design. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schoennmaker, P.P.J.M. (Patrick) (2012) The effects of a 7-weeks high intensity hand cycle training program on physiological capacity in able-bodied men. :"A little pain for a lot of gain?!". thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sikkenga, A. (Arjen) (2012) Perceiving action boundaries for self and other: developmentof action-scaling skills in six- to twelve-year old children in a horizontal jumping-task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Steemers, S. (Suze) (2012) Exercise and "Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia"A study to examine the effects of an individually adapted exercise program on BPSD in institutionalized elderly with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Stoter, I.K. (Inge) (2012) The effect of pacing strategy on muscle fatigue and technique in 1500m speed skating and cycling. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Summeren, J.J.G.T. (2012) Intra-individual variability in physical activity of children as measured by the Bouchard's physical activity diary : How many days of monitoring are needed?:. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Timmer, M. (Merel) (2012) Evaluation of the DCDdaily questionnaire as a screening instrument for developmental coordination disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Volders, E. (Esmee) (2012) Effects of a multifactorial lifestyle intervention on physical activity and physical fitness and the explanatory psychosocial determinants in low SES elderly : DELFGOUD: the first results. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vrieling, L. (2012) Examining physical activity in children aged 8-12 years old: triaxial and uniaxial accellerometry. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, N. de (Nienke) (2012) Effects of combined resistance training and cognitive training on memory in elderly with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wenzel, H. (Hans) (2012) A Pilot Study to Assess the Feasibility, Design and Methods and the Preliminary Outcomes of a Study to Investigate Physical Activity, Nutritional Status, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Paediatric Cancer Patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wierike, S. te (2012) Specialization of playing positions in youth basketball: maturity related aspects. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Willemse, B. (Bas) (2012) Bimanual And Interpersonal Coordinated Movements In Individuals With Autism SpectrumDisorder: A Pilot Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Witteveen, N. (Nieske) (2012) Empathy and Emotional Contagion in Volleyball. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Woldhek, A.S. (2012) Explicit and implicit learning of a dynamic postural skill in younger and older adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Woude, L.H.V. van der (2012) Effect of Seat height on Hand rim Wheelchair Performance : a next step to an optimal seat height. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Andel, S. van (Steven) (2013) To catch or not to catch: how affordances define catchability of a fly ball. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Beijersbergen, C.M.I. (Chantal) (2013) Strength exercises fail to improve gait biomechanics in healthy old adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Beltman, M. (Moniek) (2013) Effects of a cognitive-motor intervention on memory and global cognitive functioning in old adults with MCI or early dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Benerink, N.H. (Niek) (2013) An analysis of volleyball players' behaviour during the reception of a volleyball serve: differences betweenarm and body movement initiation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bijman, M. (Marlies) (2013) Children's motor creativity and the relation with perceived competence and intrinsic motivation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bloemberg, A.A.J. (Aranka) (2013) Crossing an intersection while intercepting a moving traffic gap and avoidingcollision with lead and trail vehicles: a modeling study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bosch, J. (Jelle) (2013) Length and inertia of a handheld rod influence movement kinematics of the rods tip during pointing. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bosveld, R. (Rick) (2013) The effects of a single session of whole body vibration on quadriceps strength in individuals with motor-incomplete spinal cord injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Boutkan, S.C. (2013) Sources of daily physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous physical activityin 6-11 yr old children : Contribution of organized youth sports,PE and recess. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Braakhuis, H.E.M. (2013) ESTIMATION OF V02MAx IN MIDDLE AGED ADULTS, OBTAINED IN A HOME ENVIRONMENT. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Broekstra, D. (Dieuwke) (2013) Take DRF rehabilitation into your own hands : Kinetic motor imagery training after distal radius fractures inolder women - a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brookman, I. (2013) The effects of contralateral training on postural control- a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Cuijk, J.R. van (2013) EFFECTS OF WARM UP ON A 15-KM HAND CYCLING TIME TRIAL PERFORMANCE. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Deijs, M. (2013) The use of foveal vision in route-selection and the roles of viewing distance and attention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ellens, M. (2013) Cognitive Functioning in Preschool Children with Cerebral Palsy : In relation to subtype of Cerebral Palsy and severity of motor problems. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Greve, C. (Christian) (2013) Not all is lost: Old adults retain flexibility in motor behaviourduring sit-to-stand. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hall, J.M. (Julie Mae) (2013) Early phenotypic differences between Parkinson's disease patients with anwithout freezing of gait. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hensing, S.J. (Sjoerd) (2013) Speed-accuracy tradeoff in aimed ball kicks: a Fitts' law perspective. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoekerd, R. (Rutger) (2013) Stress and recovery of runners: how are physiological and psychosocial stress and recovery related? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hogenhout, M. (Margot) (2013) The age-related regulation of sensorimotor integration in human postural control. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hubert, N.L. (2013) The functional role of asymmetrical lateral trunk sway in prosthetic walkers : Generation of push off work and balance control as explanations. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Huijbers, B.P. (Bregtje) (2013) Relationships between perioperative physical activity behaviour and urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: A longitudinal observational study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Janssen, M. (Miranca) (2013) Physical fitness, sports participation and perceived competence in children with learning disabilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jong, C. de (2013) The chronic effect of passive Whole Body Vibration on executive functioning. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jongman, V. (Vera) (2013) Postural adaptation strategies to surface translations with different strengths. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kuipers, D. (Duco) (2013) Isight into punching : A preliminary study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Laarschot, A. van de (Arabella) (2013) Interpersonal Coordination Dynamics in Tennis : Reconsidering Palut & Zanone (2005). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Louer, L. (Lisa) (2013) Talent identification in gymnastics : an individual and multidimensional approach. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meuleman, K. (Karien) (2013) Motor Imagery ability in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy based on the EEG Mu rhythm. