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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Samenwerken in een netwerkorganisatie

Datema, L.M.D. (Lydia) (2015) Samenwerken in een netwerkorganisatie. thesis, Other studies (UMCG).

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Introduction The research focuses on working together as network-based organization within the Wenckebach Institute (WI), part of the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG). The work of different sections of the Wenckebach Institute overlap in content and target audience. By profiting more of each other’s knowledge and qualities, services can be further improved. A network-based organization is well suited for collaboration between separate sections of the organization. Methods Since 2014, the separate sections of the WI are housed in one building. This research describes what possibilities there are for collaboration as network-based organization within the WI. Specifically, two sections are examined; PGSoM and CLAS. Results The most notable finding of the research is that employees are insufficiently aware of each other’s existence and tasks. At this moment, employees of the WI do not experience the organization as network-based. Existing networks are based on previous collaborations, but these are not extensive networks. Employees know that they are allowed to initiate networking, but do not know that this is expected of them. Employees expect a more facilitating role of the MT concerning the organization of networking meetings. In addition, they expect more communication concerning the expectations. Conclusion Collaborations in the current form derive from coordination meetings, or when employees that are already familiar reach out to each other for a possible assignment. Within both sections there are possibilities for (more) collaboration. The MT aims to increase collaboration and provides coworkers with the space to do this. Among coworkers there seems little resistance for increased collaboration. Despite the fact that the will exists to get to know coworkers, not all coworkers initiate contact themselves. Moreover, almost all coworkers believe that the structure of the building is inconvenient and not pleasant, and feel that this structure is not suited for accidental encounters. Coworkers want to get to know other colleagues in the organization, and want to be informed on each other’s occupations.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Supervisor name: Dijkstra, MSc. I.S.
Supervisor name: Lange, MSc. C.A. de
Faculty: Hanze University Groningen
Institute: Academie voor Sociale Studies
Keywords: Netwerkorganisatie,, Wenckebachinstituut, UMCG, samenwerken
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 10:57
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2020 10:57

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