Items where Year is 2018
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Afra, M. (Mona) (2018) NT-proBNP rises after living kidney donation: Implications for living kidney donor outcomes. thesis, Medicine.
Aken, E.S.M. van (2018) Risk of anterior circulation ischemic cerebrovascular events after curative (chemo)radiotherapy for head and neck cancer is associated with carotid artery radiation dose. thesis, Medicine.
Akkermans, L. (Luc) (2018) A virtual-reality football simulation to assess visual exploratory behavior in elite youth football players. thesis, Sport Sciences.
Al Khawtani, R.H.M. (Rayan) (2018) LDH levels and FDG-PET/CT metrics differentiate between mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. thesis, Medicine.
Almotawa, A. (Abdullah) (2018) Childhood physical or sexual abuse and its long-term cognitive implications. thesis, Medicine.
Alsabaan, N. (Najod) (2018) The effect of smoking on cardiac structure and function. thesis, Medicine.
Antonissen, R.O. (2018) Het abrasieve effect van interdentale reiniging met conische en cilindrische ragers op “bulk fill flowable” composieten vergeleken met posterior composiet en glasionomeer restauraties. thesis, Dentistry.
Arling, J.H. (2018) Overschrijden van de 15 minuten norm wordt niet geassocieerd met een toename in de verstoring van de vitale functies van de patiënt. thesis, Medicine.
Atefeh, F. (2018) Invloed van tongbeslag op de smaakintensiteit van zout. thesis, Dentistry.
Bakhsh, F.R. (Faisal) (2018) The Eliciting Dose Curves of Placebo Reactions During Milk and Peanut Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Food Challenges in Children. thesis, Medicine.
Bakker, L.I. (Liza) (2018) Heeft BMI invloed op gastro-intestinale klachten bij patiënten met morbide obesitas, voorafgaand aan een bariatrische ingreep? thesis, Medicine.
Basazemajja, P.P. (Peter Paul) (2018) No quantification cycle (Cq) differentiates colonization from infection in the diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia using the real-time PCR technique. thesis, Medicine.
Beems, B. (Bas) (2018) The effect of dentine matrix components on the mineralization capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells. thesis, Dentistry.
Been, D. (2018) Farmacologische interactie tussen dexmedetomidine en remifentanil. thesis, Medicine.
Bensink, M. (Milou) (2018) Mild neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy : The relationship between survival of striatal neuronal phenotypes and epileptiform transients in the latent phase after asphyxia in near-term fetal sheep. thesis, Medicine.
Benthem, K.L. van (Karlijn) (2018) The Influence of Maternal Obesity on Macrophage Subsets and Macrophage Angiogenesis Factors in the Human Decidua. thesis, Medicine.
Bergen, R. van (Rik) (2018) The utility of Gram stain for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in the emergency department. thesis, Medicine.
Berings, B. (Bodil) (2018) The incidence and management of neonatal hypoglycaemia in “healthy” neonates considered at risk. thesis, Medicine.
Boddeke, A.M. (2018) From realtive to quantitative microbial profiling improving microbial characterization. thesis, Medicine.
Bode, L. (Lena) (2018) Patients´ motivation for using the Emergency Department instead of ambulatory medical institutionsResults of a questionnaire-based study among patients who visit the Emergency Department without hospitalization. thesis, Medicine.
Bode, T. (Thomas) (2018) Heeft stevioside een anti-cariogene werking? Een in-vitro studie. thesis, Dentistry.
Boer, J. de (Janneke) (2018) The role of T-cells and immune-checkpoint proteins in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)A survival analysis and in vitro modulation with a hypomethylating agent. thesis, Medicine.
Bogdan, D.I.D. (Daria) (2018) Optimizing Tremor Control by exploring random Combinations of Deep Brain Stimulation Parameters. thesis, Medicine.
Bolte, L. (Laura) (2018) The therapeutic potential of diet: Elucidating a diet for the gut ecosystem. thesis, Medicine.
Borselen, J.W. van (Joep) (2018) Bij verlaagde spiegels van stollingsfactor XI en von Willebrand factor geen winst meer van endometrium ablatie boven Mirena spiraal bij behandeling van menorragie : een exploratieve studie. thesis, Medicine.