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nieman, E.M. (Esther) (2013) Cross-Education after ACL Reconstruction:Changes in Maximal Force and Force Control- A Pilot Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nijland, R. (Rick) (2013) Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercising the non-operated between physiological capacities and match activities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oosterwijk, A.M. (Anouk) (2013) SCAR CONTRACTU RES AFTER BURN INJURY : A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Poelarends, H.G.J.W. (2013) The effect of physical active academic lessons on classroom behavior and the role of physical load. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sinnema, T. (Tim) (2013) The effect of task responsibility on the performance of individuals within a volleyball team. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Soesman, M. (2013) What is the association between wheelchair-specific fitness and upper-body pain in persons with chronicspinal cord injury?: A cross-sectional study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Stapels, S.J.A. (2013) Measurement of active drag in swimming: influence of violated assumptions. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Terlaak, B. (Bernard) (2013) Virtual training of the myosignal. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tromp, M. (Marisa) (2013) The use of Self-regulation examined against the relative age effect in youth sports. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Veen, W.J.M. van der (Wendy) (2013) Motor Learning Strategies in Pediatric Physical Therapy Interventions. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Visscher, B.B. (Boudewijn) (2013) The relation between perceived and actual competence in children: the influence of gender and speech and language difficulties. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Zult, T. (Tjerk) (2013) Mirror illusion reduces motor cortical inhibition in the ipsilateral primary motor cortex during effortful unilateral wrist flexion with shortening muscle contraction. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bengevoord, A. (2014) Spatiotemporal control in different movement and balance tasksin early Parkinson's disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Coenen, J. (Jasperina) (2014) The Relationship between Motor Skills, Motor Creativity and Response Inhibition in Children between 6 and 9 years of age: A structural equation modeling approach. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hollewand, A.M. (2014) Validity of an accelerometry based system to determine physical activity in frail elderly aged ≥ 75 years. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Houtsma, B.D. (2014) Talented speed skaters aged 16-19 years skating an important, stressful 1000m, how to act? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Huiting, W. (Wouter) (2014) Whole Body Vibration Increases Cholinergic Activity And Synaptic Vesicle Density In Young C57BL6 Mice. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Landman, K. (Kevin) (2014) Energy expenditure during soccer matches related to playing position. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Merkes, P.F.J. (Paul) (2014) The Relationship between Training Characteristics and Power Profile in Elite Junior Road Cyclists. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Minkes, M.A. (Martsen-Almer) (2014) Technical soccer skills of talented youth soccer players aged 16 – 18 years: Field tests results compared with soccer performance during match play. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Smits, B.L.M. (Benjamin) (2014) Pacing and decision-making in sport and exercise: The necessity of performance-feedback, experience, and endpoint knowledge in the regulation of exercise intensity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Veldman, M.P. (Menno) (2014) Somatosensory electrical stimulation to augment interlimb transfer of a visuomotor skill. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
January 2014
Dutmer, A.L. (2014) “Scoring the Effort” Effects of exercise therapy duration, frequency, and intensity on measures of ADL, mobility, and balance in early rehabilitation for acute geriatric patients: a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Frik, M. (Mathijs) (2014) Determination of energy expenditure and physical load in soccer: a new energetic model compared with traditional match analysis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hartog, J. (Johanneke) (2014) The effect of a 16-week low-intensity wheelchair training on mechanical efficiency, propulsion technique and the shoulder-load of manual wheelchair users with a chronic spinal cord injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jaspers, E.G. (Ewout) (2014) Learning with a lever-propelled wheelchair: the effect of three weeks of practice on efficiency and technique. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
March 2014
Lubberding, K. (Karin) (2014) Effect of a low intensity wheelchair intervention on wheelchair specific fitness in inactive persons with a chronic spinal cord injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meer, K. van der (Karin) (2014) Cultural differences in pétanque: Hong Kong and Groningen students perceive and act upon the Ebbinghaus illusion. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oldenburg, M. (2014) Differentiated Ratings of Perceived Exertion: How do People Perceive Exertion During Cycling and Handcycling? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
20 March 2014
Cazemier, L. (Laura) (2014) The dose-response relation of hand and whole body vibration on acute cognitive effects in young healthy subjects. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2014
Heetkamp, J. (Jolien) (2014) Age-related increase in activation of effort-related brain areas during a sustained fatiguing contraction: an fMRI study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kikkert, L. (Lisette) (2014) Risk factors and circumstances of falling in long term care residents with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2014
Coppens, J.M. (Milou) (2014) At-Home Acceleration Derived Gait Measures: Distributions and Differences in Short and Long Walks in Older Adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Folkerts, M. (Mireille) (2014) Increasing the Feasibility of an Eccentric Strength Training Program of the Upper Limb in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Giezen, H.M. (2014) Effects of an individually tailored combined strength and aerobic exercise intervention in older people with dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hofmeester, D. (2014) The influence of sprint ability on physical and tactical behaviour in small sided games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Janszen, G. J. J. (2014) Soccer Skill and Higher Order Executive Functions in Elite and Sub-elite Youth Soccer Players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kammen, K. van (Klaske) (2014) Muscle activity during robot assisted gait: the combined effects of guidance forces, bodyweight support and gait speed. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Konings, M. (Marco) (2014) Differences in muscle oxygenation, perceived fatigue, and recovery between long-track and short-track speed skating. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kouwenhove, L. van and Krops, L.A. and Otten, prof. dr. E. (2014) Leg Stiffness Regulation in Human Running at High Velocities: Exploring the Extremities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Krijgsman, M.M. (2014) The relation between parental involvement in sport and reflection in youth elite athletes. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Krops, L.A. and Kouwenhove, L. van and Otten, prof. dr. E. (2014) Running frequency in prosthetic running: the ability to adjust vertical leg stiffness in the prosthetic and sound leg. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lemstra, M. (2014) Effect of wheel specifications on wheelchair basketball performance: wheel stiffness and tyre type. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lenferink, M. (2014) Diversified Exercise Program – From Basic Movement Skills to Soccer Specific Skills. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Morriën, F. (Floor) (2014) Effects of a 7-week resistance training program on submaximal handcycling performance in able-bodied men. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mulderij, Y. (Yvon) (2014) The effect of task-oriented upper-limb strength training in chronic stroke patients: a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Post, M.H.T. (2014) Creating an action system with myoelectric interface: Does game training transfers to prosthesis tasks? