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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Care for the future : Power, Leadership and Resistance related to a successful change path in the care route of hospitals and nursing homes

Smit, A. (2008) Care for the future : Power, Leadership and Resistance related to a successful change path in the care route of hospitals and nursing homes. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

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Introduction This research provides an answer on the main research question, which has the purpose to find out which variables influence the success of changes within the care route between hospitals and nursing homes. The development and testing of a conceptual framework which eventually includes the independent variables power, leadership and resistance and the dependent variable successful change was a necessity. Successful change is made variable by focusing on the achievement of predetermined goals a change effort has. Testing of this framework is conducted within the care route of hospitals and nursing homes. All in order to be able to provide a general valid research outcome on what the main stakeholder's view is on when change efforts/projects can be characterized as successful ones and which role(s) power, leadership and resistance (can) play to bring about successful changes within the mentioned care route. Results A case study in and around the large city hospital University Medical Centre Groningen and one in and around the peripheral hospital Nij Smellinghe Drachten confirmed that the variables power, leadership and resistance are significant influence variables to come to successful changes within this care route. The study was conducted in and around the hospitals, this means that opinions from general practitioners, nursing homes and their heads of care, medical specialists from the hospital, a region manager and a care insurer were collected. All stakeholders that (can) have influence and involvement during developing and implementing changes and were related to the cases. Next to the confirmation on the three influence variables, the study shows that power can influence the success of changes because powerful parties can direct changes towards their own (also non nursing home care issues) interests instead of care interests. The stakeholder(s) who are the money provider to change can be seen as the powerful ones. But also hospitals and medical specialists are powerful groups. To achieve successful change, the study showed that working in a power balance seems most appropriate, this has worked. Feeling of mutual dependence and having equal interest is essential. Concerning leadership it is often the initiator of change who acts as the leader. This can be appropriate, but because participation and involvement is announced as important for success, forming kind of project teams to lead the change is even more appropriate. Naming the most appropriate leadership style for successful change is not really possible after the study. Resistance can be managed and is also necessary. Resistance is most of the times present because as well personnel as management have specific interests and are afraid of losing it. Also because people find it often difficult to leave a status quo.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Supervisor name: Hilberts mr. R. Wenckebach Instituut
Supervisor name: Prins, mw. dr. K.S. Bedrijfskunde
Faculty: Economics and Business
Keywords: Veranderingsprocessen, Zorgtrajecten, Ziekenhuizen, Verpleeghuizen
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 10:39
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2020 10:39

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