Bos, J. ten (Jasper) (2018) Mechanische reiniging van het implantaatoppervlak met een zandstraler: de invloed van de morfologie van het botdefect en van herhaald reinigingen. Een in vitro studie. thesis, Dentistry.
Bosch, D. (2018) Increasing Number of Surgical Procedures Since the Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Does Not Lead to More Complications:A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study. thesis, Medicine.
Bosmans, F.S. (2018) Anti-Müller hormoon voorspelt de ovariële respons onvoldoende bij gecontroleerde ovariële hypersimulatie. thesis, Medicine.
Bouwer, A. (Anna) (2018) A Brave Battle Against Hypertension In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. thesis, Medicine.
Brand, L.M. (Liv Marit) (2018) Distribution of HLA Subtypes in Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica in Relation to Disease Activity. thesis, Medicine.
Brands, S. (2018) Efficiency of Preoperative Imaging Workup to Facilitate a Focused Approach in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism. thesis, Medicine.
Broekema, R. (Roos) (2018) Family Centered Care : A quasi-experimental study on the differences in Family Centered Care delivery and perinatal outcomes of the NICU population between a Single-Family Room and Open Bay NICU design. thesis, Medicine.
Bruijn, C.J.R. de (2018) Het effect van ‘interprofessional education’ tussen tandheelkundestudenten en mondzorgkundestudenten op vertrouwen, kennis, taakherschikking en RIPLS score bij tandheelkundestudenten: een exploratieve studie. thesis, Dentistry.
Chaboksawar, T. (Tina) (2018) Dahlplateau in combinatie met orthodontie bij behandeling van een diepe beet: Een ontdekking of een slimme toepassing? thesis, Dentistry.
Chao, X.L. (Xu Lu) (2018) Functional and Structural Abnormalities of the Fibrin Clot in acutely ill Patients with Liver Disease. thesis, Medicine.
Chootipongchaivat, C. (Chama) (2018) Een gerandomiseerde ‘split-mouth’ klinische studie naar de effectiviteit van een houten tandenstoker en een rubberen tandenstoker in het verwijderen van tandplaque en de reductie van gingivitis. thesis, Dentistry.
Coenen, N.M.O. (2018) Diaphragm muscle thinning in mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the ICU. thesis, Medicine.
Collette, S.L. (2018) The prognostic value of blood pressure variation during intra-arterial thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke. thesis, Medicine.
Cort, B. de (Boris) (2018) Teendrukmeting als betrouwbare meting voor vaatstatus in onderbeenfracturen bij ouderen. thesis, Medicine.
Dam, G.K.H. van (2018) Additional enteral protein in combination with early mobilisation does not have an effect on muscle mass in critically ill patients – preliminary results. thesis, Medicine.
Dasselaar, K.J. (2018) Intracardiac dual chamber leadless pacing; which patients benefit the most? thesis, Medicine.
Dings, S. (Sam) (2018) Pain and stress during vasectomies : Perioperative pain and stress experience while distracting the patient with video glasses or virtual reality glasses. thesis, Medicine.
Doldersum, E. (2018) Corticomuscular and intermuscular coherence as a biomarker of pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation efficacy in dystonia. thesis, Medicine.
Dooren, B. van (Bart) (2018) Tacrolimus as a predictor for tremor in transplant recipients. thesis, Medicine.
Doornebosch, V.L.E. (2018) Statin treatment is not associated with protection against development of fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): a population-based cohort study and in vitro study. thesis, Medicine.
Dopheide, M.J. (Marit) (2018) The need for a listening ear in the small world of elite sports. A qualitative study about the psychosocial support for elite athletes: experiences, visions and needs. thesis, Sport Sciences.
Douma, S. (Sytze) (2018) Cochlear anatomy in naked and Damaraland mole rats. thesis, Medicine.
Driessen, D.A.J.J. (Daphne) (2018) Differences in frailty and other geriatric parameters between patients with head and neck cancer and other solid malignancies. thesis, Medicine.
Duijn, L. van (Liesbeth) (2018) Zwangerschap na bariatrie Zwangerschapsuitkomsten en diabetes gravidarum. thesis, Medicine.
Eikelboom, C. (Charlotte) (2018) Forward arm extension improves gait initiation in Parkinson’s patients. thesis, Medicine.
Elburg, R. (Rogier) (2018) De Overactieve Blaas: de richtlijn en de praktijk. thesis, Medicine.