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Postma, D.B.W. (2014) Direct perception of catchability: A Differential Analysis of Optical Variables that Might Inform About the Perceived Catchability of a Fly Ball. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Spijkerman, A. (Anouk) (2014) “Accelerometer validation for measuring energy expenditure in frail elderly”. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Spook, S.M. (2014) Comparing a differential and traditional learning program on service accuracy and mean distance to target performance in tennis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Steenhuis, R. (Roos) (2014) The relationship between dizziness and gait performance in community-dwelling elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Stege, M.H.P. ter (Marloes) (2014) Reducing potential biomechanical risk factors for ACL injury in male team-sport athletes: the effect of video feedback overlay. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Timans, W. (Winnie) (2014) Paralympic classification for intellectual impaired athletes: How does pacing behavior affect sports performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tuitert, I. (Inge) (2014) The effect of the height to which the hand is lifted on horizontal curvature in horizontal point-to-point movements. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Volkers, M.E.M. (2014) Design and testing of an MR-compatible arm cycle ergometer: Non-invasive assessment of muscle energetics during in-magnet arm and leg cycling using ³¹P-MRS. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
2 June 2014
Braaksma, P. (Petra) (2014) Development of a treatment program to improve physical fitness in 6 to 12 year old children with developmental coordination disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
3 June 2014
Albada, T. (2014) The effect of a 7-week strength training program on hand cycle work capacity in able-bodied males. You gotta burn it, to earn it! thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
10 June 2014
Bergstra, S.A. (Sytske Anne) (2014) Age-related changes in low force finger pinch control: the influence of grip type, speed and surface stability on force variability. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
September 2014
Dijkstra, B.W. (Bauke) (2014) The Effects of Age on Postural Motor Learning in Compensatory Stepping. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Middeljans, E. (Ernst) (2014) The contribution of different body segments during corrective movements in a goal-directed reaching task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Noorbergen, O.S. (Olaf) (2014) How do tennis players interact during a competitive rally? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
30 September 2014
Boertien, M.F. (2014) Short term effect of physically active academic lessons on time on-task and the moderating effect of relative intensity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
October 2014
Eerden, S. (Sophia) (2014) Physical Wheelchair Capacity and Physical Strain of Persons with a Spinal Cord Injury During the First 12 Weeks of Active Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hiddink, C. (Christine) (2014) Physical activity implementation in residential care homes: barriers and facilitators. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jongeneel, D. (Douwe) (2014) Children as architects of their own playground: A study on gap crossing affordances of jumping stones. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Peters, K. (Koen) (2014) Studying the biomechanics of handigolf: Development of a custom OpenSim model. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Visser, J.G.A. (Juliët) (2014) Psychomotor therapy in people with chronic pain: A cross-sectional study, an explorative study and a single-case study with multiple measurements. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vleeming, K. (Kamiel) (2014) Mapping the sport preference of young children: Feasibility, Reliability and Validity of The Sport Preference Program. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, H. de (2014) Stick together or stick to the beat: A silent disco study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, H.S. de (Hendrik Sierd) (2014) Validation of a questionnaire measuring patients’ evaluations of tailored face-to-face motivational interviewing consultations: ‘Evaluation of a Motivational Interviewing Session focused on Exercise and Sports’. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Welling, W. (Wouter) (2014) Effect of Attentional Focus on Retention of Drop Jump Landing Strategies: Implications to Enhance ACL Injury Prevention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Zuurbier, R.P.J. (2014) The relation between training load, sleep behavior and recovery in youth elite soccer players. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
2 October 2014
Bennen, E. (2014) Case complexity of patients with chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain: A Delphi and feasibility study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2014
Brouns, B. (2014) Home sweet home: testing a home-based rehabilitation program for families with a young child in paediatric rehabilitation, based on experiences of parents and service providers. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dijk, A.B.S. van (2014) A Parkinson Transfers Observation Scale for Bed Mobility and Sit-to-Stand Movements for Individuals With Advanced and End-Stage Parkinson’s Disease: Development and Reliability. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Fels, I.M.J. van der (2014) Physical load of elite female handball players of different age categories during games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Frakking, T. (Tara) (2014) Physical activity patterns of older adults living in residential care. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Huinink, L.H.B. (2014) Learning to use an upper limb prosthesis: The development of motor skills in novice body-powered prosthesis users over time. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Korenberg, J. (Johan) (2014) Gaze behavior of soccer players. Gaze behavior during a pass and kick situation in soccer: Relationship between gaze behavior and successful finishing. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wijnbergen, M. (Mark) (2014) Dynamics of teams during transition moments in small-sided soccer games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Cuijpers, L.S. (Laura) and Passos, P.J.M. (Pedro) and Hoogerheide, A. (Alexander) and Poel, H.J. de (Harjo) (2015) Rocking the boat: crew synchronisation and boat movements at different stroke rates. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Galama, M. (2015) Effect and dose-response relationship of a two intensity 8-week combined aerobic and strength training program on cognitive and motor function in people with early stage dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Golenia, L. (Laura) (2015) Motor Variability In Children – More Than Noise: The structure of variability in joint coordination for 10-year-old children and adults during reaching. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hoekstra, S.P. (Sven) (2015) The effects of 4 months handbike training under free-living conditions on physical fitness and health. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Muijsken, I. (2015) Winning Interactions; Successful versus Unsuccessful Goal Scoring Opportunities in International-Level Field Hockey Matches. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Peters, J. (Janne) (2015) Altered biomechanics exist in the kinetic chain of people with Achilles and patellar tendinopathy compared to matched controls: A clinical perspective. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Plinsinga, M.L. (2015) Sensitization in persistent lower extremity tendinopathies in sports. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Poelarends, B.H. (Berend) (2015) FIFA world cup 2006 the Relation between Social Network Structures and Team Performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schaap, N. (2015) Efficiency and the use of compensation mechanisms in amputee gait: A comparison between five different prosthetic knees in a 72 year old transfemoral amputee. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Spigt, M. (2015) Is it feasible to make a distinction between low intensity and high intensity in a combined strength and aerobic exercise intervention for people with early stage dementia? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
