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Items where Year is 2016

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Number of items: 401.

Other studies (UMCG)

Alst, Lotte van (2016) Conditions for multi-site team level improvement. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Baerveldt, M. (Mark) (2016) Groen licht voor gastvrije wachtkamers. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Benneker, Charlotte (2016) Heeft u dit gelezen? Een onderzoek naar de informatiebehoefte van zwangere vrouwen tijdens hun behandelingstaject. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Berg, Gert-Jan van den (2016) Capaciteit op de poli Urologie in beeld. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Berg, L. van den (Lisanne) and Postema, S. (Sharronne) (2016) Wond expertise centra : Een onderzoek naar de manier waarop zes Wond Expertise Centra in Nederland invulling geven aan hun werkwijze. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Booij, Melanie (2016) Een vindbaar Netwerk van Ambassadeurs; het vindbaar maken van het Netwerk van Ambassadeurs op het social intranet van het UMCG. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Doorman, Maaike (2016) Diversiteit binnen het verpleegkundig team op de Longafdeling. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Duren, Ben van (2016) De implementatie van de Projectenfabriek bij Genetica. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Houtsma, C. (Ceciel) and Weima, D. (Denise) (2016) Het verbeteren van de medische en verpleegkundige overdracht. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Hove, M. ten (Marjolein) and Piek, A. (Anneloes) (2016) LED fototherapie. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Lauridsen, C. and Slikker, A. (2016) Buidelen als pijnreducerende interventie op de Neonatologie afdeling tijdens capillaire bloedafname (hielprik) : een systematisch literatuuronderzoek. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Linthorst, B. (Bart) (2016) Informatievoorziening 2.0; de patiënt aan het woord. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Loef, Vara (2016) Shared decision-making, information provision and expectation management; Patient experiences with and performance of the UMCG rehabilitation center. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Marinus, Wietske (2016) Wat gebeurt er achter die deur? Management ruimtecapaciteit poli oost. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Mulders, M. (Marlous) and Reinders, M. (Marieneke) (2016) Pijnregistratie in het UMCG. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Oolderink, Nicky (2016) Openbaarheid van zaken; toekomstig privacybeleid personeelszaken UMCG i.v.m. EPV. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Paas, L. (Lisanne) and Wubs, S. (Suzanne) (2016) De verpleegkundige overdracht ICV naar Verpleegafdeling. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Ruijsch, Iris (2016) "Wel moeilijk om niets te zeggen hè?"; een onderzoek naar communicatie tussen artsen tijdens operaties. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Schieving, Bonique (2016) één alarmnummer, één meldkamer. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Sloot, Lotte (2016) Optimalisering informatievoorziening Klinische Genetica UMCG. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Sluman, M. (Myrthe) and Zuidema, A. (Aniek) (2016) Schriftelijke verslaglegging binnen multidisciplinaire samenwerking : Afstudeeropdracht over schriftelijke verslaglegging op de groene lijst in het Beatrix Kinderziekenhuis. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Stegeman, L.M. (Lonne) (2016) Onderzoek naar de verwachtingen van HBO-V stagiairs en coassistenten over de samenwerking tussen artsen en verpleegkundigen. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Vidos, Yorgos (2016) Elektronisch gegevensuitwisseling in beweging; mogelijke veranderingen in de zorg. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Vries, Ellen de (2016) Kwaliteitsregistraties: spanningsveld tussen inbreuk op persoonlijke levenssfeer en waarborg van zorgkwaliteit. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Werkman, Karen (2016) Kwalitaiteve studie naar percepties van voormalige patiënten omtrent hernieuwd contact in de Klinische Genetica. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

Wijncoop, M. (Marit) van (2016) Privacy is gewoon prettig: privacybeleving van patiënten binnen Sector C. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).


Aalders, W.S. (2016) Het effect van neurolyse bij ramus infrapatellaris neuropathie. thesis, Medicine.

Aapkes, S.E (Sophie Elise) (2016) A dose dependent relationship between periodontitis and hypercoagulability: the Periodontitis Increases Risk of AcuteThrombotic Events (PIRATE) study : (An unplanned interim analysis). thesis, Medicine.

Abdulrahman, H. (2016) Bone health in Zellweger spectrum disorders. thesis, Medicine.

Al-Saidi, A.M.A. (2016) A prospective cohort study on acute radiation-induced toxicity in the head and neck region : Development of normal tissue complication probability models. thesis, Medicine.

Alizadeh Agdam, M.(Mehran) (2016) The advantages of high-frame-rate videos in fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. thesis, Medicine.

Anderson, J. (Josephine) (2016) Investigating the potential relevance of SSADH-mediated GABA catabolism outside the CNS for metabolic disease. thesis, Medicine.

Andriessen, D.J.R.S. (2016) Evaluatie poortwachtersrol van de huisarts in de huidkankerzorg : een retrospectieve dwarsdoorsnede studie. thesis, Medicine.

Arvidsson Kvissberg, M.E. (Matilda) (2016) Identification of severely malnourished children at high risk for death:. thesis, Medicine.

Baardman, R. (Rosalie) (2016) Prenatal screening and diagnosis for Down syndrome in the Northern Netherlands :developments and trends for the period 1981-2013. thesis, Medicine.

Banierink, E.G.M. (2016) Factoren die cardiovasculaire complicaties voorspellen bij primaire preventie van patiënten met hypertensie in de huisartsenpraktijk. thesis, Medicine.

Banus, M. (Marlieke) (2016) Developing Control Algorithms of a Voluntary Cough for an Artificial Bioengineered Larynx Using Surface Electromyography of Chest Muscles. thesis, Medicine.

Barendrecht, B.W. (2016) De relatie tussen de toename van het perifeer weefsel oedeem door vloeistoftherapie en de afname van de microcirculatoire vaatoppervlakte in intensive care patiënten. thesis, Medicine.

Basten Batenburg, M. van (Michiel) (2016) Low-dose antibiotic cement rods in the treatment of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of the tibia:an analysis of eighteen consecutive cases. thesis, Medicine.

Becherer, B. (Babette) (2016) Prevalence of Psychiatric Comorbidities among Women Undergoing Autologous Breast Reconstruction. thesis, Medicine.

Beesems, G. (Geerte) (2016) Changes in the Gut Mycome and Microbiome during Necrotizing Enterocolitis-like Murine Intestinal Injury. thesis, Medicine.

Bentum, R. van (Renée) (2016) The effects of blocking Kv1.3 potassium channels by ShK-186 on dysfunctional regulatory T cells in granulomatosis with polyangiitis in vitro. thesis, Medicine.

Berg, J.J.G. van den (2016) Pilot study to examine the feasibility and patients opinions of providing patients in an Asthma/COPD service with their own medical records. thesis, Medicine.

Berghuis, E.J.J.M. (2016) Parkinson’s KinetiGraph: Are motor fluctuations in Parkinson disease correlated with disease duration? thesis, Medicine.

Berghuis, M. (Marieke) (2016) Ashy Dermatose - de histopathologische inter-observer correlatie. thesis, Medicine.

Bergstra, J. (Jildou) (2016) Evaluatie van diagnostiek en behandeling bij diabetes gravidarum en identificatie van risicogroepen met een verhoogde kans op insulinetherapie. thesis, Medicine.

Berkel, C.M. van (2016) het bouwen en valideren van een opstelling om de contrastgevoeligheid bij hoge lichtniveaus te meten : Een pilotstudy. thesis, Medicine.

Beumer, R. (Ruth) (2016) De incidentie en prevalentie van chronische mesenteriale ischemie. thesis, Medicine.

Beurskens, N.E.G. (Niek) (2016) Impact and outcome of abnormal loading on the right ventricle in children and adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. thesis, Medicine.

Beusekamp, J.C. (Joost) (2016) Hyperkalemia is independently associated with unsuccessful ACE-I/ARBs uptitration in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction. thesis, Medicine.

Biesheuvel, V. (Vonne) (2016) Informatievoorziening en communicatie rondom chemotherapie :Mogelijke verbeteringen in de informatievoorziening en communicatie met patiënten die chemotherapie krijgen in het Medisch Spectrum Twente. thesis, Medicine.

Bijker, K.L.B. (Kasper) (2016) The diagnostic application of sonication on heart valves with suspected infective endocarditis. thesis, Medicine.