Elferink, R.L. (2018) Universele screening naar mismatch repair deficiëntie bij colorectaal carcinoom niet zinvol. thesis, Medicine.
Elling, T. (Tessa) (2018) Intravenous prostacyclin analogues in the treatment of Raynaud’s Phenomenon in the long-term use. thesis, Medicine.
Essen, B.J. van (Bart) (2018) Perioperative PRBC transfusion is not associated with increased 30-day mortality in cardiac surgery patients. thesis, Medicine.
Exter, R.H.S. van (2018) De invloed van stevioside op de groei en zuurproductie van Streptococcus oralis. thesis, Dentistry.
Feenstra, J.A. (Jerryt) (2018) Kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse van chloorhexidinegebruik op de Intensive Care ter voorkoming van pneumonieën. thesis, Dentistry.
Felemban, D.G. (2018) Sleep Apnoea in Glaucoma. thesis, Medicine.
Feyer, L.S. (Larissa) (2018) Multidisciplinary Antenatal Care for Vulnerable Women - A Retrospective Observational Case Control Study. thesis, Medicine.
Filipe, W.F. (Wills Floris) (2018) Postoperative venous thromboembolisms in high-grade gliomas: a prediction model. thesis, Medicine.
Foreman, A.B. (Anne Britt) (2018) Effects of current exposure to bisphenols and parabens on attention and concentration in adolescents. thesis, Medicine.
Franken, D.E.J. (2018) Cerebrospinal fluid catecholamines: A predictor of spinal induced hypotension? thesis, Medicine.
Franx, V.J.F.H. (Victoire) (2018) Slender transradial procedures reduce short-term Upper Extremity Dysfunction when compared to Conventional procedures. thesis, Medicine.
Gelpke, K. (2018) Reductie van het percentage negatieve appendectomieën met de laparoscopische appendicitis score. thesis, Medicine.
Gercama, L.M. (Lysanne Manon) (2018) Associatie tussen een afwijkend CGA en het risico op complicaties en heropname :Bij patiënten van 70 jaar en ouder die een electieve operatie ondergaan. thesis, Medicine.
Gooijer, K. (2018) Bleeding Disorders in Osteogenesis Imperfecta : A cross-sectional pilot study. thesis, Medicine.
Graaf-van der Woude, S. de (Sandra) (2018) Onnodig gebruik van ICS bij COPD : Focusgroeponderzoek naar belemmerende en bevorderende factoren bij deïmplementatie van ICS in de huisartspraktijk. thesis, Medicine.
Groot, Y. de (Yvet) (2018) Tele-KNO: Kostenbesparend en snellere zorg bij oorklachten. thesis, Medicine.
Grégoire, S. (Simon) (2018) Rituximab and brentuximab vedotin is synergistic in lymphoblastoid cell lines. thesis, Medicine.
Gurvits, V. (2018) Het Therapeutische Leefstijlprogramma verhoogt welzijn en vermindert klachten bij patiënten met depressie en/of angststoornissen : de eerste resultaten van een pilotstudie. thesis, Medicine.
Haartsen, M (2018) Impact of risk factors for coronary heart disease on coronary microvascular resistance. thesis, Medicine.
Habing, M. (Marlies) (2018) Arterial stiffness in systemic sclerosis patients: The role of patient characteristics on the development of arterial stiffness. thesis, Medicine.
Hansen, J. (Jorik) (2018) Diagnostiek en prognostiek van functionele gastro-intestinale aandoeningen bij kinderen. thesis, Medicine.
Hegner, C. (Christian) (2018) Healing of Segmental Femoral Defect with Endothelial ProgenitorCells (EPCs) in Rats: A Dose- Response Study. thesis, Medicine.
Heijn, E. (2018) De invloed van IgG en/of IgA MAR antistoffen in het sperma op mannelijke subfertiliteit. thesis, Medicine.
Heller, Y. and Zwaagstra, T. (2018) Ouderschap en een psychische aandoening : Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar ervaringen van verpleegkundigen met het bespreken van ouderschap en het welzijn van de kinderen. thesis, HBO-V.
Helm, H.C. van der (2018) The effect of Bio-Oss® and Tissucol® on bone regeneration at the mandibular ridge in a Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy: A retrospective volumetric study using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. thesis, Dentistry.