March 2015
Ewolds, H. (Harald) (2015) Decisions shaped through social affordances in basketball passing. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2015
Alpen, L. van (Leentje) (2015) Older adults with dementia are sedentary for most of the day. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bosch, L.M. (2015) Reliability and convergent validity of the adjusted SQUASH and a sedentary behavior questionnaire among adults with a physical disability or chronic disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brauers, L. (Lieke) (2015) Conventional calculations are not applicable for calculating fatigue in children with cerebral palsy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Postma, W. (Wytze) (2015) The effect of video feedback on landing technique in elite female team handball players: Implications for ACL injury prevention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2015
Alferink, M.M. (Malou) (2015) Consistent shoulder muscle activation pattern in asymptomatic shoulders. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Belling, A. (Anders) (2015) Executive function and decision-making in academy soccer players aged 12-17. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Berghuis, K. (Kelly) (2015) Neuronal mechanisms of motor learning and motor memory consolidation in healthy old adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Blok, H.J. (Henric-Jan) (2015) Exploring the use of wearable sensors to help clinical diagnosis of children with ataxia or developmental coordination disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Bruin, L. (Larissa) (2015) The differences and relations in active range of motion during functional tasks, isometric muscle strength and physical functioning of young adults and healthy elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brunner, E.M. (2015) It’s a whole other ball game; the influence of pre-game instructions on tactical and physical behavior in small sided soccer games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dreijer, R. (Roos) (2015) Fitbit Intervention Study: The effect of self-monitoring feedback on accumulated step counts at primary school in children aged 10-12 years. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Goettsch, T.M. (2015) Cognitive Movement Strategies and Cues in Advanced Parkinson's Disease for improving transfers: Four Case Studies. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Goselink, M.M. (2015) Developing environmental changes to improve sitting posture and thereby eating performance in end-stage Parkinson patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hamse, M. (Mirte) (2015) A randomized controlled pilot study on the effects of combined resistance training and cognitive training on executive function in elderly with mild cognitive impairment. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hobbelink, M.S.H. (2015) Providing ankle-foot orthoses in (sub)acute stroke patients: Their short-term effect on spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters and their influence of timing. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hofste, A. (Anke) (2015) The effect of botulinum toxin type A in stroke patients with a stiff knee gait. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lemonia, K. (Koskinidou) (2015) Exploring the Practice Conditions of Physical Therapy Sessions of Children with DCD: An Observational Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Leving, M.T. (Marika) (2015) Encouraging intrinsic motor exploration in manual wheelchair propulsion: Influence of variable training on the motor learning process. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meijer, M. (Michelle) (2015) The effect of fatigue, anticipation and sex on landing biomechanics in drops jumps followed by running in three directions. A randomized controlled trial. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Okken, M. (Melissa) (2015) An exploration of the use of teaching principles to instruct children with DCD during intervention by developing the modified Motor Teaching Principles Taxonomy (m-MTPT). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Peek, A. (Annemieke) (2015) Motor Teaching Principles in intervention of children with DCD: Updating the Motor Teaching Principles Taxonomy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Pré, E. du (Esther) (2015) Age-related changes in postural control sensory reweighting during upright stance assessed using an iPod Touch: Postural control assessment by the iPod Touch in young and older adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Roller, R.M. te (2015) The Influence of Match Status on Physical and Tactical Behaviour in Small Sided Football Games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Siers, N. (Nicole) (2015) A multidimensional approach of fatigue in children with JIA. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wijnbergen, M. (Mark) (2015) Interval Shuttle Run Test used as a return to soccer criterion in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructed patients - a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wijnen, A. (Annet) (2015) The effect of joint angular velocity on torque production in the shoulder joint during functional movements in young adults, healthy elderly and elderly with subacromial pain syndrome. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
July 2015
Beeksma, G.I. (2015) Shaking the brain: chronic effects of passive Whole Body Vibration on cognition in healthy adults and elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
September 2015
Alingh, J. (Jolanda) (2015) The effect of mediolateral pelvic support on gait symmetry and muscle activation patterns of subacute stroke patients walking in LOPES II. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
November 2015
Kraaijenbrink, C. (Cassandra) (2015) Power transfer in sub-maximal hand cycling: Effects of gear ratio and power output on mechanical efficiency and force application in sub-maximal synchronous hand cycling in able-bodied men. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2015
Dijkstra, F. (Froukje) (2015) Perceived fatigue in children and adolescents up to 5 years after burn injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Gäbler, M. (Martijn) (2015) The mechanisms underlying exercise-evoked increase in gait speed: Effects of power training on gait kinematics in mobility limited old adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kotte, E.M.G. (2015) Understanding Activity Pacing in the context of rehabilitation: Analysis of a newly developed Activity Pacing Questionnaire and associations with fatigue and perceived activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lake, M.K. (2015) Possible overuse complaints in the unaffected upper limb after a stroke. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Olde Keizer, R. (Richelle) (2015) Perturbing balance of post-stroke patients, what is the next step? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Rond, V. de (2015) Motor practice but not attentional alertness results in motor skill acquisition and motor memory consolidation in healthy young adults: A TMS study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Straat, E.B. (2015) Gap acceptance maneuvers of older adults in an iPad crossing task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Veldkamp, R. (2015) Effects of exergaming on goal-directed postural weight-shifting control in healthy elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dasselaar, E. (Edwin) (2016) Low intensity versus high intensity exercise in people with dementia: creating a contrast is feasible for strength training but not for walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kostas, S. (Stathakis) (2016) Effects of different types of attentional focus, over time, on biomechanical ACL risk factors during the triple crossover hop test for distance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Maas, W.J. (Willemijn) (2016) Static and dynamic stability in African children with generalized joint hypermobility. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mieras, A. (2016) Motor cortical control of antagonist muscle function in aging. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Proos, J. (Jurjen) (2016) Sinusoidal vs constant work rate high intensity exercise training in COPD patients with ventilatory limitation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Spaan, M.H. (2016) Evidence for a vibrotactile biofeedback system, based on pressure distribution under both feet, to improve balance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Stathakis, K. (Kostas) (2016) Effects of different types of attentional focus, over time, on biomechanical ACL risk factors during the triple crossover hop test for distance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Veeken, E.H.M. (2016) Avoidance instructions induce overcompensation in older adults during a narrow stance balance task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Waardt, L.E. van de (2016) Neural mechanisms of anticipatory postural adjustments in healthy young adults, healthy middle-aged adults and healthy elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2016