Bikker, E. (Esther) (2016) Gezonde voedingspatronen en depressieve klachten; een haalbaarheidsstudie. thesis, Medicine.

Boer, A. de (Amelia) (2016) Het effect van interventie op de orthostatische bloeddruk profielen van syncope patiënten die zich presenteren op de spoedeisende hulp. thesis, Medicine.

Boertien, L.M. (2016) The effect of mutant SOD1 on cell viability. thesis, Medicine.

Boes, E.S. (2016) The influence of BMI and smoking at disease onset on long-term joint damage measured with the RAAD score in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. thesis, Medicine.

Boiswinkel, V. (Vivian) (2016) The CHOPIN study : A multicenter study on Cerebellar Hemorrhage and Outcome in Preterm Infants. thesis, Medicine.

Borgonjen, J. (Julia) (2016) Expression of the ERK and AKT –pathway in placentas from severe intra-uterine growth restricted pregnancies. thesis, Medicine.

Borren, N.Z. (Nynke) (2016) Impact of Vedolizumab and anti-TNF biologics on Sleep Qualityand Mood in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Prospective Study. thesis, Medicine.

Bosch, P. (Paul) (2016) Physician Clinical Gestalt Formation in Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Qualitative Study. thesis, Medicine.

Bosschieter, P.F.N. (2016) De toegevoegde waarde de nekplooi meting in vergelijking met niet invasieve prenatale screening. thesis, Medicine.

Bouwman, A.M.G. (2016) Kanker en zwangerschap: verband tussen antenatale blootstelling aan oncologische behandeling en foetale groei. :Een retrospectief cohortonderzoek op basis van de International Network on Cancer Infertility and Pregnancy (INCIP) database. thesis, Medicine.

Bouwman, S.K. (Silke) (2016) The reliability of preoperative histological samples in patients with endometrial carcinoma : A pattern of care study. thesis, Medicine.

Brattinga, B. (Baukje) (2016) Is er plaats voor hysteroscopische Rollerball-ablatie bij vrouwen met persisterende klachten na Novasure-ablatie? thesis, Medicine.


Bril, I. (Ineke) (2016) Onderzoek bij de oudere mens naar factoren gerelateerd aan opnameduur en de kans op heropname. thesis, Medicine.

Brockkötter, L.M. (lucas) (2016) The Role of TLR4 / uPAR interaction in microvascular inflammation found in Diabetes Mellitus. thesis, Medicine.

Broekman, H.L.F. (2016) Local influence of rituximab and abatacept treatment on follicular helper T-lymphocytes in salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. thesis, Medicine.

Bron, J.I. (2016) Rookgedrag van medewerkers in de verslavingszorg : Een pilotstudie naar barrières die een rol spelen bij het stoppen met roken van medewerkers van Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland gezien vanuit het perspectief van rokende en niet-rokende medewerkers. thesis, Medicine.

Brouwer, M.E. (2016) Outcomes of operative and non-operative treatment of three- and four part humeral fractures in elderly: a 10-year retrospective study. thesis, Medicine.

Brouwer, W.L. de (2016) The impact of different polyp size measurement methods: Endoscopist versus pathologist : An analysis of of the causes and differences between two polyp size measurements (endoscopist versus pathologist), the causes of the differences and the impact on col. thesis, Medicine.

Brüggenwirth, I.M.A. (Isabel) (2016) The Influence of Combined Pulsatile Arterial and Portal Perfusion During Liver Machine Perfusion. thesis, Medicine.

Busschers, N. (Nadja) (2016) Validatieproces vragenlijst Kwaliteit van leven en patiënttevredenheid bij kinderen van 0-8 jaar met (Niet)Uitwendig Zichtbare Schisis en/of open neusspraak behandeld door een regionaal schisisteam : K(N)UZS-8. thesis, Medicine.

Cavallini, M.A. (Miriam) (2016) The construct validity and test-retest reliability of the UEWD 2.0. thesis, Medicine.

Dalen, R.C. (Runa) (2016) Neonatal sepsis incidence in preterm infants treated with standard care in an open bay in a level 2 Neonatal ward,2009-2012. thesis, Medicine.

Dieudonné, C.L. (2016) The determination of the histopathological differences in endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) findings between men and women with new onset heart failure in a tertiary referral hospital. thesis, Medicine.

Dijk, A.D. van (Anneke) (2016) The functional role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in AML; a new potential therapeutic target for the treatment of inv (16) and MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia. thesis, Medicine.

Dijk, B. van (Birgit) (2016) MTS versus PWS ; validatie van de PEWS als triagesysteem voor pediatrische Spoedeisende Hulp. thesis, Medicine.

Dijken, B.R.J. van (Bart) (2016) Imaging Characteristics and Recurrence Patterns of the Subventricular Zone in Glioblastoma. thesis, Medicine.

Dijkstra, J. (Jildou) (2016) Non-invasieve Cardiac Output Monitoring (NICOM®) als voorspeller van de respons op volumetherapie bij septische patiënten. thesis, Medicine.

Dijkstra, M.D. (2016) Novel insights into pure and mixed clear cell carcinomas in endometrial cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Dobbe, A. (Anique) (2016) Titration of oxygen therapy in critically ill emergency department patients: a feasibility study. thesis, Medicine.

Doffegnies, L.V.O. (2016) Assesing patient experience : predictive capabilities of HowRwe questionnaire for EUROPEP outcomes. thesis, Medicine.

Donkerbroek, J.W. (Jan Willem) (2016) Renal function more than twenty years after cisplatin-based chemotherapy fortesticular cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Douma, M.H. (2016) Ouderen met terminaal nierfalen , een betere overlevingskans bij dialyse of een conservatieve behandeling? thesis, Medicine.

Douwes, G. (Gwendolyn) (2016) Terminal cancer and suicide in older people; clinical characteristics and motives. thesis, Medicine.

Douwes, R. (Rianne) (2016) Liver transplantation for cirrhosis secondary to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is not performed at the expense of major postoperative morbidity. thesis, Medicine.

Dulfer, S.E. (2016) Spinal Cord Surgery : Rationalization and proposition of stadardized outcome measures in neurosurgical treatment of the spinal cord with the use of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. thesis, Medicine.

Eerenbeemt, K. van den (2016) Een kwalitatieve studie over de meningen van huisartsen in opleiding over hun kennisverwerving in de opleidingspraktijk. thesis, Medicine.

Erp, J.H.J. van (2016) Comparing two cementation techniques for the tibial component on total knee arthroplasty : An in vitro study. thesis, Medicine.

Feenstra, M. (2016) The Intestinal Epithelial Barier in severely malnourished mice, and the role of autophagy. thesis, Medicine.

Feitsma, E. (Eline) (2016) De relatie tussen de neonatale cerebrale oxygenatie en de vroeg neonatale neurologische uitkomst bij kinderen met ductusafhankelijke congenitale hartafwijkingen. thesis, Medicine.

Gaastra, A.T. (2016) Modereren oxytocine receptor gen varianten het effect van intranasaal toegediende oxytocine op de sociale oriëntatie? thesis, Medicine.

Garnier, C.L. (Céline) (2016) Regulation of thiol isomerases in thrombus formation. thesis, Medicine.

Gier, I. de (Ilse) (2016) Verschil in patiëntkarakteristieken tussen patiënten met en zonder schedelhersenletsel na een fietsongeval. thesis, Medicine.

Ginkel, A.C. van (2016) A study of satisfaction and quality of life in women after breast reconstruction comparing alloplastic and autoplastic technique. thesis, Medicine.

Govindarajan, L.P. (2016) “Risk of hemorrhage after Gamma Knife radiosurgery versus natural history for hemorrhage in brain arteriovenous malformations: a retrospective descriptive study. thesis, Medicine.

Grift, A.W.F. (2016) Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : Sensitivity of ultrasonography versus nerve conduction study and their necessity. thesis, Medicine.

Grolle, R. (Rosanne) (2016) De effecten op korte termijn van een preoperatieve multidisciplinaire interventie op patiënten die een electieve hartoperatie ondergaan. thesis, Medicine.

Groot Jebbink, W. (Wendy) (2016) Connective Fields (CF) in de vroege visuele cortex bij patienten met een psychotische aandoening. thesis, Medicine.