Helmantel, A. (Adriaan) (2018) From talent to successful cyclist. A prospective study: what are the discriminative multidimensional performance characteristics to reach the top? thesis, Sport Sciences.
Hessels, R. (Rozemarijn) (2018) Een onderzoek naar sensitiviteit en specificiteit van de geautomatiseerde monitoring van het decubitusrisico in het Erasmus MC. thesis, Medicine.
Heul, E.A.W. van der (2018) High prevalence of frailty in an elderly population with heart failure. thesis, Medicine.
Heutink, W.P. (2018) Follow up of Advanced Glycation End products in Children and Adolescents with Type I Diabetes Mellitus : FACADE. thesis, Medicine.
Himmels, D. (Dunja) (2018) Comparative molecular characterization and analysis of the Staphylococcus aureus population structure from clinical samples in acute care hospitals in the Dutch-German border region – Ems-Dollart Regio (EDR). thesis, Medicine.
Hinsenveld, F.J. (Florentien) (2018) The detection of lymph node metastases in primary diagnosed prostate cancer :The combination of prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography / computed tomography and sentinel node biopsy provides accurate nodal staging. thesis, Medicine.
Hoff, B. van der (Bram) (2018) Discovering Receiver Positioning Behavior, and Its Relation with Serving in Tennis using Linear Mixed Effects Regression. thesis, Sport Sciences.
Hofman, J.M.G. (Jesse) (2018) The Prevalence and predictors of Polyneuropathic Signs and Symptoms in a Transplantation Population. thesis, Medicine.
Hogenbirk, R.N.M. (Rianne) (2018) Several pre- and post-injury factors are associated with unfavorable outcome after mild traumatic brain injury due to a bicycle related accident: an observational cohort study. thesis, Medicine.
Hogezand. L.L. (Lilian Laura) (2018) A dysregulated immune system: Growth factors, endothelial factors and serum receptors in bipolar disorder. thesis, Medicine.
Holtley-Weber, J. (Jorim) (2018) Which Motives for Physical Exercise Relate to Vitality in Leisure Runners? thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Horsthuis, S.A.I. (2018) Een behoeftebepaling van de tandarts en Tandheelkunde student met betrekking tot ondersteuning bij het herkennen en overgaan tot melden van kinderverwaarlozing: Een cross-sectioneel onderzoek onder tandartsen in Noord-Nederland, binnen het project ‘Tandheelkundig Onderzoek en Praktijk Noord Nederland’ en onder laatstejaars Tandheelkunde studenten aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. thesis, Dentistry.
Hudepohl, A. (2018) Exploring the role of candidate causal genes in CeD pathology Insights from disease phenotypes, co-expression and pathways enrichment. thesis, Medicine.
Huisman, D.D. (Daniël) (2018) Op zoek naar een snellere en betrouwbaardere methode voor het meten van antropometrische handeigenschappen. thesis, Medicine.
Hullegie, M. (Marjolein) (2018) Praktijkvariatie in de tweedelijns behandeling van kinderen met hoofdpijn en het gebruik van de PedMIDAS in deze hoofdpijnpopulatie. thesis, Medicine.
Ivarson, D.M. (Dina) (2018) Iodine Deficiency: a cause of Hypotheroidsm in the Netherlands : A Pilot Study. thesis, Medicine.
Jager, V.D. de (2018) Drosophila Melanogaster as a model organism to study long-term mortality after sepsis. thesis, Medicine.
Jong, B. de (2018) Belangrijke factoren bij de deïmplementatie van inhalatiecorticosteroïden bij patiënten met : Gezien vanuit het patiënten perspectief. thesis, Medicine.
Jongh, C. de (2018) The additive value of a restaging-CT during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer. thesis, Medicine.
Jonker, D.L. (2018) Imaging cardiac sympathetic innervation in hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis: a marker for neuropathy or cardiomyopathy? A retrospective correlation with bone scintigraphy, biomarkers and autonomic function tests. thesis, Medicine.
Joxhorst, T. (2018) Cross-cultural validation of the Motivation to Change Lifestyle and Health Behaviours for Dementia Risk Reduction scale in the Dutch general population. thesis, Medicine.
Kamies, B.A. (2018) Design and evaluation of a new lytA-based qPCR in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and community acquired pneumonia. thesis, Medicine.
