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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Peri – oral aging: a cross-sectional study in a Dutch Caucasian population.

Azimi, M. Z. (2021) Peri – oral aging: a cross-sectional study in a Dutch Caucasian population. thesis, Dentistry.

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Introduction In literature, there are hardly studies presented investigating the peri-oral aging processes. Therefore the aim of this study is to map and investigate these perioral aging processes in both men and women specified with aid of the validated Merz Aesthetics Scales (MAS). This will give insight in peri-oral aging in time and gender differences. Material & Methods Caucasian participants (n= 613) were randomly recruited (March 2019 - October 2020). Photographs proportions of the perioral region of the included participants were analyzed according to the MAS. Twelve groups (every ±50 men and ±50 women) were categorized based on ages and gender (20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 60, 60 – 70 and 70+). The following scale aspects were evaluated: nose-lip folds, marionette line, the volume of the lips, vertical lip lines and corners of the mouth. The Mann-Whitney U test was conducted after the Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant results. Significance was considered as p<.003 for age groups and p<.008 for the difference in gender after the Bonferroni correction. Results This clinical cross-sectional study showed the effect (p<.003) for all evaluated aspects of the peri-oral area in time and every decade (starting from the third decade). From the fourth decade onwards, lip volume decreases in both men and women (p<.003). From the fourth decade onwards, women have significantly (p<.008) more visible dynamic lip lines, from the sixth decade onwards more lip lines in rest, from the seventh decade more marionette lines (p<.008) and from the eight decade onwards deeper nasolabial lines as compared to men. Conclusion Aging ensures degenerative changes in the peri-oral area and starts clearly visible in the third decade. Increasing age results in more and deeper peri – oral lines and folds and a decrease in lip volume. Women tend to show more peri-oral aging –slowly but steadily- as compared to men. The role of menopause demands further research.

Item Type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Supervisor name: Gülbitti, H.A. M.D and Lei, B. van der M.D., Ph. D
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2025 12:11
Last Modified: 26 Feb 2025 12:11

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