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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Neurodevelopmental outcome after IVF: a comparison between children born after two types of IVF and a control group.

Snijders, J. (2008) Neurodevelopmental outcome after IVF: a comparison between children born after two types of IVF and a control group. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

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Introduction: In vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are performed every day now, but are these procedures safe? The effect on neuromotor development of the child is still unclear. This study aims to assess possible negative effects on neurodevelopmental outcome in children at the age of 4 and 1 0 months. Typically IVF includes controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH-IVF), but a new method without COH has been developed, namely IVF in the modified natural cycle (MNC-IVF). In this study the possible effect of this hormonal stimulation is being assessed in addition to the effect ofiVF in general on neuromotor development. This will be done by comparing children born after MNC-IVF and COH-IVF to each other and to a control group on different aspects of motor behaviour. Methods: A COH-IVF group (n=45), an MNC-IVF group (n=36) and a control group which consisted of children born from sub fertile parents (n=62) were formed. The children were assessed at 4 months and 10 months with the Infant Motor Profile. This is a recently developed video-based instrument for the assessment of motor behaviour. Outcome measurements are a total IMP-score and scores on performance, variability-repertoire size, variability-ability to select, fluency and symmetry. Results: At the age of 4 months the COH-IVF group scored significantly lower on total IMP and variability-repertoire size than both other groups. When only full-term infants were included, this effect persisted. At the age of 10 months the MNC-IVF group scored significantly lower on fluency compared to the control group. When only full term children were included, both the MNC-IVF and COH-IVF group scored significantly lower than the control group on fluency. Conclusion: The current study suggests that in vitro fertilisation may have a negative effect on neurodevelopmental outcome in children aged 4 and 10 months. The effect is found in particular at 4 months in the COH-IVF group; at 10 months the remaining effect is more subtle. The results indicate that follow-up at older ages is necessary.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Supervisor name: Hadders-Algra, Prof. Dr. M. and Middelburg, Drs. K.J. and Kamsma, Dr. Y.P.T.
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 10:58
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2020 10:58

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