Grosse-Ophoff, L. (Laura) (2016) Analysis of the Correlation between Social Environment and Resilience in Stroke Patients and its Connection with Social Participation. thesis, Medicine.

Haas, J. de (Job) (2016) Protective Effects of Pharmacological TPRM2 Inhibition on Ischemia-reperfusion Injury of the liver. thesis, Medicine.

Harmelink, M. (Manon) (2016) How well is LDL cholesterol treated in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? thesis, Medicine.

Harst, E. van der (Emma) (2016) Transient Receptor Potential Channels and Inflammatory Breast Cancer : A novel approach to understand metastasis. thesis, Medicine.

Hartjes, F.J. (2016) Effects of inhaled corticosteroids on eosinophils and neutrophils in blood, sputum, airway wall biopsies and BAL and their association with clinical characteristics in COPD patients. thesis, Medicine.

Have, E. ten (Els) (2016) 2D strain echocardiography of the right atrium in patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation. thesis, Medicine.

Heida, J. (Judith) (2016) Stability of vasopressin and copeptin ex-vivo. thesis, Medicine.

Heidema, R. (Rianna) (2016) Reducing bed rest following inguinal lymph node dissection in melanoma patients. thesis, Medicine.

Heijden, H.S. van der (2016) Epidemiology of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders among Antillean Adolescents and the Influence of Biopsychosocial Factors. thesis, Medicine.

Helder, H.M. (Herman) (2016) Het effect van 3D-beeldvorming op chirurgische prestaties tijdens endonasale endoscopische sinuschirurgie. thesis, Medicine.

Hempenius, M.A. (Maaike-Anna) (2016) Influence of early clinical problems on the early neurological outcome in preterm infants : Research Clerkship Neonatology. thesis, Medicine.

Hendriks, M.A. (2016) Resulteert het verbeteren van informatie over postoperatieve pijnbestrijding bij een totale knievervanging in meer patiënttevredenheid over de pijnbehandeling en beter gebruik van pijnmedicatie? : Een Pilot studie. thesis, Medicine.

Hengeveld, V.S. (2016) Trends in outcome of extreme preterms – a retrospective cohort study on neonatal mortality and morbidity. thesis, Medicine.

Heus, A. (2016) Pulmonary involvement in primary Sjögren’s syndrome. thesis, Medicine.


Holslag, J.A.H. (2016) Influence of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on cognitivesymptoms in a rat model of Parkinson’s Disease. thesis, Medicine.

Hommel, M. (Matthijs) (2016) Luminal Preservation in Rats : An Experimental Study. thesis, Medicine.

Hoogen, R.F.M. (Rosa) (2016) De werkenemer als boormachine? : Stage wetenschap ethiek, bedrijfsgeneeskunde en Quantified Self. thesis, Medicine.

Hordijk, I.M.J. (2016) Prescription patterns of alpha-blockers in Dutch men suffering lower urinary tract symptoms. thesis, Medicine.

Horstman, J. (Jacolien) (2016) Development of Participation Scale addressing participation restrictions in children who suffered from Buruli Ulcer in Benin and Ghana. thesis, Medicine.

Houben, I. (Ignas) (2016) Early weight bearing after diaphyseal tibial fracture: A cohort analysis of 172 surgically treated diaphyseal tibialfractures in a level-I trauma center. thesis, Medicine.

Huberts, M. (Marleen) (2016) Een Pilotstudy naar de tryptofaan balans bij dialysepatienten : Inname van tryptofaan met de voeding, verwijdering door de dialyse behandeling en de relatie tussen ontstekingsmarkers en afbraakprodukten van tryptofaan. thesis, Medicine.

Huisman, J.F. (2016) Limited clinical value of CT-colonography in obstructive colorectal cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Jaspers, J. (Jolien) (2016) Sodium-to-potassium ratio in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. thesis, Medicine.

Jipping, K. (2016) The impact of different nCRT schedules on localization of tumor recurrences in esophageal cancer patients. thesis, Medicine.

Jongejan, J. (Johanneke) (2016) The role of renal potassium excretion in serum potassium derangements in two different patient groups. thesis, Medicine.

Joosten, J.J. (Hanneke) (2016) Outcomes of the failure of selective nonoperative management of penetrating abdominal trauma. thesis, Medicine.

Kalsbeek, J.H. (2016) The influence of posterior tilt of the femoral head on the failure rate of femoral neck fractures. Ananalysis of 164 undisplaced femoral neck fractures treated by Gannet osteosynthesis. thesis, Medicine.

Kalteren, W. (Willemien) (2016) The effect of red blood cell transfusion on abdominal and cerebral tissue oxygen saturation and its relation to developing subsequent necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. thesis, Medicine.

Kersten, J.H.W. (2016) The effect of resuscitation characteristics and various demographic factors on outcome after out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest, in the region of Groningen. thesis, Medicine.

Koldenhof, A. (Anne) (2016) Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen in Noord-Nederland van 2010-2014: Een retrospectieve database studie. thesis, Medicine.

Koning, F.H.M. de (2016) Feasibility of the Fecal Pancreas Elastase-Quick-TM Test for exocrine pancreatic function testing. thesis, Medicine.

Kooijman, P. (2016) Popeye or Pinocchio? The relationship between muscle mass and grip strength in an elderly population by measuring muscle mass and testing grip strength. thesis, Medicine.

Koops, L. (Lisa) (2016) Screening for prostate cancer - medical policy by general practitioners in the northern part of the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Kramers, B.J. (2016) KIM-1 mediates the uptake of exosomes and transfer of MHC II. thesis, Medicine.

Kreisel, S.I. (2016) De voorspellende waarde van familieanamnese voor ziekteprogressie bij patiënten met Autosomaal Dominante Polycysteuze Nierziekte. thesis, Medicine.

Kroeze, M.J.A.M. (2016) Postoperative swelling after carpal tunnel release with and without an arm sling : A controlled before-and-after study on the effect of wearing an arm sling on postoperative recovery after carpal tunnel release. thesis, Medicine.

Kruyt, L.M. (Lara) (2016) Survival and vascular damage in long-term testicular cancer survivors after chemotherapy treatment. thesis, Medicine.

Kuijpers, M.M. (2016) Neonatal bloodspot screening for Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: evaluation of different screening parameters. thesis, Medicine.

Kuiper, M. (2016) The influence of dynamic light conditions on visual functioning in healthy subjects. thesis, Medicine.

Labberton, M. (Michelle) (2016) The Infant Stool Color Card as a Screening Tool for Early Detection of Biliary Atresia :A pilot study to determine the feasibility of the ISCC in the Dutch health-care system. thesis, Medicine.

Lammertink, M.H.A. (Marieke) (2016) Indications and consequences of MSI analysis in colorectal cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Langbroek, P. (2016) Syndroom van POEMS : Verslag van een zeldzame plasmacel dyscrasie in Nederland. thesis, Medicine.

Lange, S. (Stefan) (2016) Next-Generation MRI Applied to Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. thesis, Medicine.

Langius, E. (Eline) (2016) Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Breast Lesions Evaluation of the Intra- and Inter-Observer Agreement in the Region of Interest Demarcation Method. thesis, Medicine.

Lansink, J.G.H. (2016) ‘Infraslow EEG activity’ tijdens migraine aanval bij kinderen :Een nieuwe indirecte marker voor cortical spreading depression? thesis, Medicine.

Lefarth, T.L. (2016) Morbidity and mortality following a bicycle accident: comparison of e-bike and conventional bicycle accidents. thesis, Medicine.

Linde, J.M. (2016) Urine-incontinentie in de Nederlandse populatie. thesis, Medicine.

Lokhorst, M. (Marien) (2016) Postoperatieve cognitieve dysfunctie bij oudere kankerpatiënten (PICNIC): Het effect van perioperatieve bloedtransfusies op inflammatie en postoperatieve cognitieve dysfunctie. thesis, Medicine.

Lowijs, S.N. (2016) How to improve outcome in elderly patients with hip fracture? : The effect of comprehensive geriatric care in treatment of elderly patients with hip fracture and factors associated with adverse outcome after hip fracture. thesis, Medicine.

Mahieu, R. (2016) Head and neck reconstruction with pedicled flaps in the free flap era: a single surgeon’s experience : Is There Still a Place for Pedicled Flaps? thesis, Medicine.

