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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Universele screening naar mismatch repair deficiëntie bij colorectaal carcinoom niet zinvol

Elferink, R.L. (2018) Universele screening naar mismatch repair deficiëntie bij colorectaal carcinoom niet zinvol. thesis, Medicine.

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Introduction: Mismatch repair (MMR)-analysis using microsatellite instability (MSI)- or immunohistochemistry (IHC)- analysis is performed in patients with colorectal carcinoma (CRC) < 70 years. Based on the results, referral to a clinical genetic centre is indicated to perform additional gene analysis to identify Lynch syndrome (LS). Moreover, the results of the MMR-analysis are important for the choice in surgery and to establish the effectiveness of adjuvant chemotherapy. The aim of this study is to determine whether universal MMR-analysis is useful. Methods: This research is a partly retrospective and partly prospective observational research. Consequences of MMR-analysis were compared between two cohorts of patients with newly diagnosed CRC before and after implementation of universal MMR-analysis in Isala. Cohort 1 consisted of all CRC-patients diagnosed between 01-01-2014 and 31-12-2017 and cohort 2 consisted of patients diagnosed between 01-01-2018 and 31-08-2018. Results: In total 529 patients were included and underwent MMR-analysis, of which 68 patients (12,9%) were classified as MMR deficient (dMMR). In cohort 1 the type of surgery was adjusted as a result of the outcome of the MMR-analysis in 3 patients, compared to 2 patients in cohort 2 (p=.349). No conclusions could be drawn from the results of the adjuvant chemotherapy. Thirty-eight patients were suspect for LS and 51 patients were referred to a clinical genetic centre. In both cohorts the same percentage of patients were referred justly (66,7%, p=1.00). However, in cohort 1, 4 patients were not referred unjust, compared to no patients from cohort 2 (p=.577). Additional gene analysis resulted in the detection of 8 gene mutations, all in patients < 70 years. Conclusion: In this study we found no significant differences between the 2 cohorts regarding the consequences of MMR-analysis. Therefore, the current guideline seems to be sufficient and universal MMR-analysis is not useful.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Supervisor name: Vos tot Nederveen dr. W.H. de MDL-arts and Leicher drs. L.W. MDL and Brohet dr. R.M. epidemioloog & Statisticus and Afdeling maag-, darm-
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 10:43
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2020 10:43

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