Karsten, S. (Sjoukje) (2018) The kynurenine pathway activity in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid increases with ageing. thesis, Medicine.
Klaassen, M.A.Y. (Marjolein) (2018) Effects of riboflavin supplementation on the gut microbiome composition of Crohn’s disease patients. thesis, Medicine.
Klein Ganseij, H.J. (2018) Short- and long-term results after a modified Chevrel procedure for open midline incisional hernia repair: a single center, retrospective cohort study. thesis, Medicine.
Kletersteeg, R. van de (Romy) (2018) The positive effect of hypnotherapy on asthma control in asthmatic children with exerciseinduced bronchoconstriction: a randomized controlled trial. thesis, Medicine.
Klink, A.A. (Jarno) (2018) Het verkrijgen van een digitaal gebitsmodel uit een conventionele gebitsafdruk zonder het gebruik van een gipsmodel. thesis, Dentistry.
Klink, J.A.A. (2018) Case Report: Vervanging van een enkelvoudig diasteem met keramische materialen en vitale buurelementen in de posterieure zone bij gecompromitteerde patiënten. thesis, Dentistry.
Knaap, M.J.A. van der (2018) Leeftijd belangrijkste risicofactor hippocampuscalcificatie. thesis, Medicine.
Koorevaar, I. (Iris) (2018) Inconsistencies in clinical practice and guidelines: the management of asthma exacerbations in a New Zealand Emergency Department. thesis, Medicine.
Kort, D. (Dana) (2018) Audio-Visual sentence identification in early-deafened, late-implanted (EDLI) cochlear implant (CI) users and post-lingually deafened CI-users. thesis, Medicine.
Kromdijk, T. (Thijs) (2018) The effect of pulsating electrostatic field on performance level in talented Dutch speedskaters. thesis, Medicine.
Kruth, O. (2018) Influence of hypoxia on cognitive deficits and everyday-life skills in geriatric patients. thesis, Medicine.
Laan, L. van der (Lindsy) (2018) The influence of vasoactive medication on heart rate variability in patients presenting with sepsis at the emergency department. thesis, Medicine.
Lambert, F. (Franka) (2018) Botulinum neurotoxin treatment effects last in patients with a Functional Movement Disorder. thesis, Medicine.
Landsbergen, K. (2018) The distribution of cold blood cardioplegia in the right ventricle and the influence of coronary artery disease as determined by thermography. thesis, Medicine.
Lanting, G.D. (Geert) (2018) Unravelling Incomplete Systemic Lupus Erythematosus B- and T-cell subsets in incomplete SLE and SLE. thesis, Medicine.
Leeuw, T. de (Thijs) (2018) Polyfarmacie en medicatielast bij depressieve ouderen met chronisch somatische aandoeningen. thesis, Medicine.
Loon, E.M. van (2018) Adherence to antihypertensive agents is high in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, but the blood pressure is still elevated. thesis, Medicine.
Louwe, M.S. (2018) Dental Caries Determinants and Prevalence in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease; A Case Control Study. thesis, Dentistry.
Luchjenbroers, P. (Peter) (2018) Management and diagnostics of pulsatile tinnitus in the UMCG : A retrospective database study. thesis, Medicine.
Lugtenborg, R.M. (2018) Emotions of trainees in elderly care medicine around the end-of-life: the role of the environment. thesis, Medicine.
Martens, P.A.M. (Peter) (2018) The effect of pattern, attention and mechanical coupling on interpersonal coordination in rowing. thesis, Sport Sciences.
Medina Feliz, J.X. (2018) E-bike accidents are associated with major trauma, especially in the elderly. thesis, Medicine.
Menapal, L. (Laila) (2018) Development of surgical techniques for ex-vivo perfusion of end stage diseased explanted lungs. thesis, Medicine.
Meulen, T.D. van der (2018) CT en Q3DCT analyse van intra-articulaire Radiografische parameters voorspellen functie op lange termijn. thesis, Medicine.
Mollema, J. (Jeanine) (2018) FreeStyle Libre Een toepasbaar en voldoende betrouwbaar alternatief voor mensen met diabetes mellitus: Een transversale en longitudinale analyse. thesis, Medicine.
Mollen, J.P. (2018) Comparison of sphygmomanometry and three oscillometric devices in pregnancy; a prospective study. thesis, Medicine.