Majoor, M. (Martijn) (2016) Population receptive field sizes of the visual (striate) cortex in patients with schizophrenia. thesis, Medicine.

Manders, M. (Marjolein) (2016) Diabetes care after cancer diagnosis in patients with type 2 diabetes and colorectal- or breast cancer treated with curative intent. thesis, Medicine.

Meer, I. van (2016) Lichaamssamenstelling en calcificatie van de abdominale aorta bij overlevenden van testiscarcinoom in relatie tot het metabool syndroom. thesis, Medicine.

Meerman, J. (Jan) (2016) Hoogbegaafde volwassenen in werk: De relatie tussen de houding ten aanzien van werk en het realiseren van capabilities. thesis, Medicine.

Meulenbeld, M. (Marieke0 (2016) Evaluation of intruducing a training of emergency obstetric and newborn care in Gondar, Ethiopia. thesis, Medicine.

Moedt, M. (Martijn) (2016) Endothelial Activation during Cooling and Recovery in Patients with primary or secondary Raynaud's syndrome : A Feasibility/Pilot study. thesis, Medicine.

Mossel, R. van (Roland) (2016) Empathy in First Year Medical Students: Relationship with Burnout. thesis, Medicine.

Mousavi, I. (Iman) (2016) De effecten van een multidisciplinaire preoperatieve programma bij patiënten die een electieve hartoperatie ondergaan met het doel om postoperatieve complicaties te verminderen : Onderdeel van de Heart-ROCQ-studie. thesis, Medicine.

Nanninga, C.J. (2016) The evaluation of a hemodynamic optimisation protocol guided by a non-invasively measuring device during total hip arthroplasty: a Quality Improvement Program with a before - after design. thesis, Medicine.

Niezen, C.K. (2016) Outcomes after perilunate dislocation/fracture dislucation. thesis, Medicine.

Noppe, L.J. (2016) Voorspellers van recidief atrium fibrilleren een (1) een twee jaar post pulmonale vene isolatie. thesis, Medicine.

Oerlemans, L.N.T. (Leonoor) (2016) Huntington’s disease modifier genes – the role of Mlh1. thesis, Medicine.

Olijve, S.J. (2016) Risk factor analysis for unfavorable outcone in adult patients with imported plasmodium falciparum malaria ; A retropsective study. thesis, Medicine.

Onnes, M.C. (Merel) (2016) The Effectiveness of Biophosphonates on Bone involvement in Patients with Systemic Mastocytosis. thesis, Medicine.

Oudkerk, M. (Martijn) (2016) Afkapwaarden voor de CARAT-vragenlijst in patiënten met astma en allergische rhinitis. thesis, Medicine.

Padje, F. (Foske) (2016) Routine outcome monitoring bij het centrum integrale psychiatrie : een analyse. Onderzoek naar behandeleffecten en patiënttevredenheid en de invloed van patiënt specifieke factoren daarop. thesis, Medicine.

Panjer, J.A. (2016) Longitudinal evaluation of anthracycline-induced cardiac dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors. thesis, Medicine.

Parlevliet, K.L. (Krista Lucia) (2016) Lung ultrasound in patients after cardiothoracic surgery : Early detection of clinically relevant postoperative pulmonary complications. thesis, Medicine.

Peeks, F. (Fabian) (2016) The Age Dependency of Clinical and Biochemical Parameters of Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia and Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ib Patients. thesis, Medicine.

Pek, E.L. (2016) De invloed van verschillende soorten feedback op de heupadductie tijdens hardlopen: een pilot studie. thesis, Medicine.

Pepplinkhuizen, S. (2016) Muscle strength in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension : A new parameter for disease severity? thesis, Medicine.

Peters, V. (Vera) (2016) Western Diet & Inflammatory Bowel Disease. thesis, Medicine.

Plas, W.Y. van der (Willemijn) (2016) A strategy change in the treatment of end-stage renal disease related hyperparathyroidism after the introduction of calcimimetics: a retrospective observational study. thesis, Medicine.

Ploeg, N. (Nanne) (2016) Het effect van Kinesiotape op knieabductie, heupadductie en knieflexie tijdens hardlopen en de invloed op de knieproprioceptie. thesis, Medicine.

Ploeg, V. van der (Valerie) (2016) Prevalence of chronic peri-pouch sepsis in patients treated as difficult primary idiopathic pouchitis and standardising assessment and documentation of pouchoscopy. thesis, Medicine.

Pool, M.B.F. (Merel) (2016) Normothermic machine perfusion of porcine kidneys with mesenchymal stromal cells: localisation and dose-dependency. thesis, Medicine.

Poppe, E. (Enya) (2016) Creatinine excretion in dialysis patients : A measure of muscle mass and muscle function. thesis, Medicine.

Post, N. (Nicoline) (2016) Phantom study: The accuracy of IDEAL-IQ, a new MRI technique, by GE Healthcare to diagnose and monitor NAFLD. thesis, Medicine.

Postma, W.R. (2016) How COPD patients think about inhaler technique and instruction : A qualitative, explorative study. thesis, Medicine.

Priem, C.M. (Laura) (2016) Audiometry and Vestibular Schwannoma. thesis, Medicine.

Prins, T. (Thalina) (2016) CD103+ cells in the anti-tumour immune response in cervical cancer. thesis, Medicine.

Rasul, B. (Baktash) (2016) Malnutrition and sarcopenia versus complications following Esophagectomy, Gastrectomy and HIPEC. thesis, Medicine.

Reijnders, T.D.Y. (2016) Regulatory T cell plasticity and (in)stability in ANCA-associated Vasculitis: Between regulation and inflammation. thesis, Medicine.

Reinders, M. (Martijn) (2016) Prevalence and predictors of frailty in older patients in a tertiary cardiology clinic. thesis, Medicine.

Reitsema, T. (Thalia) (2016) Diagnostiek bij laaggradige endometriumcarcinomen : De klinische relevantie van een preoperatieve X-thorax bij patiënten met een laaggradig en klinisch laagstadium endometriumcarcinoom. thesis, Medicine.

Reitsma, E.A. (Evelien) (2016) Patient Satisfaction after the Direct Anterior Approach for Total Hip Arthroplasty and a Previous Posterolateral or Direct Lateral Approach for Total Hip Arthroplasty on the Contralateral Side. thesis, Medicine.

Remmelts, H.A. (Helga) (2016) Effectiviteit van een multidisciplinaire benadering van patiënten met myofascialechronische bekkenpijn. thesis, Medicine.

Rooij, W.E. de (Willemijn) (2016) Increasing Incidence of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in the Netherlands : “Is the incidence still rising or did it reached a plateau yet?”. thesis, Medicine.

Roor, T.L. (2016) Perioperatieve monitoring van cerebrale zuurstofsaturatie d.m.v. NIRS bij kinderen onder algehele anesthesie. thesis, Medicine.

Rozema, R. (Romke) (2016) Potential of low dose Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Multislice Computed Tomography for zygomaticomaxillary fracture diagnosis : A blinded and randomized approach. thesis, Medicine.

Ruiter, S.E. (Sanne) (2016) ‘Provider initiated testing and counseling’ in de huisartsenpraktijk op Curaçao als startpunt voor ‘test and treat’ in de bestrijding van hiv. thesis, Medicine.

Runhart, E. (Esmee) (2016) Retinal biomarkers for early Alzheimer’s disease. thesis, Medicine.

Salavati, S. (Sahar) (2016) The association between the early motor repertoire and language development in low-risk term infants. thesis, Medicine.

Schipper, R. (Renata) (2016) Inflammatie en Hypofyseactiviteit in de acute fase van een herseninfarct : een prospectief cohort onderzoek. thesis, Medicine.

Schoemaker, H. (Henk) (2016) Growth and Differentiation Factor 11 and its role in cardiac homeostasis. thesis, Medicine.

Schoo, Y.M. (Yolanda) (2016) The evaluation of intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring and a goaldirected fluid therapy optimization protocol in patients undergoing highrisk surgery to improve postoperative outcomes: a before-after trial. thesis, Medicine.

Schoonbeek, R.C. (Rosanne) (2016) Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve implantation in an Ovine Model: a novel percutaneous strategy for pulmonary valve replacement after Tetralogy of Fallot Repair. thesis, Medicine.