Balasingham, M. (Mala) (2016) The Flanker test is not suitable to measure response inhibition in Dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Buurke, T.J.W. (Tom) (2016) Optimization of Metabolic Cost during Locomotor Adaptation on a Split-Belt Treadmill. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dijkstra, S. (2016) Feasibility study of a multidisciplinary pre- and postoperative rehabilitation program for cardiac surgery patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Echeita, J.A. (Jone) (2016) Functional Capacity Evaluation in different societal contexts: Results of a multicountry study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ensink, M. (Mirte) (2016) The effect of implicit, explicit and video instructions during a triple cross over hop test on transfer. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Folkertsma, N. (Nienke) (2016) How to stimulate physical activity in the physically disabled population? A qualitative study amongst Dutch individuals with a physical disability or chronic disease into the requirements of an intervention to stimulate physical activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Garst, R. (Rianne) (2016) Comparison of physical activity measured with the Actigraph GT3X-BT and Fitbit ZipTM in children with DCD and TD children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Heesterbeek, M. (Marelle) (2016) Ankle quasi joint stiffness during walking in the ageing population: impact of age, gender and activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Heyward, O.W. (Omar) (2016) The Effect of Load on Achilles Tendon Structure in Novice Runners. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hols, D.H.J. (Doortje) (2016) Demands on a physical activity stimulation intervention for people with a physical disability or chronic condition; A qualitative study among experts and Dutch individuals with a physical disability. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Huisinga, M.R. (2016) The interlimb velocity ratio, rather than the velocity difference, is the temporal relation that is learned during split-belt adaptation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kalsbeek, M.W. van (2016) Do elderly use a wheeled walker for gaining postural support or sensory information? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kate, J. ten (Jolien) (2016) Reliability of the Modified Motor Teaching Principles Taxonomy with regard to ‘Practice’ as a Motor Teaching Strategy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ketelaar, D. (Dorien) (2016) Cross-sectional association between objectively measured physical activity levels and psychosocial functioning in young children (age 3-7 years): the GECKO Drenthe birth cohort. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Klerk, R. de (Rick) (2016) The acquisition and transfer of skill between regular handrim and pushrim activated power-assist wheelchairs in healthy novices. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Klunder, H. (Hanne) (2016) Perceived crossing capabilities in children: The effect of exploratory movement and experience on the perceived action capabilities in a crossing task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lamers, M. (Mirjam) (2016) Usefulness of the Duncan Ely test for assessing abnormal activity of the m. rectus femoris in stroke patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Lutjeboer, T. (2016) Energy cost of practiced pushrim-activated power‐assisted wheelchair use vs practiced regular handrim wheelchair use. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mildner, J.N. (Judith) (2016) The effects of social deprivation on self-referential and social thought. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oosterwijk, R. (Roos) (2016) Changes in ATP efficiency and propulsion technique of able-bodied males after a 3-week hand cycle-like practice intervention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Smits, J. (2016) Are sensorimotor balance control parameters predictive for maximum feet-in-place balance capacity? A cross-sectional study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Timmer, J.L. (Justin) (2016) The effects of a home-based Deep Slow Breathing program on perceived stress and breathing patterns, a single-blind controlled pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Valk, T. (Tim) (2016) Changes in the organization of muscle synergies during multidirectional point-to-point movements with rods of different lengths. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vervoort, D. (Danique) (2016) Effect of cognitive load on gait adaptation of young and older adults during split-belt walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, R. de (2016) Working in an Office Without Chairs; What are the Effects on Energy Expenditure? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Waanders, J. (Jeroen) (2016) Functional relevance of relative maintenance of maximal eccentric quadriceps torque in healthy old adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Zwol, E. van (Evelien) (2016) The Effects of an Individualized Physical Activity Program on Quality of Life and Daily Physical Activity in Patients with an Acquired Brain Injury or Geriatric Psychiatry Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2016
Hensen, A.H.R. (2016) Differences between synchronous versus asynchronous submaximal handcycling in mechanical efficiency and force characteristics. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Huizinga, F. (2016) APOE e4 in relation to cognitive and physical functioning and exercise effects in dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2016
Ameln, D. (Dick) (2016) The Functional Role of the Shoulder Muscles in Elevation Movements and Reaching Tasks. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Boeree, M. (Martijn) (2016) Force Development of Competition Rowers in a Single and Crew Setting: An Exploratory Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Buseman, H.T. (Lena) (2016) How does virtual visual information, extracted from Optic Flow and Egomotion, influence gait patterns when walking on a treadmill? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Elsinghorst, N.M. (2016) Walking with a prosthetic limb simulator: the effect of practice on energy cost and gait parameters in novice able-bodied users. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Haverkamp, B.F. (2016) The Relationship between Health and Skill Related Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Typically Developing Children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Snippe, D. (Dennis) (2016) No benefit of implicit or explicit knowledge acquisition when advanced information about the upcoming path is available in a pursuit tracking task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sporrel, K. (Karlijn) (2016) Children prefer a nonstandardized jumping stone configuration. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tonkelaar, J. (Jasper) (2016) The differences in synergistic control of joint angle variability between reaching and interception. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Verwilligen, S.N. (2016) The effect of avoiding virtual high obstacles on spatiotemporal gait parameters in post stroke patients and healthy persons. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Werkema, S. (2016) Differential effects of two attention-demanding tasks on gait performance in young and older adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wervelman, T. (Thijs) (2016) Gait adaptations during a 60-minute practice using a transfemoral prosthetic limb simulator in able-bodied male adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brink, S. van den (Sebastiaan) (2017) Muscle coordination and local metabolism in cyclic upper body exercise: working mechanisms of physical adaptation and motor learning. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Canalia, C. (Cesare) (2017) A new protocol to measure and evaluate “reactive” agility in infantry soldiers: a preliminary investigation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Fakkert, R.W. (2017) Feasibility and Effectiveness of Passive Exercise in a Multisensory Environment in Institutionalized Dementia Patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Klunder, J. (Jessica) (2017) The role of school- and sport specific self-regulation and resilience in academic achievement. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Taatgen, L. (Louise) (2017) To attend or not to attend: adherence and compliance related to the cognitive effects of combined aerobic and resistance exercise in dementia patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
April 2017
Klamer, M. (Marrit) (2017) Becoming physically fit an exercise intervention for renal transplant recipients and the effects on daily physical activity and health related quality of life. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2017
Assies, N. (Natascha) (2017) Higher adherence rates in supervised versus unsupervised trainings programs for healthy old adults and the results on motivation, strength and balance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Baron, A.J. (Anna Jetske) (2017) The effects of exergaming on balance, fear of falling and participation in older adults with a history of falls or balance problems: a pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Berg, P. van den (Pim) (2017) Saving effects of Locomotor adaptation and energy cost after repeated split belt exposure. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Blikslager, F. (Frank) (2017) Chasing One’s Own Tail: On The Cost Of Coordination. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Blom, K.J. (2017) Long-term trajectories of cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with juvenile dermatomyositis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Boeckhout, H.P. (2017) Exploration: Studying individual differences in learning a novel visuomotor reaching task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Brakelé, E.M. (2017) Is there a need for an additional early mobility intervention in burn ICU patients? Setting up a protocol to assess physical load and load capacity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Corven, C. van (Charlotte) (2017) Habitual physical activity in people with early-onset dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dun, E.L. van (Esmee) (2017) Skill-related and health-related physical fitness of children, aged 8-10 years, in the northern Netherlands. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Eibrink, J. (Jarinke) (2017) Reduce health-related risks with Run2BFit: A training and lifestyle intervention to improve health-related fitness for children with DCD. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Elsinghorst, A.L. (2017) The combined effects of guidance force, bodyweight support and gait speed on muscle activation patterns during Lokomat walking in children with Cerebral Palsy and able-bodied peers. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Haan, E.H. de (Eise) (2017) Evaluating ‘The End of Sitting’: A comparison between younger and older office workers in the usage and experience of working in an alternative working environment. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hevink, M.S. (2017) The Rate of Perceived Exertion as an Exercise Intensity Monitoring Instrument in Dementia Patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Khan, K. (Kevin) (2017) A Dynamical Systems Approach to Upper Limb Prosthesis Use: Hysteresis in Switching Between Grip-Types. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Klijn, F. de (Fleur) (2017) Ranking barriers, motivators and facilitators to promote physical activity participation of dementia patients: an explorative study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kooiman, G.M. (2017) Brain activity related to motor learning during treadmill walking of transfemural amputees. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Koorenhof, K. (Kirsten) (2017) The clinical added value of the Parkinson’s KinetiGraph (PKG): a retrospective study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Loeve, E.S. (Ester) (2017) Ensuring Successful Movement Despite Constraints: Comparing Manual Reaching and Interception. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Maas, K.P. (2017) Socioeconomic Status as predictor of Physical Fitness and Gross Motor Competence in Dutch primary school children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mollee, N. (Ninke) (2017) Use and work experiences of the office scape ‘The End of Sitting’: 10 weeks of familiarization. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nijhuis, P. (Patti) (2017) Music Into Muscles: Beat Salience Effects Parameters of Motor Control and Muscular Activation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nijland, M.A.M. (2017) Relationship between cortical oscillatory activity and visuomotor memory consolidation and intermanual transfer is age dependent. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Olthuis, R. (Raimey) (2017) Verbalizations Affect Visuomotor Control in Hitting Objects to Distant Targets. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Remeijer, M.T. (Mariëlle) (2017) Differences in head movements before crossing an intersection in a driving simulator between people with cervical dystonia and healthy controls. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schans, S.M. van der (Sanne) (2017) Comparing lateral trunk bend between prosthetic walkers walking with a new prototype and a classic prosthesis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Scheperboer, C. (Coen) (2017) Is the grass always greener in a green playground? The effect of greening a playground on children’s play behaviour. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Sprong, R. (2017) The effect of cardiovascular fitness level on inhibition and lapses of attention in school aged children in the northern Netherlands. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Veen, A.L. van der (Adriella) (2017) Evaluation of a phenotypic quantitative classification method for diagnosis of ataxia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Visser, L.P. (Leonie) (2017) A working knee: Physical activity at the workplace in patients after total knee arthroplasty. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vries, S. de (Simon) (2017) Eye-hand coupling in a repetitive Fitts’ task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vrooijink, M.M.A. (Merle) (2017) Open- and closed-loop control during goal-directed reaching movements with perturbations in children 5- to 11-years of age. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wee, R. ter (2017) Comparing the effect of vibrotactile stimulation and visual stimulation on reaction time during a simple reaction task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wesselink, C.F. (2017) Muscle activity and temporal step parameters: a comparison between Lokomat guided walking and treadmill walking in children with Cerebral Palsy and able-bodied children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wiersma, R. (Rikstje) (2017) Day-Segmented Physical Activity in 4-7 Year Old Children: the GECKO Drenthe Cohort. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wolters, N.E. (2017) Neural plasticity of resting-state networks as a result of skill acquisition, consolidation, and transfer after unilateral visuomotor practice is age dependent: an electroencephalography study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wolthuizen, L. (Linda) (2017) Differences in gait adaptation between young adults and middle-aged adults based on the gait pattern and muscular activities during split-belt walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2017