Muntinghe, F.O.W. (2018) The Role of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Treated with Curative (Chemo) Radiotherapy in Predicting Chemotherapy Tolerance, Treatment Related Toxicity and Quality of Life. thesis, Medicine.
Murshid, K.J. (Kawthar) (2018) The Use of Diffusion-Weighted MRI in The Differentiation Between Recurrent Rectal Cancer and Fibrosis. thesis, Medicine.
Nab, E.J. (Erik Jan) (2018) The Effect of Age on the Capability to Resist Physical Perturbations whilst performing an Upper-Limb Fine Motor Task. thesis, Human Movement Sciences.
Najar, B. (Ban) (2018) An Assessment Of The Health-Related Quality Of Life In Patients With Systemic Sclerosis. thesis, Medicine.
Nakshbandi, U. (Uzma) (2018) Histopathological assessment of germinal centers of patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome Supervisor:. thesis, Medicine.
Neleman, L. (2018) Maturity and functionality of umbilical cord blood CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ cells not as heterogeneous as in healthy adult peripheral blood: an in-depth comparison of the differentiation and function of T regulatory cells. thesis, Medicine.
Nelissen, T. (Tessa) (2018) C-reactief proteïne bij parodontitis; een diagnostische indicator voor parodontitis en een risicofactor voor cardiovasculaire ziekten?: een systematisch literatuuronderzoek en meta-analyse. thesis, Dentistry.
Nibourg, S.A.F. (2018) Het klinische effect van een medicatiebeoordeling bij patiënten met de ziekte van Parkinson : Interim analyse. thesis, Medicine.
Nicolai, M.J. (Mathieu) (2018) Pathologic aggressiveness in curatively treatable esophageal cancer is more likely associated with local tumor enhancement than with the SUV derived from 18F-FDG-PET. thesis, Medicine.
Nijhoff, M. (Maaike) (2018) Validation of the DCD-N score and a linear prediction model to identify potentialcandidates for donation after circulatory death: a nation-wide cohort study. thesis, Medicine.
Nijholt, K.T. (Kirsten) (2018) A Kinase Interacting Protein 1 (AKIP1) regulates cardiomyocyte elongation and promotes physiological cardiac remodeling by activating the AKT/C-EBPβ/CITED4 pathway. thesis, Medicine.
Noordhuis, L. (Lianne) (2018) The survival of patients with a malignancy admitted to the intensive care unit – a single-centre retrospective observational cohort study. thesis, Medicine.
Nugteren, K.S. van (2018) SD-OCT and visual evaluation of full-coverage occlusal veneers made from chairside fabricated zirconia silicate hybrid composite vs direct composite overlays on humane extracted posterior elements. thesis, Dentistry.
Oosterzee, M.L. van (2018) De effectiviteit van fluoride op de remineralisatie van tandglazuur bij de thuisbleekbehandeling: een in vitro studie. thesis, Dentistry.
Oude Elberink, M. (Marijn) (2018) Biomarker voor differentiatie in xerostomie patiënten met verschillende etiologie. thesis, Dentistry.
Overbeek, L.E. (Linde) (2018) Reverse Triggering, a frequently unrecognised type of asynchrony made visible: a study of the validation of theNeuroSync software. thesis, Medicine.
Pat, J.J. (2018) Evaluation of the diagnostic procedures in women with recurrent uncomplicated urinary tract infections: a retrospective study. thesis, Medicine.
Pieltjes, S.E. (Sarah Eline) (2018) Course of Coagulation Factor VIII and Factor IX during Life of Haemophilia Carriers : A Pilot Study. thesis, Medicine.
Planque, A. de (Annick) (2018) De behandeling van een Rockwood type III AC luxatie Een retrospectief case-controle onderzoek. thesis, Medicine.
Plate, C.M.A. (Charlotte) (2018) Predictors of failure in supraglottic Superimposed High Frequency Jet Ventilation (SHFJV) during upper airway surgery in adult and paediatric patients. thesis, Medicine.
Porskamp, L.C.M. (2018) Gebruik van sedativa binnen de bijzondere tandheelkunde bij patiënten met een verstandelijke- of lichamelijke beperking of extreme angst voor de tandarts. thesis, Dentistry.