Schoorlemmer, M. (Marijke) (2016) Zwangerschap & Osteogenesis Imperfecta : Een retrospectieve cohortstudie naar het effect van eenzwangerschap en het geven van borstvoeding op de botdichtheid bij vrouwen met Osteogenesis Imperfecta. thesis, Medicine.

Schouten, N. (Nina) (2016) Severe leptospirosis in Suriname. thesis, Medicine.

Schrader, N.H.B.(Nicholas) (2016) Prevalence and Characterisation of Cannabis-use to Treat Pain and Itch inEpidermolysis Bullosa. thesis, Medicine.

Schregardus, T.M. (2016) De diagnostische waarde van de D-dimeerbepaling voor longembolieën in het Martini Ziekenhuis te Groningen. thesis, Medicine.

Schreuder, L.M. (2016) Percutaneous Catheter Ablation in comparison with Minimal Invasive Pulmonary Vein Isolation in the treatment of drug-resistant Atrial Fibrillation. thesis, Medicine.

Schubert, N. (Nick) (2016) The contribution of KCNT2, KCNT1 and SLO1 β3 to physiological and pathophysiological hearing. thesis, Medicine.

Schuil, R.M. (Remco) (2016) Variabelen die bijdragen aan de accumulatie van advanced glycation endproducts : een cross-sectioneel patiëntenonderzoek bij patiënten met een retinaloslating. thesis, Medicine.

Schuitenmaker, J.M. (Jeroen) (2016) The effect of aging on the efficacy of immunosuppressants in organ transplantation. thesis, Medicine.

Schussel, C.A. (Camilla) (2016) Parental perceptions of food allergy : Quantitative assessment of food allergy perceptions in parents of children referred for allergy testing. thesis, Medicine.

Siemons, S.E. (2016) Subjective prolapse symptoms after Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy compared toLaparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy. thesis, Medicine.

Sijtsma, C. (Charlotte) (2016) Retrospectieve analyse van hart- en vaatziekten op de vrouwenpoli cardiologie in OLVG West. thesis, Medicine.

Sonnaville, C. de (Catherine) (2016) The impact of four recent Consortium trials on obstetric management and the occurrence of maternal and neonatal complications in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.

Stadt, E. A. van de (2016) Toepassing van de leeftijdsafhankelijke afkapwaarde van de D-dimeer bij de diagnostiek naar longembolieën in het Medisch Spectrum Twente : een retrospectief cohort onderzoek. thesis, Medicine.

Steenbeek, L.M. (2016) Recurrence of Dupuytren’s Disease after treatment with Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH) in thumb and fingers. thesis, Medicine.

Steentjes, E. (Ellen) (2016) ‘The relationship between serum thyrotropin and wellbeing in patients on levothyroxine therapy for hypothyroidism. thesis, Medicine.

Stegeman, K.L. (2016) Prevalence and patient characteristics of Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis (ISM) in patients with Hymenoptera allergy. thesis, Medicine.

Stel, A. (Ashling) (2016) Urineweg infecties in het verpleeghuis: incidentie, diagnostiek & behandeling. thesis, Medicine.

Stellingwerff, M.D. (2016) Subclinical Involvement of the Peripheral Nerves in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Type 2: A comparison of sonographic, electrophysiological and clinical findings. thesis, Medicine.

Stoffers, R.H. (Rutger) (2016) Assessment of Myocardial Injury after Reperfused Infarction by T1ρ MRI. thesis, Medicine.

Stravers, C.A. (2016) Cumulative stress in very preterm neonates due to early-life medical interventions in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the moderation of a stress reducing intervention : impact on short- and longer-term neurobehavioral development. thesis, Medicine.

Stroete, I. te (Iris) (2016) GraphoGame in the Netherlands: reading-related skills and the mismatch negativity in the first grade. thesis, Medicine.

Struiksma, A.L. (2016) Systemische sclerose (SSc) in Friesland: cross-sectioneel onderzoek naar patiënt- en ziektespecifieke kenmerken, informatiebehoefte en zorgconsumptie. thesis, Medicine.

Swart, S. (Sanne) (2016) Maternaal serum PAPP-A als diagnostische voorspeller voor groeivertraging tijdens de graviditeit. thesis, Medicine.

Taams, G.J. (Gerrit-Jan) (2016) Onderzoek naar Linker Ventrikel Ejectie Fractie als Voorspeller voor Mortaliteit na MitraClip-procedure : Resultaten en voorspellende factoren van het Medisch centrum Leeuwarden. thesis, Medicine.

Tak, P. van der (2016) Psychometric properties of the Participation scale among former Buruli ulcer patients in Ghana. thesis, Medicine.

Tameling, C.M. (2016) Young Asthma Patients’ Experience and Opinion of the Instruction Inhalation Technique : A qualitative, explorative study. thesis, Medicine.

Tebbens, M. (Marieke) (2016) Facial feminization and masculinization The effects of cross-sex hormone treatment on facial features in individuals with gender dysphoria. thesis, Medicine.

Terwindt, A. (Anouk) (2016) The prognostic value and function of CD103+ tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. thesis, Medicine.

Tichelaar, V. (Vera) (2016) Developing a porcine slaughterhouse model for normothermic regional perfusion of donor kidneys. thesis, Medicine.

Tigelaar, L. (Leonie) (2016) Prevalence, severity and risk factors of fatigue and anxiety in children undergoing cancer treatment and/or HSCT. thesis, Medicine.

Timmer, J.C. (2016) Paclitaxel-geïnduceerde neuropathie en de gevolgen voor de behandeling van het mammacarcinoom : Een retrospectieve database studie. thesis, Medicine.

Tuininga, A.M.A. (2016) Endoscopische laserablatie versus radicale nefro-ureterectomie als behandeling van patiënten met een laaggradig urotheelcelcarcinoom: management en overleving. thesis, Medicine.

Ubels, A.E. (Annelou) (2016) Reliability and validity of the Hempel Neurological Assessment at preschool age. thesis, Medicine.

Vas Nunez, R.P. (Roel) (2016) Men1L/L/ RIP2-CreER: a beta-cell specific mouse model : for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours under temporal control. thesis, Medicine.

Veen, A.W. ter (2016) The first steps in a cross cultural adaptation of the control of allergic rhinitis and asthma test (CARAT) in Luanda (Angola) : An exploration of the health care system and a recommendation on adopting the CARAT for use in Angola. thesis, Medicine.

Veen, T. van (Tijn) (2016) Assessment of the effect and predictability of cross-face-nerve-grafting in reconstruction of facial nerve paralysis. thesis, Medicine.

Veenstra, J.A. (Janny) (2016) Hoeveel patiënten zijn ondervoed bij een prospectief observationeel patiëntonderzoek naar het verschil in ondervoeding tussen de SNAQ-score en de phase angle. thesis, Medicine.

Vegter, L. (2016) Effect van scholing op de diagnostische nauwkeurigheid van huisartsen bij (pre)maligne huidafwijkingen : Retrospectieve studie naar het effect van dermatologie scholing op de diagnostische nauwkeurigheid van huisartsen bij huidafwijkingen die ingestuurd w. thesis, Medicine.

Veltkamp, T.A.S. (2016) Pelvic lymph node dissection and radiotherapy for high risk endometrial cancer : Optimize and individualize therapy for grade 3 endometrioid endometrial cancer patients. thesis, Medicine.

Vermei, L. (2016) Leidt het pakket aan maatregelen ter bevordering van de functionaliteit van langdurig opgenomen patiënten op de intensive care tot een verbetering van de functionele zelfstandigheid? thesis, Medicine.

Visser, S. (Stijn) (2016) Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van bestaande uitkomstmaten voor tremorklachten en de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe uitkomstmaat voor polyneuropathie klachten bij transplantatiepatiënten. thesis, Medicine.

Vlek, M.A. (Marieke) (2016) Sexual satisfaction in men who have sex with men starting onpre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. thesis, Medicine.

Vlot, M.A. (Margot) (2016) Incidence of painful neuroma in patients with digital amputations. thesis, Medicine.

Volders, E.L.D. (2016) Influence of physical therapy on the extent of recovery after revision arthroplasty of the hip and knee in the Netherlands and Germany. thesis, Medicine.