Algra, R. (Ronald) (2017) Physical activity levels and barriers to physical activity of dementia patients in day care facilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2017
Pieters, J.R.J. (Jaroen) (2017) The influence of fatigue on the accuracy of estimating maximal jumping distance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Holtley-Weber, J. (Jorim) (2018) Which Motives for Physical Exercise Relate to Vitality in Leisure Runners? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2018
Nab, E.J. (Erik Jan) (2018) The Effect of Age on the Capability to Resist Physical Perturbations whilst performing an Upper-Limb Fine Motor Task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tjalma, A. (Arjen) (2018) The effect of acute exercise on brain activity during a working memory task in younger and older adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2018
Vettorato, S. (Sabrina) (2018) Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: The relation between central sensitization and objectively measured physical activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
January 2019
Eijden, D. van (Daniël) (2019) Effects of passive exercise on cognition of institutionalized older adults with dementia and the moderating effect of anticholinergic and sedative drug burden: a randomized controlled trial. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kazakou, S. (Sylvia) (2019) Effects of age and somatosensory electrical stimulation on motor performance: an EEG study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2019
Bakker, L.B.M. (Lisanne) (2019) Task specificity and brain adaptations after short-bout balance learning in healthy young adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Becker, M.L. (Marlissa) (2019) Examining the feasibility and first analyses of the Method of Stamp Strike Shout (MSSS) in patients diagnosed with eating disorders. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Blaauw, E.R. (Eline) (2019) Strong Arm Phase I: Assessment of Muscle activation of Caregivers Performing Dependent Transfers with a Novel Robotic Assisted Transfer Device Compared to the Hoyer Advance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dekker, L.W. (Lukas) (2019) Effects of personal protective clothing and equipment bulk and stiffness on maneuverability and internal load in confined spaces of military soldiers. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Derikx, D.F.A.A. (Dagmar) (2019) The Relationships Between Siblings, Performance-based Executive Functioning and Motor Performance in 3- to 5-year Old Children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ganzevoort, I. (Ilse) (2019) The feasibility of a home-based exergame balance training and effect on motor performance in early onset ataxia: A pilot feasibility study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Groot, L.E. de (Linde) (2019) The influence of an enriched environment on patient activity on a nephrology ward. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Haschke, M. (Markus) (2019) Does using more joint-angles make people learn faster? Effects of constraining redundancy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Latorre Erezuma, U. (Unai) (2019) The Effect of Learning at Different Task Difficulties on Resisting a Perturbation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ligt, S.G.A. de (Sven) (2019) The Changes at Joint Angle Synergy Level that Underlie Changes in End-Effector Kinematics During Motor Adaptation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mooiweer, Y. (Yvet) (2019) The relation between preoperative TUG and 6MWT and functional recovery after major abdominal surgery. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Oosterhaven, B. (Bianca) (2019) A study on lower limb kinematics during adaptation to a unilateral swing resistance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Rütte, T. le (Thomas) (2019) Is a newly designed push-pull lever propulsion system a feasible wheelchair alternative? A pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schaaf, A.L. van der (Lynn) (2019) Play equipment with a more open function: do children perform a wider variety of actions? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Velhorst, V. (Vera) (2019) Physiological and kinetic comparison of overground, treadmill, and ergometer steady-state wheelchair propulsion. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Weerd, L. van de (Lieke) (2019) The effect of physical exercise on mood in patients with dementia and the mediating effect of cognition. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wissing, M.B.G. (Maureen) (2019) The flexibility of synergies allow different routes of adaptive behaviour when dealing with a target switch. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2019
Kulbytė, K. (Karolina) (2019) Assessing the quality of upper limb behaviour in activities of daily living using wearable sensors. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Swart, S. (Sander) (2019) Controlling dynamic balance: relation between cautious gait and slip perturbation predictability. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
October 2019
Bakker, M. (Martijn) (2019) Vibrotactile grip force feedback in myoelectric controlled upper limb prosthetics from an ecological perspective. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2019
Dijk, Y. van (Ylse) (2019) Characterization of exploration during discovering the affordance of gap-crossing. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dinter, R. van (Renée) (2019) Is there a mediating role of executive functioning in the relationship between aerobic fitness and academic achievement in adolescents? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jagt, G.N.M. van der (Gabriëlle) (2019) Wheelchair racing propulsion technique: motor learning and mechanical efficiency after three weeks intervention with able bodied participants. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Rodrigues Trigo Pereira, F. (Francisca) (2019) A newly developed lever-propelled wheelchair reduces physiological responses and improves wheelchair control in healthy wheelchair-inexperienced adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Vos, J. (Julien) (2019) The association between physical fitness and psychosocial health in early adolescence. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wiedemeijer, M.M. (Maria) (2019) Evaluation of Expert Observations of Gait in Forensics. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2020
Albers, F. (Friederike) (2020) Preliminary observations of elbow joint loading during activities of daily living. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Barakou, I. (Ioulia) (2020) Directly measured activity pacing associated with self-reported fatigue and physical activity in people with brain disorders. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Berentschot, J. (Julia) (2020) The relationship of manual dexterity and tripod pinch strength with handwriting performance in children with autism spectrum disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dinteren, M. van (Merel) (2020) Does regular care physical therapy improve activities of daily living and health-related quality of life of adults with heart disease, pulmonary disease, or orthopedic complaints of the lower extremity? A pilot study to examine the feasibility of a research protocol. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Glas, J. (Jonas) (2020) Usability in upper extremity serious games. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hagendijk, M.E. (Marije) (2020) Effects of a preoperative rehabilitation programme on the pre- and postoperative muscle strength of patients undergoing elective open-heart surgery: A randomized control trial. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hanny, L.S.A. (Stefan) (2020) Game-based training for pattern recognition control based prosthesis: A comparison between conventional and game-based training on performance in daily-life tasks with a pattern recognition based prosthesis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Havinga, S.T. (Sanne) (2020) Quality of life of adults joining nature walking groups: an observational study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Horstink, K. (Koen) (2020) Evaluating upper extremity coordination and functional performance in chronic stroke patients after a home-based task-specific training using the ArmAssist. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jeschke, A.M. (Amy) (2020) Height, size, and gap width variation in jumping stone configurations: Which factor attracts children the most? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kallimachos, C. (Christopher) (2020) The effect of age and dual-task on dynamic balance measured by beam walking performance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Langelaar, T.E. (Thijme) (2020) Sex-Deception and Emotion Recognition through gait in point-light-displays. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Maas, B. (Bart) (2020) The influence of task specificity on transfer from a serious game to control of an upper limb prosthesis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nijs, M. (Myrna) (2020) The reliability and validity of observer based forensic gait analysis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Ploeg, D.P.B. (Dante) (2020) The effects of age on beam walking performance, measured on reliability and validity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Postuma, E.M.J.L. (Eva) (2020) Explicit information and feedback does not boost locomotor adaptation in young children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schoenmaker, J. (Jorine) (2020) Implicit and explicit teaching methods in dance classes and group physiotherapy sessions for patients with Parkinson’s disease. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Snoeren, L. (Lonneke) (2020) Long-term effects of a combined pre- and post-operative cardiac rehabilitation program on the level of physical activity, functional capacity and self-efficacy of elective patients awaiting open-heart surgery. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Temlali, T.Y. (Taha Yassine) (2020) The mediating role of physical self-concept in the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness indices in adolescents. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wold, R. (Renske) (2020) The effect of individually optimized rocker shoe designs on ankle power in individuals with plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinopathy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2020
Bukkems, E.L.H. (2020) Method of Stamp Strike Shout: first analysis in patients diagnosed with eating disorders. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kouzinou, S. (Sofia) (2020) On the relationship between physical fitness and mental health in adolescents. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
November 2020
Wargers, A. (Annemieke) (2020) ‘Impact of exercise on well-being of teenagers with low motor competence who participate in an Adolescent Movement Program (AMPitUp)’. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2020
Beek, J.F.E. van (Juliette) (2020) Lower extremity power production during split-belt adaptation across the adult lifespan. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Blikslager, N. (Niek) (2020) Can entrainment with external rhythms destabilize running patterns? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Geerts, M.P.J. (Minke) (2020) "I could not imagine my life without sports": Pathways to sport and physical recreation for young people with physical disabilities. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Gerritsen, W.T.C. (Wouter) (2020) Sprint Capacity of Others Can Be Perceived by Seeing Them Walk, But Only When Observers Are Unfatigued. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Stuijt, P. (Peter) (2020) The effect of High Amplitude Low Frequency – Music Impulse Stimulation on chronic musculoskeletal pain in elderly: a multicenter randomized controlled pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Westerveld, S. (Sanne) (2020) Monitoring gait quality in trauma patients with surgically treated lower extremity fractures. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hafkamp, M.S.J. (Marijn) (2021) Circular causality in a redundant movement system: joint angles display different dynamics than the end-effector in a rhythmic pointing task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
May 2021
Braaksma, J. (Jelmer) (2021) The association between shoulder pain and handrim wheelchair propulsion technique among individuals with spinal cord injury. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dijk, L. (Lars) (2021) Gait characteristics in individuals with and without chronic low back pain during a 6-minutes walking task: An exploratory pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Dimitrakis, P. (Panagiotis) (2021) Kinematic differences on landing and cutting between healthy and ACL injured youth athletes over time. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Douma, E.H. (2021) The extraction of gait features based on lower back and wrist IMU data during different walking conditions. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Faber, L. (Leila) (2021) Development, reliability, and validity of the MABC-2 Fine Motor skill Observational Tool (FiMOT). thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Geerlings, R.F. (Roosmarijn) (2021) Ledderhose disease – Effectiveness of rocker profile shoes in pain alleviation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Hulleman, D. (Demi) (2021) Combining objective clinical (R3) and subjective post-clinical (BORN) data of burn patients until one year after hospital discharge. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Meijers, V. (Vivian) (2021) Children’s On-Task Behaviour during the Implementation of Physically Active Learning in Special Needs Education: a Pilot Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Nieboer, W. (Ward) (2021) The protective effects of high-intensity agility training plus 6-years maintenance exercising in Parkinson’s disease patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schelven, H. van (Heleen) (2021) Watch and Learn: Development of an Observational Tool to Evaluate the Development of Catching and Throwing in Children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schotborgh, A.K. (2021) Recalibration of synergies during the visuomotor adaptation task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Tempelman, D. (Dennis) (2021) Physical activity dose received during implementation of Fit & Vaardig in special needs education: A pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Weegh, J. op de (Julius) (2021) Quality of life over time of adults joining nature walking groups and its cost effectiveness: A longitudinal observational study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Wolfswinkel, E.J.W. (2021) Activity Affording Furniture Invites Sitting in Different Postures during Desk-based Work in the Classroom. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
June 2021
Dijkhof, M. (Mike) (2021) Uncovering the preoperative features that underlie a postoperative complication in the onco-geriatric population using Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Jong, B.M. de (Beli) (2021) The association between loneliness and physical activity in adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Maffei, L. (Leda) (2021) Wheelchair exercise capacity in able-bodied participants: Individualized measurements of the wheelchair exercise capacity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Mayrhuber, L. (Laura) (2021) Scapula kinematics in wheelchair propulsion with a tennis racket. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
December 2021
Ebbinge, E. (Elise) (2021) Feasibility of a single session of passive exercise and its acute effects on stress symptoms. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Kaars, R. (Robin) (2021) fMRI BOLD response during hand movement task in essential tremor and cortical myoclonus. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Schelhaas, R. (Reslin) (2021) Changes in the flexion-extension axis of the elbow following total elbow arthroplasty – a pilot cadaver study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Soetekouw, I. (Imke) (2021) Social determinants of physical activity in 3-to-5-year-old children: the GECKO Drenthe study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Uwland, F. (Fieke) (2021) The relationship between attribution, sports performance level and the development thereof in competitive youth athletes. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.