Post, S. (Sophie) (2018) Cardiac late effects in patients after childhood cancer treatment within the first five years after diagnosis ---A longitudinal study---. thesis, Medicine.
Prins, E. (Eline) (2018) Spoed als het moet! Het toenemend aantal acute verwijzingen van kinderen naar de kinderarts: Een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve analyse. thesis, Medicine.
Puttenstein, R. (Reinate) (2018) ‘Effecten van op-maat gemaakte interventie- en implementatieplannen op de reductie van onjuist psychofarmacagebruik bij ouderen met dementie in Nederlandse verpleeghuizen’. thesis, Medicine.
Quené, A. (2018) Effect of breath holding in air in rest and during submaximal exercise on lactate level in water polo athletes. thesis, Medicine.
Reemst, H. van (Hannah) (2018) The biochemical effects of phenylalanine supplementation on phenylalanine and tyrosine concentrations in blood in Hereditary Tyrosinemia type 1 patients :Should phenylalanine be regularly supplemented? thesis, Medicine.
Reichert, M. (Marjolein) (2018) Paediatric Patients with Single Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease are at Risk for Myocardial and Hepatic Fibrotic Remodelling and Dysfunction. thesis, Medicine.
Roorda, A. (2018) Een retrospectief cohortonderzoek naar het spontane herstel van unilaterale diafragma disfunctie: Hoe lang duurt het herstelproces en waardoor wordt het beïnvloed? thesis, Medicine.
Rots, M. (Mathijs) (2018) Een cross-sectionele observationele study naar de interbeoordelaars betrouwbaarheid van de Baker Classificatie als maat voor kapselvorming na mamma-augmentatie. thesis, Medicine.
Ruijter - van Diermen, L. de (Loïs) (2018) Het effect van plaqueregistratie met een variërende intensiteit van feedback op de mondhygiëne en kennis van jongerenten aanzien van mondhygiëne. thesis, Dentistry.
Sadok, N. (Nadia) (2018) The Effect of Smoking on Complications and Quality of Life after Alloplastic Breast Reconstruction. thesis, Medicine.
Said, F. (Fatema) (2018) Serially measured N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide, cardiac troponin T, noradrenaline and adrenaline as valuable prognostic serum biomarkers in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension. thesis, Medicine.
Schimmel, L.H. (2018) Evalueren helpt je leren: Een retrospectief onderzoek naar de esthetische kwaliteit van solitaire front tandvervanging. thesis, Dentistry.
Schoenmaker, J.W.A. (2018) Researching the use of bacteria-targeting fluorescent tracers to accurately detect prosthetic joint infections in an early stage. thesis, Medicine.
Scholten, L. (Laura) (2018) Long term recurrence rates of frozen section analysis in basal cell carcinomas of the face. thesis, Medicine.
Schuitemaker, J. (Julia) (2018) Overleving en klinische evaluatie van keramische schildjes, een prospectief cohortonderzoek tot 10 jaar: Overleving van keramische schildjes gehecht aan tanden met en zonder bestaande composiet restauraties, met en zonder toepassing van IDS en met en zonder wortelkanaalbehandeling. Klinische evaluatie op basis van USPHS-score. thesis, Dentistry.
Sijbesma, A. (Akkelien) (2018) Evaluatie non-chirurgische initiële parodontale therapie in het Centrum voor Tandheelkunde en Mondzorgkunde, Groningen. thesis, Dentistry.
Sijbrandij, W. (Wiljo) (2018) FAST-Track protocol bij totale heup prothese : Reductie opnameduur en pijn bij combineren Fast-Track protocol met de direct superior approach. thesis, Medicine.
Sikkens, D. (Dennis) (2018) Long-term clinical outcome after anterior cervical discectomy with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) for cervical degenerative disease. thesis, Medicine.
Sleen, B. van der (Bart-Jan) (2018) Exercise physiology in the Intensive Care Unit, breaking groundon uncharted territory: a prospective, observational study using respiratory gas analysis. thesis, Medicine.
Slijkhuis, B.G.C. (2018) EHealth module voor mannen met plasklachten. thesis, Medicine.
Sluis, J.M. (2018) Generation of functional single positive T-cells from induced pluripotent stem cells of an ovarian cancer patient. thesis, Medicine.
Smit, A. (Anouk) (2018) The effect of postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis on perceived mother-infant bonding. thesis, Medicine.
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