Voorthuizen, M. van (Mirthe) (2016) Het effect van een voedingsadvies gedurende drie maanden op het beloop van subklinische hypothyreoïdie bij kinderen : een randomised controlled trail. thesis, Medicine.

Vries, R. de (2016) Fascia Iliaca Blockade in Hip Fractures: The effect on the incidence of delirium. thesis, Medicine.

Vries, R. de (Roanne) (2016) Neonatal pain : Can pain in neonates be detected by cerebral oxygenation and electrocerebral activity? thesis, Medicine.

Vries, R. de (Rosanne) (2016) Neonatal Care: Can pain in neonates be detected by cerebral oxygenation and electrocerebral activity. thesis, Medicine.

Vries, S.S. de (Sabina) (2016) Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance : Knowledge, awareness and behaviour. thesis, Medicine.

Vuurberg, N. (Nienke) (2016) Invloed van feedback met behulp van 3D Gait op de voorspellende waarde voor blessures. thesis, Medicine.

Waard, M. de (Marjolein) (2016) Paediatric chronic kidney dialysis in Brazil The impact of age on the incidence and prevalence of end-stage renal disease in Brazilian children and adolescents. thesis, Medicine.

Weistra, J. (Joyce) (2016) The influence of preoperative endoscopic stent insertion into the common bile duct on postoperative outcome after a Traverso- Longmire Whipple surgical reconstruction A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected clinical data. thesis, Medicine.

Wemeijer, T. (Tessa) (2016) Correlation Electrocardiogram repolarisation measures and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Acute Cardiac Syndrome patients after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. thesis, Medicine.

Weststrate, J. (Jitske) (2016) De invloed van fototherapie op de cerebrale bloeddoorstroming bij prematuur geboren neonaten tot 37 weken. thesis, Medicine.

Wijnsma, R.F. (2016) Kwaliteit van leven en seksueel functioneren van volwassenen geboren met een blaasexstrofie. thesis, Medicine.

Wildeman, L. (Lies) (2016) Characteristics and risk factors of readmission to the ICU in Isala : A case-control study. thesis, Medicine.

Willems, S.M.I. (Simone) (2016) Aangeboren urethrakleppen : Exploratieve studie naar symptomen van en diagnostisch onderzoek naar urethrakleppen bij jongens met incontinentie. thesis, Medicine.

Wischniowski, K. (Katharina) (2016) The protective role of a Mediterranean-like diet on the cognitive function of elderly women exposed to long-term air pollution. thesis, Medicine.

Wit, A.E. de (2016) The results of aortic valve repair procedures for aortic regurgitation. thesis, Medicine.

Woltjes, L.C. (2016) De invloed van intra-operatieve hypotensie op postoperatieve cognitieve disfunctie : Onderdeel van PICNIC . Predicting postoperative outcome in elderly surgical cancer patients. thesis, Medicine.

Wong, C.K. (Chung Kwan) (2016) Overall survival of patients with Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia. thesis, Medicine.

Woudstra, D.J. (Dyane) (2016) Mantelzorgers van patiënten op een geheugenpolikliniek: de subjectieve belasting en een analyse naar risicofactoren voor overbelasting. thesis, Medicine.

Zande, N. van de (2016) Clinical Caracterization of Dystonia in Patients with Huntigdon's Disease. thesis, Medicine.

Zuidema, P. (Peter) (2016) TORCH-screening –“ To do or not to do?” : Een retrospectieve cohortstudie. thesis, Medicine.

Zwager, C.L. (2016) Angiogenic biomarkers and their role in cardiovascular risk in womewith a history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy orspontaneous preterm birth. thesis, Medicine.

Zwart, A.F. (Anne) (2016) Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep and the thalamus: neuro-imaging, electroencephalogram, and neurodevelopmental characteristics. thesis, Medicine.

Zwart, W. (Wouter) (2016) Prehospitale identificatie van grote cerebrale arterie occlusies bij het acute herseninfarct gebruikmakend van NIHSS. thesis, Medicine.

Zweers, T. (Tjerk) (2016) Compression of the pulmonary artery in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. thesis, Medicine.


Aziz, S. (Sohrab) (2016) Analyse van de morfologie van de mediane- en caudale orbitawand bijvolwassenen voor de ontwikkeling van confectie-implantaten. thesis, Dentistry.

Aziz, Sohrab (2016) Case Report: Peri-apicale Radiolucentie na Endodontische Behandeling Verschil in succespercentage tussen een endodontische herbehandeling en apexresectie. thesis, Dentistry.

Berenschot, J.M.L. (Janine) (2016) Mondverzorging in de thuiszorg aan hulpbehoevende ouderen : een onderzoek onder medewerkers in de thuiszorg naar kennis over mondverzorging en de mate waarin dit onderdeel is van de dagelijkse zorgverlening aan hulpbehoevende ouderen. thesis, Dentistry.

Berghuis, G.J. (2016) Profylactisch toedienen van antibiotica bij orale implantologie of toch niet? Case report & kritische analyse van de literatuur. thesis, Dentistry.

Beukers, Tom (2016) Case-report en kritische analyse van de literatuur Wat zijn de overwegingen om de beet wel of niet te verhogen bij een patiënt met gebitsslijtage? thesis, Dentistry.

Blomsma, I. (Ivar) (2016) De nauwkeurigheid van volumebepalingen van kaakbot bij het gebruik van Cone Beam Computed Tomography. thesis, Dentistry.

Blomsma, Ivar (2016) Case Report: Een bruine verkleuring in het front En de behandeling met Icon. thesis, Dentistry.

Bouwman, L. (Loulou) (2016) SPLIMP : Simultane botsplijting en implantaatplaatsing in de edentate bovenkaak ; Het evalueren van implantaten en prothetiek bij patiënten met een Cawoord IV of V geclassificeerde edentate bovenkaak na plaatsen van implantaten in combinatie met botsplijt. thesis, Dentistry.

Bui, M.T. (2016) Wat is de invloed van het groeioppervlakte en/of calcium op de rode fluorescentie van biofilms. thesis, Dentistry.

Doestzada, M. (Maryam) (2016) Het geluidsniveau van de ultrasone scaler in de tandheelkunde : een risicoinventarisatie van geluidsbelasting op het gehoor van de behandelaars. thesis, Dentistry.

Eenkhoorn, R. (2016) een vergelijkende studie naar adaptatie en penetratie van mineral trioxide aggregate en Vitrebond (TM) aan dentine en in dentinetubuli: een Systematische Review. thesis, Dentistry.

Eleveld, C.A. (2016) Case report: Een 4-delige zirkoniumoxide cantilever brug met opgebakken porselein. thesis, Dentistry.

Feenstra, F.A. (2016) Case Report: Een micro-invasieve behandelmethode voor esthetisch storende fluorose. thesis, Dentistry.

Geelen, X. (Xander) (2016) Narcosebehandeling binnen de kindertandheelkunde : een inventarisatie van verwijzingen en vervolgbehandelingen binnen de polikliniek Kindertandheelkunde CTM-UMCG. thesis, Dentistry.


Geertman, S.J. (2016) Case report en Critical Appraisal of a Topic (CAT) : Voorkomen van knobbelfractuur na endodontische behandeling in premolaren. thesis, Dentistry.

Groot, L.G. de (2016) Het gebruik van GC Fuji Triage® bij de behandeling van carieuze melkelementen. thesis, Dentistry.

Groothuizen, Henrike (2016) De vitale pulpa behandeling. thesis, Dentistry.

Heuvink, E.F. (2016) Het verschil in spanning tussen studenten en ervaren tandartsen bij het geven van verdovingsinjecties. thesis, Dentistry.

Heuvink, Evelien (2016) Heeft een volledige kroon in de anterieure zone van een keramisch materiaal of van metaal-porselein een hogere survival rate? CASE REPORT. thesis, Dentistry.

Hobbelink, mw. M.G. (2016) C A S E R E P O R T Space maintaining van diastemen ter plaatse van de eerste molaren in de onderkaak. thesis, Dentistry.

Jansen, K. (2016) Split-mouth gerandomiseerd onderzoek naar de overlevingsduur van indirecte composiet en keramische facings gebonden aan maxillaire anterieure tanden: follow-up bevindingen tot 7 jaar. thesis, Dentistry.

