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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Niet-deelname aan een gezondheidsscreening: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar oorzakelijke factoren en welke te beïnvloeden zijn

Venema, M.J. (2015) Niet-deelname aan een gezondheidsscreening: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar oorzakelijke factoren en welke te beïnvloeden zijn. thesis, Medicine.

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Introduction: To improve care for a growing population of frail elderly, the ‘Nationaal Programma Ouderenzorg’ (Nationwide program for care for the elderly) was implemented. Effects of the projects within this NPO, focused on delivering integral care, have to this date been only marginally better than or comparable to care as usual. A considerable portion of the invited elderly choose not to participate in these integral care projects. It is possible that these are the elderly who could benefit most from participation in these projects. Very little is known about these non-participants. This study aims to uncover reasons why these elderly choose not to participate in these integral care projects and if there are changes which could be made to these projects to improve participation of these elderly. Method: Data for this qualitative study was collected from semi-structured interviews. Elderly people were selected from the general care practises participating in the Wijs Grijs geriatric assessment program in the Dutch community of Drachten. The selected elderly had not responded to an invitation by their general practitioner to participate in the Wijs Grijs program. The selected elders were invited for participation in the study by telephone. Analysis of the interviews was done using the thematic analysis method and the QUAGOL system. Additionally, the Health Belief Model was used as a framework for the analysis of the interviews. Results: 49 Elderly people were invited to participate, 9 elderly agreed to and were suitable for participation. Non-participation in the Wijs Grijs Screening program had several modifying factors. Firstly, the elders perceived no health related problems which could profit from participation in the Wijs Grijs program. The elderly perceived no benefits from participation in the screening program. Secondly, there was very little brand awareness of the Wijs Grijs screening program among the interviewed elderly. Goals of the Wijs Grijs program were unclear and there were little to no external cues to action to participate. Conclusion: Participation to the Wijs Grijs screening program could be improved if more awareness surrounding its brand and name were to be generated. Also, better information about its goals and the possible benefits for the elders, given by the general practitioner as well as the employees of Wijs Grijs, might also improve participation. A significant portion of the elderly contacted for participation to the screening refused to participate. It is probable that these elderly have different reasons not to participate in the screening program compared to the elderly interviewed for this study. However, including these elderly in this study proved to be impossible using our current strategies.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Supervisor name: Facultair begeleider: and Zuidema, Prof. Dr. S.U. and Tweede begeleider: and Rietkerk, W. and Sectie Ouderengeneeskunde, Afdeling Huisartsengeneeskunde and UMCG
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 11:04
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2020 11:04

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