Items where Year is 2024
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Albert, Swenne (2024) Endoscopic Assessment in Preoperative Staging of Early Stage Colon Cancer is as Accurate as Conventional Radiological Evaluation: A Retrospective Analysis of Endoscopic Versus Radiological Assessment. thesis, Medicine.
Allersma, Ties E. (2024) Recurrences in Oropharyngeal Cancer and the role of Salvage Surgery: A single center experience of 572 patients over a 11-year period. thesis, Medicine.
BEIJERBACHT, PJOTR HIJMEN DIEDERIK (2024) The Impact of Lifestyle Factors on the Course of Depression: A Focus on Adults using SSRIs. thesis, Medicine.
Bakker, Lotte (L.R.) (2024) The gait pattern of patients after an acetabular fracture - a comparison with healthy subjects. thesis, Medicine.
Berends, Milou (2024) Multi gene panel analysis has limited additional value compared to transthyretin gene analysis only in patients with suspected cardiac amyloidosis. thesis, Medicine.
Bin Obaid, M.S. (2024) Myxovirus resistance protein-A as a potential diagnostic biomarker for cutaneous graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. thesis, Medicine.
Bliek, Thijmen (2024) Exploring an Association Between Dyslipidemia and Cardiac Dysfunction in Long Term Female Breast Cancer Survivors. thesis, Medicine.
Bosma, Jeanine Geraldine (2024) CHOosing clerkships In mediCal Education (CHOICE study) It is not all about future career... thesis, Medicine.
Buisman, Adriaan W. (2024) Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging versus Echocardiography in the Estimation of the Severity of Mitral Valve Regurgitation. thesis, Medicine.
Dijkstra, Marrit (2024) Collaboration as transactional or relational? - A discourse analysis on collaborative perspectives retrieved from focus groups discussions with nurses, midwifes and residents. thesis, Medicine.
Dol, Cas Leendert (2024) Noten sensibilisaties en allergieën bij jonge kinderen met een sensibilisatie en/of allergie voor pinda en/of kippenei Een retrospectief onderzoek bij kinderen van 4-18 maanden oud. thesis, Medicine.
Eppink, Koen (2024) Secondary Carpal Tunnel Release after Surgical Fixation of the Distal Radius: Exploring the Frequency and Risk Factors. thesis, Medicine.
G. J. Julia, Huisman (2024) Urinary Mitochondrial DNA predicts Renal Allograft Function in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation. thesis, Medicine.
Gerharz, Carl (2024) Can Machine Learning Help us in Prediction of Survival for Patients with Extremity Metastases? - A Retrospective External Validation Study of a Bayesian Belief Network(PathFx v. 3.0) for Survival Prediction in a cohort of 292 Dutch Patients treated Surgically and Conservatively. thesis, Medicine.
Hoekstra, Maaike Marie (2024) The added value of gait analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of recurrent clubfoot. thesis, Medicine.
Huisintveld, Laura (2024) Verwijzing naar de geheugenpolikliniek: nog te weinig cognitieve diagnostiek in de eerste lijn. thesis, Medicine.
Huistra, Emiel W.M. (2024) Clinical and technical outcomes of endovascular aneurysm repair with a contralateral inverted limb A retrospective study in a tertiary care center. thesis, Medicine.
Hulter, Suzan (2024) Mogelijkheden om kwaliteit van zorg bij opgenomen patiënten met Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) te verbeteren. thesis, Medicine.
Jonkers, Luna (2024) “That was really,.. Yes really very nice.” Experience of patients with interprofessional education in a maternity ward: an educational design research study. thesis, Medicine.
Jspeerd, W. (2024) Relation between small airways disease and clinical relevant improvement in severe asthma patients treated with anti-interleukin-5 therapy. thesis, Medicine.
Kanaan, Razan (2024) Scapholunate Diastasis in Adult Patients with Suspected Scapholunate Ligament Injury A decreasing gap. thesis, Medicine.
Katuin, Charlotte Elise (2024) Unleashing Vitality: Assessing the Impact of LEEF! on Activity Levels with a Fitbit Device in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders". thesis, Medicine.
Koen, Marijke Fijke (2024) Influence of breast cancer on prescribed medication after treatment for breast cancer. thesis, Medicine.
Landewe, M.J. (2024) Time Matters: The implementation of an early invasive strategy reduces time intervals in ‘high-risk’ NSTE-ACS patients at Deventer Hospital. thesis, Medicine.
Lieverse, M.G. (2024) Nierfunctiecontrole na start SGLT2-remmer bij mensen met een gestoorde klaring. thesis, Medicine.
Mathijsen, Anouk (2024) Gecombineerd lactaat en glucose: Een vroege voorspeller van leverfalen en mortaliteit bij patiënten op de spoedeisende hulp. thesis, Medicine.
Nijveldt, Joni Josja (2024) Outcomes of breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.
Noorduin, Michelle Fleur (2024) Geïntegreerde werkwijze bij zuigelingen met excessief huilen en het effect op de zorgconsumptie in het ziekenhuis. thesis, Medicine.
Papadopoulou, Sofia (2024) IPE: An innovative activity’s influence on students learning. thesis, Medicine.
Poon, Jerry (2024) 1 Prolotherapy for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome: Exploring Potential in Reducing Severity, Enhancing Activity and Alleviating Pain. thesis, Medicine.
Pries, Faam (2024) Title: “Everyone wants to have the patient center-stage”: an interview study concerning the attitudes of medical specialists towards patient centeredness, conducted in a general teaching hospital in the Netherlands. thesis, Medicine.
Scheid, Hannah (2024) Bone Health Evaluation in Female Athletes with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Insights into Bone Mineral Density, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, and Trabecular Bone Score. thesis, Medicine.
VAN DIJKEN, MILOU (2024) How to improve prescreening activities to lower screen failure rates in clinical trials in Alzheimer disease at Brain Research Center. thesis, Medicine.
da Veiga Fernandes de Mira, Marta (2024) “Natural History and Treatment Outcomes of Venolymphatic Malformations of the Orbit”. thesis, Medicine.
de Boer, Sarah A. (2024) Great Expectations: a quantitative analysis of childbirth reality compared to women’s expectations – mismatches correlate to poorer outcomes Based on BEST-study data. thesis, Medicine.
du Marchie Sarvaas, Emma (2024) “Towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3: women’s empowerment as a tool to improve maternal health and adequate antenatal care in northern Ethiopia.”. thesis, Medicine.
van Embden, Janine (2024) Verpleegkundige begeleiding verbetert kwaliteit van leven van kinderen met atopisch eczeem EEN EVALUATIE VAN DE ECZEEMZORG IN HET DEVENTER ZIEKENHUIS. thesis, Medicine.
van Engelenhoven, M.H. (2024) AutoCart® behandeling bij osteochondrale laesies van de talus: een goed idee? thesis, Medicine.
van Leunen, Maaike (2024) ‘Extra Corporeal Shockwave Therapy’ in de behandeling van kinderen met een spastische Cerebrale Parese. thesis, Medicine.
van Loon, S.W. (2024) Predictive value of individual factors on vasopressor therapy for sepsis patients in the emergency department. thesis, Medicine.
van den Berg, Koen Philippe (2024) The Femoral Neck System vs Cannulated Screws in Geriatric Neck of Femur Fractures: Equal Radiological Outcomes but Fewer Reoperations. thesis, Medicine.