Keur, R. (Rogier) (2016) de conventioneel versus digitaal vervaardigde splint. thesis, Dentistry.

Kouchi, R. (Roena) (2016) 3D evaluatie van de centrale papil van de bovenkaak. thesis, Dentistry.

Meijndert, C. (Caroliene) (2016) IMPLANT SUPPORTED SINGLE TOOTH REPLACEMENT IN THE AESTHETIC ZONE :A 10 year follow-up study of a prospective, randomized clinical trial comparing the treatment outcome of three augmentation modalities. thesis, Dentistry.

Mennega, E. (2016) Case Report: Directe Restauratie vs. Indirecte Restauratie na een endontische behandeling. thesis, Dentistry.

Mennega, E. (2016) The effect of UVC light of bovine dentine inoculated with mutans streptococci: an explorative study. thesis, Dentistry.

Nijssen, E.F.M. (Eefke) (2016) Succespercentage van Zirconia etsbruggen na 1 jaar en 2,5 jaar. thesis, Dentistry.

Onclin, Pieter (2016) Case Report: Behandeling van een patiënt met een verticale wortelfractuur na dento-alveolair trauma. thesis, Dentistry.

Peters, S.T.W. (2016) An evaluation of dental treatment strategies after the diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis and/or apical periodontitis and influences on the decisionmaking process. thesis, Dentistry.

Qawas, Ali (2016) Case Report: Verbetering van de esthetiek van verkleurde voortanden met behulp van micro-invasieve behandeling. thesis, Dentistry.

Raouf, M. (2016) CASE REPORT Pijn ten gevolge van Cariës Profunda Wat is de prognose van direct overkappen in geval van pulpa-exponatie? thesis, Dentistry.

Razavi, Peywand (2016) Case Report: [Risico-analyse bij een patiënt met een uitgebreide behandelvraag]. thesis, Dentistry.

Safi, Shahir (2016) Afgebroken Element Wat is de invloed van ferrule op de fractuurresistentie van een opgebouwde element d.m.v. voorgefabriceerde stift/kern? thesis, Dentistry.

Scheltes, J.P. (2016) Het succes van endodontische behandelingen in een gedifferentieerde endodontologiepraktijk. thesis, Dentistry.

Schermer, M.A. (2016) Case Report Gingivarecessie door belasting bij de proale beweging met een orthodontische draadspalk. thesis, Dentistry.

Schipper, T.J. (2016) Case Report: Opvulling van een diasteem: implantaatgedragen kroon of conventionele brug. thesis, Dentistry.

Schipper, T.J. (2016) Mandibulaire functie en levenskwaliteit van patiënten met unilaterale condylaire hyperplasie: de uitkomsten op langere termijn na condylectomie. thesis, Dentistry.

Selier, E.A. (2016) Case Report: De randaansluiting van een digitaal afgedrukte keramische kroon op het element 16. thesis, Dentistry.

Smulders, Ing P.J.H.M. (2016) Hypothyreoïdie en röntgenologische afwijkingen in het orofaciale gebied. thesis, Dentistry.


Thong Bui, Minh (2016) Effectiviteit van ‘air-polishing’ bij de niet-chirurgische behandeling van peri-implantitis. thesis, Dentistry.

Verploegen, V.J.N. (2016) Erosieve gebitsslijtage, wat weten jongvolwassenen hierover en hoe wensen zij tandheelkundige informatie te ontvangen :Een multicenter studie onder jongvolwassen tandartsbezoekers in Noord-Nederland, binnen het project ‘Tandheelkundig Onderzoek en Prakt. thesis, Dentistry.

Vriesema, Marike (2016) Case Report: Botelho-brug Minimaal invasief met metaal porselein ‘Wat is een goede behandelkeus voor een drie-delige brug met een overspanning van één molaar? ‘. thesis, Dentistry.

Werff, F.J.C. van der (2016) Evaluatie van KNMT richtlijn "Opvang tandheelkundige spoedgevallen buiten praktijkuren-2012" : "Haastige spoed is zelden goed ? Wie maakt de dienst uit in de spoeddienst?". thesis, Dentistry.

van Poppel, Annalous (2016) Dentale afwijkingen bij een 2-jarig meisje met Incontinentia Pigmenti: een case report. thesis, Dentistry.

Human Movement Sciences

Ameln, D. (Dick) (2016) The Functional Role of the Shoulder Muscles in Elevation Movements and Reaching Tasks. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Balasingham, M. (Mala) (2016) The Flanker test is not suitable to measure response inhibition in Dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Boeree, M. (Martijn) (2016) Force Development of Competition Rowers in a Single and Crew Setting: An Exploratory Study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Buseman, H.T. (Lena) (2016) How does virtual visual information, extracted from Optic Flow and Egomotion, influence gait patterns when walking on a treadmill? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Buurke, T.J.W. (Tom) (2016) Optimization of Metabolic Cost during Locomotor Adaptation on a Split-Belt Treadmill. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Dasselaar, E. (Edwin) (2016) Low intensity versus high intensity exercise in people with dementia: creating a contrast is feasible for strength training but not for walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Dijkstra, S. (2016) Feasibility study of a multidisciplinary pre- and postoperative rehabilitation program for cardiac surgery patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Echeita, J.A. (Jone) (2016) Functional Capacity Evaluation in different societal contexts: Results of a multicountry study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Elsinghorst, N.M. (2016) Walking with a prosthetic limb simulator: the effect of practice on energy cost and gait parameters in novice able-bodied users. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Ensink, M. (Mirte) (2016) The effect of implicit, explicit and video instructions during a triple cross over hop test on transfer. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Folkertsma, N. (Nienke) (2016) How to stimulate physical activity in the physically disabled population? A qualitative study amongst Dutch individuals with a physical disability or chronic disease into the requirements of an intervention to stimulate physical activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Garst, R. (Rianne) (2016) Comparison of physical activity measured with the Actigraph GT3X-BT and Fitbit ZipTM in children with DCD and TD children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Haverkamp, B.F. (2016) The Relationship between Health and Skill Related Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Typically Developing Children. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Heesterbeek, M. (Marelle) (2016) Ankle quasi joint stiffness during walking in the ageing population: impact of age, gender and activity. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Hensen, A.H.R. (2016) Differences between synchronous versus asynchronous submaximal handcycling in mechanical efficiency and force characteristics. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Heyward, O.W. (Omar) (2016) The Effect of Load on Achilles Tendon Structure in Novice Runners. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Hols, D.H.J. (Doortje) (2016) Demands on a physical activity stimulation intervention for people with a physical disability or chronic condition; A qualitative study among experts and Dutch individuals with a physical disability. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Huisinga, M.R. (2016) The interlimb velocity ratio, rather than the velocity difference, is the temporal relation that is learned during split-belt adaptation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Huizinga, F. (2016) APOE e4 in relation to cognitive and physical functioning and exercise effects in dementia. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Kalsbeek, M.W. van (2016) Do elderly use a wheeled walker for gaining postural support or sensory information? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Kate, J. ten (Jolien) (2016) Reliability of the Modified Motor Teaching Principles Taxonomy with regard to ‘Practice’ as a Motor Teaching Strategy. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Ketelaar, D. (Dorien) (2016) Cross-sectional association between objectively measured physical activity levels and psychosocial functioning in young children (age 3-7 years): the GECKO Drenthe birth cohort. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Klerk, R. de (Rick) (2016) The acquisition and transfer of skill between regular handrim and pushrim activated power-assist wheelchairs in healthy novices. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Klunder, H. (Hanne) (2016) Perceived crossing capabilities in children: The effect of exploratory movement and experience on the perceived action capabilities in a crossing task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Kostas, S. (Stathakis) (2016) Effects of different types of attentional focus, over time, on biomechanical ACL risk factors during the triple crossover hop test for distance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Lamers, M. (Mirjam) (2016) Usefulness of the Duncan Ely test for assessing abnormal activity of the m. rectus femoris in stroke patients. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Lutjeboer, T. (2016) Energy cost of practiced pushrim-­activated power‐assisted wheelchair use vs practiced regular handrim wheelchair use. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Maas, W.J. (Willemijn) (2016) Static and dynamic stability in African children with generalized joint hypermobility. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Mieras, A. (2016) Motor cortical control of antagonist muscle function in aging. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Mildner, J.N. (Judith) (2016) The effects of social deprivation on self-referential and social thought. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Oosterwijk, R. (Roos) (2016) Changes in ATP efficiency and propulsion technique of able-bodied males after a 3-week hand cycle-like practice intervention. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Proos, J. (Jurjen) (2016) Sinusoidal vs constant work rate high intensity exercise training in COPD patients with ventilatory limitation. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Smits, J. (2016) Are sensorimotor balance control parameters predictive for maximum feet-in-place balance capacity? A cross-sectional study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Snippe, D. (Dennis) (2016) No benefit of implicit or explicit knowledge acquisition when advanced information about the upcoming path is available in a pursuit tracking task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Spaan, M.H. (2016) Evidence for a vibrotactile biofeedback system, based on pressure distribution under both feet, to improve balance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Sporrel, K. (Karlijn) (2016) Children prefer a nonstandardized jumping stone configuration. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Stathakis, K. (Kostas) (2016) Effects of different types of attentional focus, over time, on biomechanical ACL risk factors during the triple crossover hop test for distance. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Timmer, J.L. (Justin) (2016) The effects of a home-based Deep Slow Breathing program on perceived stress and breathing patterns, a single-blind controlled pilot study. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Tonkelaar, J. (Jasper) (2016) The differences in synergistic control of joint angle variability between reaching and interception. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Valk, T. (Tim) (2016) Changes in the organization of muscle synergies during multidirectional point-to-point movements with rods of different lengths. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Veeken, E.H.M. (2016) Avoidance instructions induce overcompensation in older adults during a narrow stance balance task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Vervoort, D. (Danique) (2016) Effect of cognitive load on gait adaptation of young and older adults during split-belt walking. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Verwilligen, S.N. (2016) The effect of avoiding virtual high obstacles on spatiotemporal gait parameters in post stroke patients and healthy persons. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Vries, R. de (2016) Working in an Office Without Chairs; What are the Effects on Energy Expenditure? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Waanders, J. (Jeroen) (2016) Functional relevance of relative maintenance of maximal eccentric quadriceps torque in healthy old adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Waardt, L.E. van de (2016) Neural mechanisms of anticipatory postural adjustments in healthy young adults, healthy middle-aged adults and healthy elderly. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Werkema, S. (2016) Differential effects of two attention-demanding tasks on gait performance in young and older adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Wervelman, T. (Thijs) (2016) Gait adaptations during a 60-minute practice using a transfemoral prosthetic limb simulator in able-bodied male adults. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Zwol, E. van (Evelien) (2016) The Effects of an Individualized Physical Activity Program on Quality of Life and Daily Physical Activity in Patients with an Acquired Brain Injury or Geriatric Psychiatry Disorder. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.

Sport Sciences

Bakker, L. (Lisette) (2016) Drift: And its effect on calibration in the tennis serve. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Beute, S. (Stef) (2016) Optimizing the relationship between coaches’ and players’ perceptions of training load: development and application of feedback to soccer coaches. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Boeree, M. (Martijn) (2016) Force Development of Competition Rowers in a Single and Crew Setting: An Exploratory Study. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Bruijn, J. de (2016) The Influence of Substitution Duration on Physical Output during International Field Hockey Matches: Is Longer Better? thesis, Sport Sciences.

Denderen, B.G.W. van (2016) Change of direction-and-speed performance in football: from test to match. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Doornbos, A. (Adriaan) (2016) VO2peak or oxygen uptake kinetics? A new method to evaluate training based on adaptations at submaximal level in cancer patients. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Euving, Y. (Yvonne) (2016) Physical activity levels during school time and the contribution of physical education and recess for children with intellectual disabilities. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Gijsbers, Y.S.P. (2016) Development of the volleybal service and spike test for assessing technical skills in youth volleybal players. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Gonsalves, M.S. (Marlon) (2016) An analysis of the gaze behavior of youth soccer players in a naturalistic setting. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Hakvoort, B. (Bas) (2016) Game reading skills in youth soccer players: a Skill Theory approach. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Houwer, R. (Ruben) (2016) Mental toughness in talented tennis players: A comparison between on-court observations and a self-reported measure. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Janssen, L. (Luuk) (2016) The Relationship between Health- and Skill-Related Fitness with Executive Functioning in Elementary-School Children. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Jong, L.M.S. de (2016) The influence of seasonal change and player characteristics on physical capacities in football players. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Kolman, N. (Nikki) (2016) The Dutch Technical-Tactical Tennis Test (D4T) for talent identification and development: psychometric characteristics. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Kosse, S. (Silke) (2016) Changes in Physical and Technical Performance between and within Elite Field Hockey Matches during Two Tournaments. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Kruijf, J. de (Jelle) (2016) Gaze behavior in young soccer talents while performing a position game exercise: An exploratory study. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Kuyvenhoven, J. (Jurian) (2016) Relevant load indicators for injury prevention in professional soccer. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Müller, S. (Sven) (2016) Taking responsibility for sport performance: Examining the attribution style of adolescent, high performing athletes. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Oost, M. (Mark) (2016) Tactical, psychological and cognitive characteristics in talented soccer players. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Overgaauw, M. (Marleen) (2016) Association Between Executive Functions & Gross Motor Performance in a Heterogeneous Sample of Children with ADHD between the ages of 7 and 12 years. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Post, A. (Aylin) (2016) Modulating motor cortical neuroplasticity with priming paired associative stimulation in young and old adults. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Prinsen, R. (Ruben) (2016) Tactical behavior prior to goal-scoring (opportunities) in elite-standard youth soccer players. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Schasfoort, D. (Dominique) (2016) The relation between training load, wellness and recovery in elite beach volleybal players. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Schootemeijer, W.F. (Wendy) (2016) Decision making in sports: Receiving a volleyball serve. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Schreurs, M. (Mervin) (2016) The effect of cutting angle and speed on knee mechanics in team sport athletes. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Steen, P. van der (Paweł) (2016) Affordance perception in parkour. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Vette, D. de (Dianne) (2016) The effect of the mechanical link on crew rowing coordination. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Vries, E. de (2016) The relationship between motor competence, perceived competence and sedentary behaviour in children (aged 8-12 years old) with a learning delay. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Vrught, T. de (Tim) (2016) The 50m Swim Test: an Indicator of the Physical Performance of Elite Female Water Polo Players. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Water, T. van de (Tanja) (2016) Assessing cognitive performance in badminton players: a reproducibility and validity study. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Winkelhorst, L. (Luuk) (2016) Internal and external training load of small-sided games in professional football. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Wolfard, R. (2016) Effect of different volume and intensities of a conditioning activity on the magnitude and duration of the post-activation potentation effect. thesis, Sport Sciences.

Zuiderwijk, L.C.M. (2016) The relation between the type and complexity of gross motor skills and executive functioning within children with a learning delay. thesis, Sport Sciences.


Lauridsen, C. (Camilla) and Slikker, A. (Ashyra) (2016) Buidelen als pijnreducerende interventie op de Neonatologie afdeling tijdens capillaire bloedafname (hielprik). thesis, HBO-V.

Mulders, M. (Marlous) and Reinders, M. (Marieneke) (2016) Pijnregistratie in het UMCG. thesis, HBO-V.

Piek, A. (Anneloes) and Hove, M. ten (Marjolein) (2016) LED fototherapie. thesis, HBO-V.

Postema, S. (Sharronne) and Berg, L. van der (Lisanne) (2016) Wond expertise centra Een onderzoek naar de manier waarop zes Wond Expertise Centra in Nederland invulling geven aan hun werkwijze. thesis, HBO-V.

Sluman, M. (Myrthe) and Zuidema, A. (Aniek) (2016) Schriftelijke verslaglegging binnen multidisciplinaire samenwerking : Afstudeeropdracht over schriftelijke verslaglegging op de groene lijst in het Beatrix Kinderziekenhuis. thesis, HBO-V.

Weima, D. (Denise) and Houtsma, C. (Ceciel) (2016) Het verbeteren van de medische en verpleegkundige overdracht. thesis, HBO-V.

Wubs, S. (Suzanne) and Paas, L. (Lisanne) (2016) De verpleegkundige overdracht ICV naar Verpleegafdeling. thesis, HBO-V.

This list was generated on Mon Jan 6 21:20:13 2025 CET.